
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, September 21, 2017

09-21-2017 What About British Prince William's Aunt and Uncle?(英国威廉王子的叔叔阿姨是什么事?)

09-21-2017 What About British Prince William's Aunt and Uncle?(英国威廉王子的叔叔阿姨是什么事?)

Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.

First meeting was all about to verify my identity. And all it took was for my to answer the question "What is your name?", I answered: "Min Fang"; "Who is my father?", I answered: "Fang, Wenhai" (Wenhai Fang)"; "Who is your mother?", I answered: "Wang, Boxian (Boxian Wang) and was asked to provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting right next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I  have everything."

This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.

Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard Chinese government propaganda this idea that I am being a person with Brain Control is a shit only(中文附后).
My response: This is, of course, because the logic who does not want to know the thought of a person who is wealthy and can make intellectual income.

Well, I am protected by U.S. laws including intellectual property laws. I am protected to be treated till completely cure as medical treatment technology already ensured so.

I must say those diplomats and senior government officials are entire worlds to ensure they can be on Brain Control as long as they have their jobs representing their government. No joking but purely same logic why would those information officers won’t want to know a foreign government’s thoughts.

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard this is also shared by some Americans’ to make move to shit me so and try to claim what I own.
My response: Why they think they can be exempt by other money hunters just like themselves? Why they think U.S laws can protect them from other money hunters if U.S. laws cannot protect me from them?

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured are some not same year alumni from my high school.
My response: Do not know how graduated from same high school in different years eligible them to shit me all over to make money or to authorize my money ownership.

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard this morning's British Community in US claimed I won't be allowed to step on British Soil if......
My response: Well, I heard this British Community in U.S are some Chinese graduated from my same high school in Nanjing, China. I do not know if this claim is to imply they are this successful already to own British territory.
----Sept 21st, 2017

Regarding why I am demanded to apology to British Prince William's Uncle and Aunt?
My response: British Prince William's aunt Princess Anne's daughter's sister-in-law is the rumored British woman assigned to be the wife to the man who “father my children”. Rumored this radio program's "shit me all over" is to ensure this British woman can be married as she desire if my children are not illegitimate.

Certainly this rumor caused some reactions from me that is not pretty. I do not know what is referred about British Prince William's Uncle or if that is British Prince George being implied. I moved into my current apartment since 2013, the previous apartment I lived in was in 2004. In between time, I was either a roommate or a homeless. The meeting I had participated was a phone conference in a law firm's conference room.
----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.

First meeting is all about verify my identity. And all it takes is for my to answer the question "what is your name?", "Who is my father?" and "Who is your mother?" and provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I  have everything."

This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.

Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.

----Sept 21st, 2017


第一次会议就是为了证实我的身份。就只需要我回答三个问题:“你叫什么名字?”,回答“方敏”; “你的父亲叫什么名字?”,回答“方文海”; “你的母亲叫什么名字?”,“王博贤”;然后提供证明文件。我的绿卡申请代表律师就坐在我旁边,回答了向他提出的问题“你有她的身份证明文件吗?”,律师当时回答的原话就是“我这儿什么都有。”





确实是如此,好在我有受到美国法律包括智慧产权法律的保护。我是受到法律保障可以彻底治好痊愈的, 就像医学治疗技术已经可以保障的。








