
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

07-14-2017 "It was announced so" is the answer to a lot of Why-s ("就是这样宣布的“其实是很多疑问的答案)

07-14-2017 "It was announced so" is the answer to a lot of Why-s (“就是这样宣布的”其实就是很多疑问的答案)

Did not hear much about this morning's broadcasting.(中文附后)
My response:It is not because I cannot hear anymore. But the volume is much lower, number of "working xbox" is also dramatically reduced.

By the way, a lot of people freaked out by the published number which is, by rumor, a core number suppose to be kept during treatment till last phase of treatment. I say take it easy, use POS->E-Mo feature would ease your anxiety completely.

Being honest,I had experienced watching high definition video clip with my naked eyes shut tight, and I had once experience one ear listen to upstairs neighbor's TV show, the other ear stretched to my next door's neighbor's activities. I am currently still experience video clips projected in my sound sleep. A couple of month ago I was in need to report that I assumed I had a dream of mine own that night. This is how I have been harassed each day and each night. Especially after October of 2015 when "dry run of the radio program" has been produced this way.

If you are curious why someone make a phone call can really help to erect your little brother for a woman you are not interested, you may get your answer if you call to have a check. It works the same way as some of you have already tried to access that published number. It is just an different access number, and that is all.

If you call for critical treatment package, this all can be treated completely in matter of 1-3 hours in average.

After you heard what had been broadcasted on the radio and how it has been in reality, if you concerned about what will happen to your own marriage, being the mother of your own husband's child(ren), you better think about it immediately without any putting off delay. (**This has been promoting on the radio program for over two years and how it has been to push to make it become a reality is what you heard already. It already spread everywhere how to become that impossible woman to replace you in your husband life even that was never your own husband's interested woman. Do not delay but think it through if this is already a reality in your life, you may not in the situation that you can afford to put it off. It was never without support. The support you heard loudly announced on the radio by the prominent to prove how privileged they are and that is all)

----Sept 14th, 2017

Why I did not call or let my attorneys call to have critical treatment package if it is effective treatment.
My response: If you heard it was announced "Let little creature take over" on the radio in early 2016, now you know this is that announcement was about. I was full body infected by bacteria after some organized promotion of this announcement in reality. The critical treatment package was available later in that year.

My doctors and I were all not went panic when this happened.

----Sept 14th, 2017

Heard tons of similar rumored stories.
Why radio company or its board of directors can not rule these obviously harassment intended group out from public channel broadcasting?
Answer: Because it was announced so on the radio in 2013. The announcement was nobody can touch this radio program.

Why Mr. Albert Gore is the biggest investor of the radio company?
Answer: Because it was announced so on the radio in 2013 time and recently repeated with "He invested biggest shits in this radio company." (Rumored Albert Gore is the person organized all these shits throwing.)

Why my intellectual income's pay check titled in my name have to be sent to those who deposited into their own names?
Answer: Because it was announced on the radio so in 2014 time. The announcements were "She (Min Fang) does not deserve this money, it should go do xxx"

I constantly call law's help on all these rumors I heard.

----Sept 14, 2017

Heard the reason why Albert Gore is so privileged to shit all is because otherwise he would be handsomely provided for by being a semen provider.
My response:  Why so many people in United States, where Child Protection is by law, would feel sorry for this person's failure of his obvious intention to create money anchor only pet child(ren)?

Honestly, why would any decent people would ever let this happen knowing he never intended to have anything beyond money had been fully expressed in July 1st of 2004 meeting already?

Why would any decent person would let this man or that man to have pregnancy-mother-born child(ren) knowing this man or that man already have a beloved child(ren) through naturally conceived pregnancy after July of 2004?

How could this "no money because of being not-allowed to abuse human reproduction" should be supported for this so-called "anger explosion"?

----Sept 14th, 2017






在你听过广播剧的一些播出内容后,在你得知真实生活中的一些事件后,作为你自己丈夫孩子的母亲,你要是很担心你自己的婚姻的话,赶紧想清楚,一分钟都别拖。(**This has been promoting on the radio program for over two years and how it has been to push to make it become a reality is what you heard already. It already spread everywhere how to become that impossible woman to replace you in your husband life even that was never your own husband's interested woman. Do not delay but think it through if this is already a reality in your life, you may not in the situation that you can afford to put it off. It was never without support. The support you heard loudly announced on the radio by those prominent intended to prove how privileged they are and that is all).













