
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, September 25, 2017

09-25-2017 Radio program's Horrifying Insides

09-25-2017  Radio program's Horrifying Insides

Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.

My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.

Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.

Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.

Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient..


Heard this morning's announcement this radio program going back to reality show style reporting stories.
My response: YES. YES. YES.

As announced, this radio program has been in a lot of ways "produced to perform robbery". If you have read this blog which recorded with time line, you will know this is not a joke at all.

----Sept 25th, 2017

Heard this radio program performing effort never intended to catch me.
My response: I do not know about that. I just knew my wealth has been denied of my ownership and my spending as owner was challenged for real, I just knew my wealth has been being demanded of "deserved ownership" of spending money as owner for real. (*Money either truly spent already or truly transferred under other's name, refused to transfer back and spendable).

I was announced a beggar and any place that has dealing with me being requested to "treat me as a beggar because it is truly so", all for real by this radio program and never presentation purpose only.

----Sept 25th, 2017

Heard Chinese team since 2015 try to argue to be included in today's announced reporting style radio producing.
My response: That is horrifying request.

This is the same Chinese producing group called Los Angelou's Chinese community to report on the radio that I was a U.S. fugitive already last year. This fake "fugitive" news, by rumor, was officially broadcasted on Chinese Central radio station as news report in "Central Radio's Daily Morning News Simulcast" Broadcasting(中央人民广播电台的新闻联播). (*I am a Massachusetts resident since 2004, before that were NY and CT since 1996).

This is the group made me screamed about pre-marriage child that grown up in Orphanage. Heard this has been propagandizing by O'Connors family (Tina O'Connor and her gang) among a lot of business places to belittle my children by stating Tina O'Connor shit me all over on the radio is based on I lied about my dating history. Tina O'Connor,as a Foreign Department employee, knew for sure that before 2004, at least, it is impossible to pregnant with a child during college time by Chinese college policy on pregnancy.

I am still having my virgin belly and I do have OB/GYN medical records since 2000 when I started to have health insurance. That orphan, by rumor,  was born in April of 1990, that was three months before I graduated from college. Entire college time I had lived in a 7-8 person a room dorm and that child supposed to be born when I was sleeping on a upper bunker bed with 7 other people in the same room plus Chinese policy of "pregnancy means immediately fired from college education permanently upon discovery" and plus I was in a medical school.

And in order to make this shit, my college education in China was denounced on the radio program by Chinese government privileged employee or equivalent stating no such college name exists anymore. It was due to college's name change was never explained and never intended to be explained by specially grouped Chinese producing team.

Horrible, horrible Tina O'Connor and her O'Connors gang. Horrible, horrible this term's Chinese Government Administration.

----Sept 25th, 2017

Heard some argument on anger regarding my Major Featured Person fee income from radio program.
My response: This is possibly the reason of my $3 Billion radio company's paid out major feature person fee (till end of 2012) paycheck was deposited into someone else's name.

The anger is:
A writer's fiction's or autobiography's copyright income has no such major featured person fee at all even the original story based upon is recognizable.

The difference between this radio program's producing and a writer's copyright.
Not only because my audio materials were provided by my security tape record, and also because producing team did not need to work on digging out the story about me to know if there are some stories interesting enough to write about. My audio materials have been provided "pre-filtered already" according to radio program's producing team's producing structure and schedule. It was decided this way in July 1st of 2004's meeting. The value recognition of this share of work is also ruled by U.S. laws and paid already.

----Sept 25th, 2017