
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, September 23, 2017

09-23-2017 Freedom of Speech vs Announcements Legitimacy

09-23-2017 Freedom of Speech vs Announcements Legitimacy

Heard this morning's announcement from a Chinese actor regarding my money.
My response: The announcement was"Chinese woman Min Fang (方敏)will be prosecuted if she dare to claim that two French Funds." I was like "Why would that happen when I claim my lawful money?"
----Sept 23rd, 2017

Heard this morning's announcements about overseeing producing of this radio program.
My response: That has been my complain and the reason I said public channel has been abducted like by this radio program.

After I filed so many complains about how this radio program being produced under that Jessica's actually (illegal) supervision, why this radio company's CEO can hire her to let her "lawfully" continue supervise this radio program, how this "lawful" hiring can make all this complains about producing this radio program otherwise?

My understanding, United States lawful freedom of speech can only be ensured free and lawful when being supervised lawfully and professionally.

I have the similar anger about those deserved frustration regarding my inherited money. You do not hear a lot deserved from doubts if my grandfathers wills are clear, all you can hear is deserved by "fucked by" experience. All demands are from being directly or indirectly fucked by a man who got nothing to do with me or from that nothing-to-do-with-me man himself. Hard to believe any rich people would support these demands knowing a lot of them do have a member on themselves to be easily confused than me on if there are sexual experiences. I am only being a female Massachusetts resident.

* I am lucky that all wills written by my grandfathers are all very clear and family heir birthmark's inheriting rule is not easy to be confused.
----Sept 23rd, 2017

Heard some saying of "have to find out" on who told me that I own that two French Funds.
My response: You do not need to investigate on who told me so, because what matters is if I do own this two French funds. By laws, I do.

If you have difference on if I own this or that fund, you go file lawsuit in U.S justice court if that is your money I claimed.

If you concern that I mis-claimed someone else's money, you can leave the issue to that someone else who owns the money, or just inform law enforcement or that someone else if you know who that person is, or you can send me an email using the email address that you can have from the title section of this web blog.

If I receive your email, I will send one copy to FBI to tip law enforcement if this is from authentic sender, and I will publish your email and publish my answer or explanation on this web blog.

If you decide to file a lawsuit against me for any reason, you can call 1800 number that was published by radio program on May 16th, 2017. If you insist on sending me the court notice intend to take advantage of my current "financial" situation, I will send one copy to FBI, the law enforcement, with my personal letter saying that I expect my attorneys to take care of this if I do have attorneys.

**I handle some doubts about my claims on my published blog articles this way is out of my bad experiences of "not allowed" to say if I have inheritances by whoever willing to promote this radio program's illegal announcements of "how I (Min Fang) have no money".

----Sept 23rd, 2017