
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

09-12-2017 All About Glass House Cancer and its Public Deck Harassment (都是脑控癌及其”大众可通联“相关的)

09-12-2017 All About Glass House Cancer and its Public Deck Harassment (都是脑控癌及其”大众可通联“相关的)

Heard this morning's talk of glass house cancer "open to public accessible decks"(中文附后).
My response: I am not the person concerned about this "threats of harassment" because of my glass house cancer.

If you are privileged to have access to treatment instrument, and if you have the privilege to treat yourself, you can try to  clean the neck area (passage from trunk to head) as much as possible to speed up treatment effectively.

If you are a concerned public,  you can prepare some money (credit card plus cash card) for that $50,000 deposit, in case you need, to call your veteran friend or Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance for the reference to request Critical Treatment Package for Brain Control. It is just a phone call away to make a reservation to know all it takes is an average 1-3 hours' treatment to be freed from this harassment anxiety. If you are not in immediate concern, you can have this peace of mind to know it is not scary at all if you already have that $50,000 deposit prepared and a number to call whenever you need if you need, and it can be in only a couple of hours time to be freed from your concern if you are concerned.

----Sept 12th, 2017

Heard some question about not all Blue Cross Blue Shield offices open to this insurance.
My response: This treatment is a remote Laser treatment. You can just call those offices that offer this insurance to request this remote treatment regardless of where you are.
----Sept 12th, 2017

Heard some question about why $50,000 deposit.
My response: Heard it is free medical check up if you call to treat. It is $1000 for medical checkup if you call to check and call back to treat. The $50,000 deposit for both case is because treatment won't stop once it started till entire critical treatment package covered items being treated. The average treatment normally cost about $10,000-$30,000 ($10,000/hour), but some severe situation may reach $50,000 to be treated.
----Sept 12th, 2017

Heard curiosities about how I am in this situation.
My response: Not bad. I currently live in famous college town Boston, MA where tons of colleges offer Bio-Medical Engineer related undergraduate or graduate program. There is always somebody knowledgeable enough to answer inquiries on this matter related curiosities as inquirers' own trusted.
----Sept 12th, 2017

Heard this morning's question about a Chinese male's doubt if there is any male available for a female in U.S.
My response: There are tons of American males who are still singles if my romance's so unwanted propaganda's result is what this married male or unwanted old bachelor's concerns that publicly expressed, regardless if this male is a Chinese or not.

I am wealthy enough to be eligible to be a well groomed fanciful American female to trouble anyone's anxiety over my romance opportunities, that is not to mention I am on my way of being my young healthy self already. I am just in waiting to have my own financial means to be well groomed. I admit I am not good at grooming myself.

This is the person I never even met in person, Possibly the confidence is from the wife or the girlfriend by knowing I am a female MA resident who is impossible not to fancy some female breasts. (* Massachusetts of United States is the first place ever in this whole world has a lawful marriage for two females. Please read the article how I was so confused before I realize it is all because I am a female Massachusetts' resident. This article is just one of my clarification efforts that I have published. Min Fang's clarification on August 5th, 2017 )

----Sept 12th, 2017



如果你是一个很担心的老百姓,你可以准备好一些现金(信用卡和现金卡),美金五万元的样子。这样的话,一旦你有需要就可以通过打电话给你的退伍军人朋友或者通过蓝十字蓝盾保险公司(Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance)所介绍的电话要求进行脑控癌的治疗。就只需要打一通电话就可以知道也就只是平均1-3个小时的治疗就可以免除这一份被骚扰的惊恐。如果你现在不是很担心,你也可以把这美金五万给准备好,一旦你需要就可以随时拨打电话要求治疗,也就是几个小时你就可以不再担心了。







我本人就有足够的属于我自己的经济实力可以把自己打扮成一个美美的,花枝招展的美国女人,真是不至于会为了自己是否有浪漫的机会而担心, 更不用说我现在是在逐步恢复成原先那个年轻健康的我。我不过是在等着用我自己的钱把我自己打扮得美美的。我承认我不是太会自己打扮自己。

这个人是个我见也没见过的, 可能那份自信是从他老婆或是女朋友那儿来的。他们大概是因为知道了我是一个居住在美国麻州的女性,就认定我没有可能不馋女人的奶子。(美国麻州是这个地球上第一个两个女人可以合法结婚的地方。请参阅这篇在我弄清一切就只因为我是麻州女性居民之前我有多困绕的博文,这还只是我的一些与此有关的说明博文中的一篇而已。方敏在2017年8月5日的声明 )
