
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, September 8, 2017

09-08-2017 English Literature Confusion & "Ridiculous Confusion" (英语文学的纠结和"莫名其妙的纠结")

09-08-2017 English Literature Confusion & "Ridiculous Confusion" (英语文学的纠结和莫名其妙的纠结)

Heard this morning's broadcasting is teaching American people some English as this radio program has been.(中文附后)
My response: This has been an insiders' known issue for some time already.

I am a new immigrant in U.S for 8 years only in 2005 to have this radio program a huge success cause a lot of "how" agitation among American English Literature major graduated, non-immigrants (not first or second generation immigrants)) in U.S.

Last year I clarified on Boston 96.9 FM that radio program's success is my story plus authentic American producing team's great talents to have this radio program an Authentic American Radio Program, current radio program's producing has more than one American Harvard University English Literature Professors involved.

Tina O'Connor, who has huge personal issues with me, is a particularly "how" agitated English Literature major who insists on to participate producing this radio program has caused a lot of issues. Some of her English Literature majored O'Connor cousins who have their shared family wealth confusion are also participating this radio program's producing, you can certainly imagine how confused O'Connors are from your confusion as audience towards this radio program.

And this "English major" confusion also from Chinese "English as Foreign language major" producing team, my 8 years in U.S. as a resident and over 5 years full time job with oral and written English's daily practicing in American companies(both before 2005) seems does not count when considering my English language skills.

Heard this morning's episode is producing team's effort to showcase 1980 China's language style that you do not append what was said by you own assumption. What is said can only be understood as word by word by each word's dictionary definition.

The issue is the guideline of producing. The point of producing this radio program's featured theme is to prove I do not deserve to have any children, or to probe why these people's saying confused everyone.

----Sept 8th, 2017

Heard there is a lot of people start to share my anger of some ridiculous challenging.
My response: I have some experience to share with you to take some of these "ridiculous challenges" easily.

I am a known person who has been treated for my glass house cancer for two and half years. This two and half years treatment experience has been a rocky road till recently.

What made me screamed include: turn of treatment instrument during treatment, take away treatment laser needles and refuse to handover upon the boss's request, turn off entire building's electricity during treatment... The reason was these people did verified my medical treatment has been paid by my own money, and that was exactly the reason they were doing so.

 I was constantly screaming, my attorneys were constantly complaining, everyone from treatment providers' were gossiping what could possibly be the reason for these real agitated real anger explosion towards knowing my treatment being paid by my own money has been verified by themselves through treatment providers' accounting departments checking with their own(law people).

They were asked by their boss why they did that, they answer with angrily shaking voice saying " She is paying by her own money, She can't be doing this to this place, I will do everything to stop this."

My treatment has been remote treatment, entire time I have been a resident somewhere remotely during my treatment, what could I possibly do to these treatment providers? This was asked by their boss. The answer their boss got was: "She is paying by her own money. Why don't you get this? Our budget is to treat our own patients, we can't let her being treated in this place, we have our owns to treat. I will do everything don't let her take advantage of this place." This answer is certainly more confusing.

One day, there was another pissed off group, this group's experience was: The boss kept saying "I told you not to do this", the once good employee kept replied with "OK, I am doing this right in front of you, OK?" every time.

When I heard this story, I said as an very calm outsider that I had this similar experience if you tell me turn right, I repeat with you by saying "OK, I am turning right" and actually I turned left. If you confront me why I turned left, I would answer you with "You told me to turn right, and I turned right, what is your problem?"

If you have similar experience, Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance offer "Brain Control" treatment insurance plan to check if "Brain Control" bio-medical health situation is the real reason of these kind "ridiculous challenging".

----Sept 8th, 2017




因为和我之间的私人矛盾, Tina O'Connor是一个特别纠结“怎么会”的英语文学专业的毕业生,她本人坚持要参与广播剧的制作是造成广播剧很多问题的原因。她还有一些O'Connor家的英语文学专业毕业的堂兄弟姐妹亲戚,他们和她有着同样纠结的“O'Connor家的困扰”也在参与这个广播剧的制作,从你们作为听众对广播剧播出内容的困扰,你们应该可以想象这份“O'Connor家的困扰”是什么样的一个纠结。

这份“英语专业”的困扰也是“英语作为外语专业的大学毕业生”中国大陆制作团队的困扰,2005年之前我在美国已经生活8年并且在美国人的公司(没有一个华人)全职上班用英语听说读写进行工作上的交流也已经不只5年的时间, 所有这些好像没有成为我英语能力应该会是什么程度的考量成分。




我对一些”挑衅根本就是莫名其妙“的愤怒, 很多人也有同样的感受。





总做周至,我的治疗都是远程治疗,治疗期间我是一直即每天都住在离治疗单位很远很远的外地。他们的老板就问他们:我能对这些治疗单位做些什么呀?他们给他们老板的回答是:“她是在用她自己的钱在支付治疗费用。你怎么就弄不明白? 我们的经费是用来治疗我们自己的常规门诊病人的,我们不能让她在这个治疗单位进行治疗,我们有我们自己的常规门诊病人需要(我们的经费)进行治疗。我会尽最大努力不让她占这个治疗单位的任何便宜。” 这个回答让听者更是莫名其妙。

有一天,我听说了这么一群人怒气冲天地经历:老板不停地说“你不要这么做”,曾今工作表现很好的员工就不停的回答:“好吧,我就在这里当你的面做,可以了吧?”, 每次如此。


如果你有类似的经历,你可以打听一下Blu Cross Blue Shield有提供针对“脑控癌”治疗的保险计划,有些这种莫名其妙的挑衅是否是因为“脑控癌”的生物医学状况造成。
