
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, September 10, 2017

09-10-2017 Hunger game like radio program and Glass house cancer related Information (电影饥馑游戏似的广播剧以及脑控癌相关的信息)

09-10-2017 Hunger game like radio program and Glass house cancer related Information (电影饥馑游戏似的广播剧以及脑控癌相关的信息)

Heard this morning's talk of my children(中文附后).
My response: I, Min Fang,  strongly refuse to use my biological birth children to do the radio program to prove the point "their birth father has the lawful freedom to have a new marriage by "US government's support" if necessary, even if that is complete not their own birth father's own willingness to participate this just-to-prove-so-radio-show".

My own experience of being the major featured person of this radio program already make it very clear, with world wide audience as witness, that my own money is current under entrusting but fancied by a lot of "money deserved" put me into life this threatening hunger-game movie like radio program producing.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let my children who carry my blood to be in this situation to have this kind life threatening possibilities just because my wealth is their inheritable. I, Min Fang, now declare this pair of my own biological birth children cannot inherit any of my any money and/or any of my any money equivalent and/or my any inherited and/or anything that is mine if their father insist on to have a new marriage with this pair of children before I can unite with my biological children.

----Sept 10th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about how Tina O'Connor can manipulate this or that person since the day she met this or that person.
My response: Well, I did hear the rumor if this Tina O'Connor is interested in somebody she met, she would offer a drink, rumored weird taste fluid, to the person with a saying "drink this, you are mine forever".

I also heard glass house cancer can be infected by this kind of weird taste fluid. If you have tasted this to be weird taste, well, it may truly means you are hers forever till you decide to call Blue Cross Blue Shield to check out if glass house cancer is the means she can manipulate you. I heard she offered this drink thing to everybody she had ever dated.

----Sept 10th, 2017

Heard public panic on rumors of this kind infection through seafood or any kind food.
My response: This kind thing, rumored sea creature possible bacteria, normally can not pass human digestion system's strong acid environment (you must heard of acid reflex which is caused by too much strong acid in a human's stomach). The only possible chance food can cause glass house cancer infection, as rumored, is you are being a target that certain arrangement has already made to specially transfer this kind of bacteria into your system before contaminated food reach into your body's digestion system. And if indeed you are being targeted, there are tons of ways to get you infected.

From what I know, own willingness to participate glass house cancer related research is a must has been the policy from research related institutes since the beginning of this glass house cancer research. Some said some related research is only "known to participate", what I heard is this "known to participate" is not applicable to general public.

If there are illegal activities for a lot of people need to call Blue Cross Blue Shield to buy insurance for medical treatment, I myself already tipped law enforcement those rumors I heard of.

----Sept 10th, 2017

Heard this morning mentioned my picture post.
My response: I have another one I took about 6-7 months ago for my school cohort team. That photo took me some to this "finally can be posted picture". I have to cover my head because it looks like gorilla's, and I have to find a good angle otherwise I look like a Chinese male Kongfu movie star Jackie Chen (成龙)。I had this mouth and chin areas like a big concrete captured in this one but bare-able photo.

I was very happy the other night I can do 4 photos easily, and I am happy my forehead is a human one now. It is only in 6-7 month time, and I knew currently medical treatment is accelerating vastly.

Here are the photos. Notice my nose shortened, my eyebrow area, my chin and my left side face are still need a lot of treatment. Now I have a humanly forehead now. My treatment started when I could only recognize my right eye's out corner is mine recognizable. I still remembered when I in need of taking a photo for my driver license, doctors had to help to ensure I can have a photo that can be recognized as a photo ID some time later.

                                                    Photo I took in March 2017

Photo I took on September 8th, 2017

----Sept 10th, 2017





听说了今天早上谈话提到Tina O'Connor从认识这个那个人的那天开始就是可以摆布这个那个的。
我的回应:我是有听说如果这个Tina O'Connor对这个那个人有兴趣的话,她就会邀请这个那个人喝她所奉上的一杯尝起来怪怪的液体,同时说上一句“喝了这个,你就永远都是我的了。”

已经永远都是她的了,直到你联络Blue Cross Blue Shield要求做一下检查以确定是否脑控癌是她可以摆布你的原因。我是有听说她是有邀请每一个和她谈过恋爱的人喝下这么一种液体。



就我所知,必须本人自愿参与是脑控癌相关研究机构从一开始就有的政策。有人说一些脑控癌相关的研究是一种“知情参与”方式, 我听说的是这种“知情参与”方式不适用于普通老百姓。

至于是否有一些违法活动造成了很多人需要打电话给Blue Cross Blue Shield买保险进行治疗,我本人是已经把我所听说的一些传言举报给了警方。






