
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

09-05-2017 The Braved, The Prestiged and The Promised(勇敢的,傲慢的,承诺的)

09-05-2017 The Braved, The Prestiged and The Promised(勇敢的,傲慢的,承诺的)

Heard this morning's proud of bravery announcement "Willing to be a mother fucker to father a whore born"(中文附后).
My response:   Be the mother fucker as you wish to father the whore born for all generations to remember. You should go on fuck your birth mother to proudly announce yourself " PROUD to be the one really BRAVE enough to fuck the own birth mother with own birth father sharing the movements at the same time. " That could be the real proud your family name's proudly stands for all generations to come.

I am truly glad I have nothing to do with you, and never had anything to do with you.
I am truly happy my bloody own children have nothing to do with you, and never had anything to do with you.

----Sept 5th, 2017

Some said why you need to stand high instead of instead of stand by.
My response: I refuse to be abused by malicious intentional murder like destroying effort. It is a matter of fact presentation style which leaves no room for me to argue if that is not intentional. And I do not see why I need to argue at all with the matter of fact presented already.

I refuse to be destroyed by is the reason I refused to stand by.

----Sept 5th, 2017

Some said if this is the return of all these efforts.
My response: Absolutely. You get what you seed is already an ancient saying in U.S. and in P. R. China.
----Sept 5th, 2017

Heard there were people faking crying "I really want to be your friend (to make it all up to you)", or just "I want to make it all up to you, (you just tell me how)."
My response: Please call 1-800 telephone number published on May 16th, 2017 via the radio program to express this willingness and to request some legal documentations to sign.

I have told my attorneys to prepare some legal documentations for you to sign for you to make it all up to me in one and only way that I would say might validly prove you mean to make it all up to me & my children for everything you did to me and my children: Let me cut your real biological head completely off from you body trunk. I will prove it to you that I will cut your head off with no strength reserved, and I will cut your head off completely even if that means I may need a hammer to help out this cut-your-head-off promise.

----Sept 5th, 2017

听说了今天早上骄傲的勇敢宣言:“就是乐意做个操妈的, 就是乐意做个婊子养的当爹”。








