
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

09-06-2017 Why Chinese government need to fly 12 hours to be jealous of whom ? (为什么中国政府要飞12个小时来吃谁的醋?)

09-06-2017 Why Chinese government need to fly 12 hours to be jealous of whom ?(为什么中国政府要飞12个小时来吃谁的醋?)

Heard this morning's indirect complain why I swear about none-of-my-business things(中文附后).
My response: I apologize.

I do apologize here for a lot of swears I directed to his relatives. I still have no idea about a lot of things, but I do appreciate the efforts of shielding my children.

I assumed I must be famous in Boston law enforcement how I insanely tried to go to New York City to ask British Consulate's help to get to London to reach to my "British Children" after I heard some rumors about how much they were disliked. I was stopped on a local highway by police officers when I was trying to ask for a ride.

----Sept 6th, 2017.

Heard some angers shared with me from reading my web blog.
My response: I appreciate those who share my feelings. I will continue my honest style about what I know or what I do not understand, and I promise I will correct my own saying if I made some wrong assumptions.

Example is Jessica,  the accused one who took my $3 Billion radio company's paid out income. I still do not share her anger why she can't take my money, and I still do not get any idea why she is privileged to take my money. But I do give credit and respect to those who care about her feelings to find out what is the possible issue(s), those decent big names I respect who associate with her also aware I do have my own wealth. I did call law enforcement's help as I wrote on my web blog and I do understand it maybe very confusing.

----Sept 6th, 2017

Heard Chinese government's anger on possibility that I was financially incentived to accuse them as a government.
My response: I has not been financially incentived by anyone. I already filed my U.S.green card application as a computer programmer and I did not intend to apply for asylum immigration visa, I had no need and I did not intend to accuse Chinese government in anyway anyhow in January of 2004, there was some misunderstanding about my understanding of 8 years Chinese-Japanese war in WWII time.

I did comment if Chairman Mao (Mao, Zedong) and President Jiang (Jiang, Jieshi) could put off their ambitions about achieving their vision of China to join force to fight against Japan, it may not take China 8 years to win the war. People's Republic of China's government took this very badly.

When I talked about my understanding of WWII, I admired Japanese military's unprecedentedly united to every single war their Generals led that never ever happened in worldly history of wars, and I did my comment saying of China anti-Japan forces' lack of this caused 8 years of fighting. I used Chinese Civil war as example to say Chinese then leaders, Chairman Mao and President Jiang, both were very good at strategies was the reason I said lack of this "United to win" caused China took 8 years time to win the war.

I did accuse Chinese government "in the name of jealous to fly 12 hours away from the beloved marriage partner to come to U.S." to have this shit-me-all-over campaign, on the radio and on every aspects of my life through organized radio program's promotions, to destroy my life in United States. I did accuse Chinese government employees used Chinese government's name and resources to attempt to devoid me from my inheritances by insist on to propaganda I have no money. I did accuse financial gain is the reason of all these shit-me-all-over performances organized by Chinese government. Why O'Connors family, being a generational U.S. Senators family since almost 200 years ago, would need Chinese government's help on a U.S. fund's legal ownership? I accused Chinese government's employees' and their families intended financial gains motivated their performing "public robbery" that caused my current situation. It is calculated as 20% of the fund size as "helping to rename" service fee to donate to Chinese government as unexpected tax, in order to make 10% tax incentive from Chinese Un-projected tax income of this "20% of the fund size" as "their own hard-earned cleaning money", all these are suppose to be called public armed robbery and money-laundry, etc. criminal activities by U.S. laws. (Public channel broadcasted radio program is the fire-arm equivalent in use)

I have been fighting to protect my own money not to be publicly robbed, and I shitted Chinese government for Chinese government's help and support as a government on what I accused as "publicly rob my money campaign".

----Sept 6th, 2017

Heard there were some confusions caused some Chinese government's fine could not execute cause public anger among Chinese.
My response: Heard China did have some misunderstanding about government fine's calculation base upon.

A couple of years ago, I heard there were some rumored stories about some Chinese riches want to practice their lawful rights to spend their lawful money as they wish on "buying all bought-able crops and burn it all".  I did participated rumored story-telling in my glass house cancer session by suggesting "only very very limited and very very expensive crops can be bought for this lawful buy-to-burn rights practicing with government arranged very very expensive fire safety assurance efforts", and I do support Chinese government's heavy fine on this kind of activities.

I heard the fine suggested is 95%. Based on my knowledge about U.S. government's common 200%-300% fine is based on the money actually spend on fined activities. So $1 Million on practicing this buy-to burn, as suggested by Chinese government, would mean 95% of this $1 Million as fine amount. I heard Chinese government's suggested 95% fines have been understood as 95% of entire wealth caused enormous angers from riches and Chinese government's unable to fine further caused public anger regarding this matter.

----Sept 6th, 2017

I was asked how I felt about what is going on cause my life.
My response: I felt all these challenges against U.S. laws are unusual because of all these campaign like movements. I felt if there is an opportunity, just an excuse actually to get my money, there would be some organized movements attempt to make a creek thing in U.S laws to have this opportunity; and if there is a creek in US Laws, the effort is to organize some movements to make this creek a big opening. I am currently obviously relaxed a lot because I am protected by U.S.laws.
----Sept 6th, 2017











我确实指责了中国政府“以吃醋为名,和挚爱的婚姻伴侣分开,飞了12个小时到美国来闹吃醋”来进行这场向我泼屎扔粪的活动,通过广播剧,通过推销广播剧从我生活的各个方面进行骚扰以达到摧毁我在美国(与他们完全无关的)的生活之目的。我确实指责了中国政府一些工作人员利用中国政府名义和中国政府资源企图通过坚持到处宣传我没钱来“做空”我的私人财产,我确实指责企图谋取财产是中国政府组织这场向我扔屎泼粪演出的真正目的。作为一个在美国已经有将近200年历史(每代都是参议员)的参议员家族的O'Connor家族,为什么会需要中国政府的支持帮助才能弄清一个美国基金的法律所有权问题? 我指责中国政府的一些官员和他们家属的贪财动机所演出”公然抢劫”造成了我现在的处境。基金总额的20%被当成是“基金主人换个名字的帮忙手续费”,作为计划外的税收上交中国政府,再领取10%的税务返还奖励作为“他们自己挣的和我一点关系都没有的干干净净的钱”,所有这些在美国都属于“公然武装抢劫”,“洗钱”等美国法律规定的刑事犯罪活动。(通过公共屏道播出的广播剧就是抢劫武器)。




一两年前,我听说过一些中国的富豪要行使他们有权按自己意愿花自己的合法钱的权利,他们要把"当年的农业收成都买下然后都给烧了", 我是有通过我的“脑控癌聊天室”参与过这些聊天并建议“就只有非常非常有限的,非常非常昂贵的农业收成可以被这么合法地买下来烧了,这还得是在由政府组织的非常非常昂贵的防火措施保护下才可以进行”。我也支持中国政府对此种行为的重罚。

我是听说了建议的罚款是95%。按照我在美国生活的认知,美国政府动不动就罚个200% 或者300%都是按照参与这种行为活动的实际花费金额来算的。就是说你花了100万来买了就烧,那你就得另交这00万的95%作为罚款。听说中国政府建议的这95%罚款被误认为是富豪们全部财产的95%,造成富豪们的愤怒,而中国政府不能就这种行为活动进行罚款又进一步引发社会大众的愤怒。


