
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, September 15, 2017

09-15-2017 Historical Issues and My Glorious Family History(历史上的过节以及我显赫的家世)

09-15-2017 Historical Issues and My Glorious Family History(历史上的过节以及我显赫的家世)

Heard this morning's British Royal's Historical Issue.(中文附后)
My response: This is a truly historically issue that well known before the young and handsome British Prince and I were born.

The issue started in eighteen century Queen Victoria time regarding East India Company's financier. British Prince's argument today was that it was by law in 1900 already that any entrust over 500 years old can be considered as no-owner fund.

My argument today was can be considered as no-owner does not mean it is no owner. By law, a missing person can be considered dead if missing over certain time, but that does not mean this person has to be dead if one day this person finally showed up.

I inherited all my grandfathers' entrusts according to their wills on June 30th 2004 and I re-entrusted my inherited wealth on July 1st of 2004 to original entrusting groups, aka before June 30th of 2004 groups, of attorneys and accountants.

British are known for taking care of historical issues very romantically since Queen Victoria time,  I must be very unattractive to the young and handsome British Prince to be rejected after being mentioned.

----Sept 15th, 2017

Some O'Connors argument on my July 1st of 2004's entrust was never acknowledged by Attorney O'Connor.
My response: That is because Attorney O'Connor is not part of the original entrusting group that representing the entrusters (my grandfathers), aka  before June 30th of 2004 groups,  and Attorney O'Connor is not part of the entrusting group that representing the entruster (me) after I entrusted my wealth on July 1st of 2004.

There are several American funds are my inheritances because those funds were set up by my grandfathers' entrusts that I inherited.

Attorney O'Connor had been attorney representing three of my inherited funds' American child funds, but he is not entrusting attorney to any of my inheritances and he is not entrusting attorney of any of my inheritances' American child funds.

Attorney O'Connor, his attorney father and his attorney grandfathers had never been my grandfathers' entrusts' entrusting attorneys to represent my grandfathers. Attorney O'Connor was never my entrusting attorney to represent me.

----Sept 15th, 2017

Heard Albert Gore deserve to have some money because his father had worked for one of my inheritance fund's American child fund.
My response: Albert Gore and his friends' arguments that this fund should provide for Albert Gore's family living cost based on his father's 10 years work history has been ridiculous.

This privately owned fund is never part of U.S. Social Security's benefits.

I have accused Albert Gore's father's and uncle's attorney firms had abused attorneys' power to disadvantage my interests during 10 years time when they were hired to represent this American Fund.

This American Fund may have been managing retirement funds including funds invested by Social Security, but this privately owned American Fund is not part of U.S. Social Security or its benefits.

Albert Gore's father's and uncle's attorney firms had been hired as contracted attorney firms and had been paid as contractors' price. Employees of these attorney firms were never part of this American fund's staff.

There are no  this-American-Fund's-employees'-only-business-spending, and there are no this-American-Fund's-employees'-only-pensions, and there are no this-American-fund's-employees-only-401K-contributions that should ever be considered as any contractors' benefits

By the way, the O'Connor's family had been contracted attorney firms, the same as above.

----Sept 15th, 2015

Heard this morning's mention of Beijing Olympic Game's Opening's "Original Source" speech.
My response: I am very curious about it.

There is ancient Zhou dynasty that one of my grandmother was decedent from, a fifteen hundreds years time in between. This dynasty's Emperors were famous mathematicians and were famous for good in Stars alignments' readings in Chines History.

Fenshui is from one of this dynasty's Emperor's authored book <ZhouYi>. 

勾三股四玄五" in this dynasty's Emperor's authored book <Zhoubisuanjing>Principle: if a rectangular triangle's two shore sides are 3 and 4 means the long side is 5)

There was some speculation about if Mediterranean god Zous is an Emperor from this Chinese dynasty and pronounced as "Zous (Zhou's)", I checked online and found out it seems possible from time in history (Zhou dynasty is between 1000BC-700BC). There is a Chinese God is from this dynasty's Emperor (周文王).

It is interesting, this Zhou dynasty is famous for its mathematics development and music instrument development (based on mathematics calculation of tone accuracy).

Han dynasty is famous for agriculture engineering, Tang dynasty is famous for music, poets and paintings.

These dynasties' Emperors are famous for their achievements in their own dynasties specialties.

My grandfather was college majored in building architecture and he could draw;
My Father was Chinese military's mapping specialist and is college majored in astrophysics;
I myself is college majored in pharmacology (an engineer like in healthcare industry) and graduated in Computer Science (mathematics related).

My father was an Editor to Chinese Astrophysics magazine, and I have "my chats collection" featured through this radio program, I do not know anything about my grandfather's literature side. Possibly Since this grandfather of mine, we are no longer educated by private tutors on Chinaology that covers Chinese Literature, Chinese music, Chinese Philosophy, etc.

What I am trying to say is we do not biologically featured our known grandfathers, but resemble a lot to mysterious Zhou dynasty Emperors who were our ancient grandmother's side grandfathers( this is for certain).

----Sept 15th, 2017


















