
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, September 11, 2017

09-11-2017 All about my glass house cancer treatment (都是有关我脑控癌治疗的)

09-11-2017 All about my glass house cancer treatment (都是有关我脑控癌治疗的)

Heard this morning's talk about "Why Chinese government pay for  her (Min Fang's?) medical treatment?"(中文附后)
My response: Exact the question everybody asked including myself. I do not know if that her mentioned this morning was referring me (Min Fang).

I know for sure Chinese government never paid my (Min Fang's) any medical treatment and Chinese government is not paying my (Min Fang's) any medical treatment now. I, Min Fang,  do not need Chinese government pay for my any medical treatment. I, Min Fang, have been paying for my own medical treatment as decided on July 1st of 2004.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let anyone other than myself to pay for my glass house cancer treatment.

----Sept 11th, 2017

Heard rumors that Chinese government had once paid big money on my medical treatment.
My response: I heard the same or similar rumor.

The version I heard is Chinese government approved budget of several hundred millions or so to pay for my glass house treatment, and it was paid from Chinese military's budgeted funding. And I heard Chinese government also set the daily usage limit to $10, 000 a day.

I jumped up high about this $10,000 limit and called law enforcement's help. At the time I heard this limit rumor, $10,000 a day means less than an hour treatment a day, and it was much less.  This rumor sound to me only implied that I was not allow to continue my treatment indirectly even I have my own money to afford further treatment.

In United States, if any hospital do this to any patient, it only means thorough investigation on murder for money attempt. This money may be patient's life insurance or patient's life time savings, or etc..

I heard it was cleared on the radio some time ago that this never happened.

----Sept 11th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about how I was treated in my medical treatment.
My response:  Tons of rumors that I was never shielded by this or that big powerful person cause me being a shits like in my glass house cancer medical treatment.

Actually, my treatment progress very well is a lot of people's envy. I did screamingly shit a lot constantly and made my name for it among my medical treatment providers. Just like I mentioned on my blog the other day, a lot of my shitty screaming complains had not being promptly responded is because of that confusingly mysterious determination to do whatever it takes to protect treatment providers' interests. (Please refer:  English Literature Confusion and "Ridiculous Confusion")

If you in need of glass house cancer treatment, "Brain Control" is its medical situation's official term, Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance company is where to contact for the $5000 per month insurance plan that offer one treatment session a month.  You can also contact Blue Cross Blue Shield for reference information in your local area on Critical Treatment Package treatment.

----Sept 11th, 2017

Heard Chinese communities saying of why I do not let people keep my money.
My response: Because that is my lawful privately owned money I am not willing to give out. I do as anyone in any lawful country would to call law enforcement's help to report larceny or robbery or money laundry activities, depend on the situation accordingly.
----Sept 11th, 2017












其实,我治疗状况的良好进展程度是很多人都很羡慕的。我确实是不停地痛骂尖叫,在治疗过我的医疗单位里是远近闻名的“臭名昭著”。就像我在前几天的博文里提到的,很多造成我痛骂尖叫的抱怨没有得到及时的回应就是因为那份很神秘的,很让人莫名其妙的铁了心就是要保护治疗单位利益的决心。( 请参阅:英语文学的困扰和”莫名奇妙的困扰“ )

如果你有原因需要知道一些参与脑控癌治疗的信息,“脑控癌(Brain Control)”就是你询问时的使用名称,蓝十字蓝盾保险公司(Blue Cross Blue Shield)就是你可以询问那个每月提供一次治疗时间的每月5000美金的医疗保险计划的保险公司。蓝十字蓝盾保险公司也是你可以打听“核心治疗套组”治疗在你所在地区的联络电话的地方。

