
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

09-13-2017 The power of public channel ”announcements“ and Why Chinese government like so ((由公共频道来“宣布”“的权威和为什么中国政府如此处理)

09-13-2017 The power of public channel ”announcements“ and Why Chinese government like so(由公共频道来“宣布”的权威和为什么中国政府如此处理)

Heard this morning's ”from Chinese government“.(中文附后)
My response: That is exactly what I have been accusing Chinese government about.

It all started in the doubts if I am my Chinese ancient Emperor (唐王李世民)grandfather's own birth heir. By rumor, the "confusion" of this is that there is currently a "heir" in China who has no blood association reference at all can trace back to my 1200 years ago's ancient grandfather but stamped in 1950 by People's Republic of China's government based on collected signatures in 1950 from a Chinese Liberation Army's regional company led by a Chinese general Wang, Zhen(王震).

Another confusion is if I do have achievements in computer technology. Some of current Chinese Central Political Committee members were in June 30th of 2004's meeting but not in the small chat room I was in that invented smartphone and none of them is from technology background. I got my master degree on Computer Science from a U.S. university in 1999.

The most confused is if I do have inheritances. This confusion caused a lot of anger from those Chinese government officials who attained 2004's meetings. Why I was sitting there talking to so many foreigners without consulting them first as a Chinese citizen would be expected, and who was behind all these "attempt to belittle" Chinese government by promoting me as such an important person. I have been accusing Chinese government completely ignore all the evidences that have been provided to them to know that I was important because those meetings were my inheriting meetings, I accused them went on trying to "give out" my inheritances to whoever want to claim the money.。

The first meeting in January of 2004 was to identify my blood authentication according to my grandfathers' entrusting documentations. June 30th of 2004 meeting was inheriting meeting, July 1st of 2004 was my re-entrusting meeting arranged on my request of entrusting-my-wealth-due-to-my-health-reason after I inherited all my grandfathers' entrusts on June 30th of 2004.

The huge problem is why Chinese government have handled it the way they did?

----Sept 13th, 2017.

Heard somebody curious about how this happened.
My response: It was a nightmare hunger game movie experience since 2014. I have been constantly calling law enforcement's help about this radio program since mid of  2015.

It all started with this radio program kept using announcement style to curse that I do not deserve any money by announcing in "matter of fact' tone that I won't have any money no matter what I have achieved from January of 2014 to October of 2015.

After that, was like everybody heard on the radio, is this radio program's "announcing" style to shit me allover by let those nothing-to-do-with-me-prominent saying I am a "fake, disgusting unwanted whore".

And that is not all. This radio program has promotion efforts to promote whatever have been announced on this radio program to be acknowledged as real truths in my reality life.

For example my inheritance fund that cause "O'Connors confusion". This American fund was set up by one of my 600-800 years' ago grandfather's entrust for 400 years already, the first ever Mr. O'Connor had been hired to be an representing attorney was about 200 years ago. In this 200 years time, no O'Connor can ever call to this fund's accounting department to demand any money, now this effort has been constantly because it was announced on the radio program as O'Connors deserved. Rumored his fund had massive staff change in its accounting department and its legal department in 2014 (major one) and in 2015. How I was doing in 2014 is not a secret at all to a lot of Bostonian.

And the promotion of this kind "devoid me by this radio program announcements" is on every front in everywhere that my life matters and matters to my life.  Horrible, horrible experience.

I am protected by U.S. Laws.

----Sept 13th, 2017


这一切就是从怀疑我是否是我爷爷唐王李世民的亲生孙女开始的。根据传言,”困扰“是因为中国现在有一个没有任何血脉传承线索可以追溯到我那1200年前的古代爷爷, 却是由中华人民共和国政府在1950年时根据当时中国人民解放军将领王震于1950年所收集的其部下签名而盖章认可的“继承人”。

另一个困扰就是我是否确实有电脑科技上的成就。现任中共中央政治局常委有好几个都在2004年的几个会议上,但是都不在当时我所参与的智能手机发明的那个聊天会场, 也没有一个是科技背景出身。我是1999年由美国的一所大学电脑科学硕士学位毕业。











