
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

09-20-2017 Why I am acknowledged an eligible in 2004 by the British Crown Prince

09-20-2017 Why I am acknowledged an eligible in 2004 by the British Crown Prince

Heard this morning’s “she is not even eligible to clean your bathroom, you said that in 2007 already.”
My response: It was said by David Petraeus in 2007, from what I hear this morning.

Nobody reacted a bit to this announcement even in 2007. Who would? Business person already heard rumors that I-Phone was about to go market which certainly means I can live on my own hard making money handsomely. And this is without knowing if I have any inheritance.

The problem is why it is an issue at all if this somebody already privileged enough to have met that person to know he is a 5’4” in his 60s? Why is this an issue for this somebody at all? this person obviously is the person should know instead that it is just an illusion to fancy I need to be that stuck on knowing I am a wealthy 5’9” who is also 15 years junior?

If David Petraeus never mean anything he said in the meetings at all, if this David Petraeus never intend to provide a penny, why would that be an issue at all?

Who is the person having this illusion that I need to be a stuck-on? Who is the person fancy East Indian Company financier, that is me to be specific, needing to stuck-on anybody after the British Prince's publicly acknowledgment that I am his marriage eligible but too bad he is no longer available being responded by myself with “No fancy about the British Prince anymore”?

----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the British Prince William's saying "She only need to come to Britain to clean my bathroom" was good intently appended with "Britain is Owned by British".
My response: I heard that good intention senior was his British girl friend's grandmother. I do not know why this radio program make it sounds like the British Prince need to trash Britain as his bathroom. Even though my own properties in Britain are part of my privately owned private wealth as a U.S citizen, those properties are still beautiful British-built on British soil as part of the proud of beautiful Britain.
----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard some British saying why I think I was eligible to the British Prince and assumptions of that was another plot from U.S. after the famous King Edward VIII.
My response: If you know Queen Victoria was so proud of being the Queen of India, if you know British are so proud that their beloved Queen Victoria's way of settling issues romantically that made her children Royals of entire Europe, why would you doubt if I was eligible to Queen Victoria's heir Prince to settle the famous historic issue that British Royals have with the East Indian Company's financier?

Plus, I am the heir of a 2000 years long history house that have over 18 Emperors to be called my grandfathers, and I am the only birthmark palm girl to my grandfathers line in 2500 years which added some more Emperors to be called my grandfathers that I may not be the heir of. This does not even include my grandmother's side Emperor grandfathers. Why you say this is not enough making me a good match despite the reversed 15 years difference?

Regarding the saying if this matching making talk in 2004 was another plot from U.S, I say I was a Chinese citizen and a single Missy in 2004 are good enough reasons to say that is just nonsense.

----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard this morning's saying by the British Prince William that "You do not have any children, you do not have parents, why you are needed?"
My response: I am a human born from a female human's womb after this female human being seeded by a human male. Of course, I do have parents. Any high school graduated know this is a matter of fact, not to mention a college graduated the British Prince.

I am wealthy enough to have my own to ensure I have my own biological children just like the British Prince to have his own to ensure he has his own biological children.

I do not know why the British Prince need to promote biological reproduction function should stand for human's only needed function.

I heard a lot of animal rights advocates fighting against pigs and cows to be considered only needed for human's roasting purpose, or chickens only needed for human's egg consuming purpose, even they are farming purposed reproduced.

 -----Sept 20th, 2017

Why this radio program need to trash me to be unwanted by any male?
My response: It must be a psycho's illusion that I can be assigned to whoever wants money by this radio program.
----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard the saying why I say I have money by stating I inherited the parent fund of the British Fund who 100% owns the East India Company financier Fund?
My response: Because that is a true statement.

Even though, by rumor, two CEOs of this British Fund's two child funds have both experienced "performing to shoot a movie" messy incidence that made them experienced the horror of "being dragged out, threw onto the street from their offices and not allow to go back in" in 2010 and 2014 or so, plus rumored over 200 American Fund's employees massive laid off illegally after this incident,  I still have been able to be provided for (about $400 Million a year) by this fund to cover my medical related expenses since 2016 already as decided in 2004 meeting.

The American fund that caused O'Connors' confusion is the brother fund of East India Company financier Fund. This fund's 2014's & 2015's situation was the reason that $400 Million providing to me from this American fund was signed off by a U.S General Attorney's signature.

----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard saying glass house cancer only cost about $100,000 a day to make it only $36.5 Million a year
My response: I have been well known of my anxiety and brain injury caused bad memory since 2004,  all related treatments have been covered as medical expenses by my inheritances as decided on July 1st of 2004. Glass house cancer treatment related medical expenses are added on since Christmas of 2014.
----Sept 20, 2017