
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, September 7, 2017

09-07-2017 I only clarify on my related.(我只澄清和我有关的)

09-07-2017 I only clarify on my related.(我只澄清和我有关的)

Heard this morning's tons of announcements(中文附后).
My response: None of my business announcement other than I confirm none of my children that carry my blood will carry Ford name. True statement.
----Sept 7th, 2017

Rumored providing request to me to provide financial support to that person and that person's beloved,  for the sake of children who also carry my blood.
My response: Impossible. Why would I do that, and why would I care a bit about that person or that person's beloved, after my children who carry my blood have been publicly trashed and myself being publicly expressed hatred towards. It is very ridiculous if that person ever fancy I would ever do that. I say so is for the sake of my own biological children who carry my own blood.
----Sept 7th, 2017

Heard rumored $40,000/month children care providing before today.
My response: This is the question why would that person willing to spend $40,000 a month on a pair of "pets like( to him)" children that he can throw out easily, with money making books to be published to explain the whole process of realization how this pair of "pet like (to him) " children truly deserve to be trashed publicly again and again and again,  and that is after he decided to have this pair of "pet like (to him)" children by his own decision without my involvement. This is the question I would seek answer in the U.S. courtroom, and I am determined to do so.
----Sept 7th, 2017

Heard this morning's radio program said all announced David Petraeus' children are his own biological children by DNA test.
My response: None of my business announcement. None of the child or children announced as David Petraeus' children carry my blood to have any association with me. I do not have any biological child or biological children with David Petraeus, this is announced by Rockefellers I respect on the radio that I echo. Any implication of having a child or children contradicted with what announced by Rockefellers will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
----Sept 7th, 2017

Rumored there are two children in China claimed my children.
My response: They are made up rumored children for bilking purpose. I do not have any my own biological child or any my own biological children abducted by Chinese Government or by any Chinese citizen into People's Republic of China's territory land, territory sea or air space. I do not have any my own biological child or my own biological children are willingly in People's Republic of China's territory land, territory sea or air space. Any implication of having such child or such children will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.

I do not have any my own biological child or my own biological children who is seeded by a Chinese race or a Chinese citizen. Any implication of having such child or such children will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.

I do not have any my own biological child or any my own biological children is/are seeded by a Albert Gore or his relatives. Any implication of any child or any children to associate me with, this Albert Gore, who I have nothing to do with will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.

----Sept 7th, 2017

Heard there are two 7 years old children, together with other children, denounced by Chinese Premiere Li reported by Chinese producing team.
My response: These two 7 years old are none of my business children. They do not carry my blood and they do not have any association with me. Any implication of having such child or such children associated with me will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
----Sept 7th, 2017

Heard this destroy me intention was expressed on July 1st of 2004 meeting by everyone.
My response: I now declare I determined to seek justice in courtrooms even then and there at the moment in that same teleconference meeting on July 1st of 2004.
----Sept 7th, 2017


我的回应:没有任何可能。我为什么要这么做啊? 我哪里会在乎那人及那人的所爱一丝一毫啊?特别是在那人又是公开把我的亲生孩子们当垃圾踩跺,又是公开表达对我的一腔仇恨之后。真是滑稽,那人以为他自己是谁啊。我这么说就是为了我自己亲生的孩子们。


听说了今天早上的广播说所有已经宣布的David Petraeus 的小孩都是有DNA鉴定证实是David Petraeus自己的亲生小孩。
我的回应: 这和我一点关系都没有的。我重复我所尊敬的洛克菲勒们在广播上所公开宣布:没有一个所宣布的David Petraeus 的亲生小孩承载我方敏的血液,David Petraeus的所有已宣布的小孩都和我方敏没有任何血缘承载关系。如果有任何谣言暗示说法与洛克菲勒家的声明相违背,一旦证实,会按所有适用法律起诉造谣者。欢迎提供信息,会代表提供信息者要求法庭判决造谣传谣者支付费用以鼓励提供信息。



我没有任何一个亲生小孩或亲生的孩子们是由一个叫Albert Gore 的下种或者由他的任何亲戚下种。我和这个Albert Gore一点关系都没有。如果有任何谣言暗示说我有由这个Albert Gore下种或者有他的任何亲戚下种的亲生小孩,一旦证实,会按所有适用法律起诉造谣者。欢迎提供信息,会代表提供信息者要求法庭判决造谣传谣者支付费用以鼓励提供信息。


