
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, September 3, 2017

09-03-2017 How ridiculous announcement can be a true statement (莫名其妙的声明是如何“没有说谎的”)

09-03-2017 How ridiculous announcement can be a true statement (莫名其妙的声明是如何“没有说谎的”)

Heard this morning's announcement that several Chinese colleges have nothing to do with me.(中文附后)
My response:  It is a true statement. I only graduated from one medical university for my bachelor degree of science in pharmacology major, of course I have nothing to do with all the rest of Chinese medical universities or Chinese medical colleges.

China has categorized undergraduate/graduate schools into three categories, First category schools are equivalent to Ivy colleges in U.S., the third categories are associated degree colleges similar to community colleges in U.S.

Shanghai Medical University, currently named Fudan University Shanghai Medical School, I graduated from is similar in a lot way to Harvard Medical School in U.S.(the third oldest medical school in U.S.) that had a long history of its own name building as medical school but later merged with another great name. I heard Harvard Medical School had been a very famous medical school with its own famous name before it carries Harvard name. Shanghai First Medical College I was admitted into in 1985 had been a No.1 or No.2 Medical School's name in entire China, changed its name in 1986-1987 to Shanghai Medical University which was the name stamped my graduation diploma, now it merged with Fudan name but kept Shanghai in its full name of Fudan University Shanghai Medical School. The other No.1 or No.2 famous medical school in entire China (Beking Union Medical College) is located in Beijing.

I do not know why this announcement is needed, I know all three college announced are category II colleges in China, maybe two medical colleges announced currently do not have pharmacy school is the reason this radio program grouped a pharmacy college with them to make a fully functional "strength by number equivalent" announcement of "nothing to do". The choice of schools may be based upon schools' locations. One announced medical school is located in Shanghai, the other announced medical school is located in Beijing, the pharmacy school is located in my home town city Nanjing.

----September 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's talk featured some other announcements.
My response: A lot of announcements made by the radio program are similar to what I just explained. For example "The Chinese woman has no money in my (accounting) books" is announced, from what I hear, by someone who have nothing to do with any accounting books of my inheritances funds or any of my own making to make the announcement a true statement.

The 2nd example: "It is ruled by justice in U.S that you do not have shared custody to claim you have your own children" was announced, from what I hear, by Tina O'Connor's husband's cousins who are attorneys not eligible to represent me on this matter just by interest conflicts.

The 3rd Example: "You don't have anyone in U.S. to claim you have children in U.S.", from what I hear, was announced at school vacation time.

The 4th Example: "I am Min Fang, I have nothing to do with 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening Ceremony." was announced, from what I hear, by a Chinese Male who is in his 30s and is a resident in Germany.

----September 3rd, 2017








第二例:“美国的司法公平已经判定你没有什么共同抚养权,也就别提你有什么你自己的孩子之类的"。我听说这是由Tina O'Connor的丈夫那些做律师的堂兄弟们宣布的.(共同抚养权是一个特定也局限使用的法律术语)。这几个堂兄弟因为利益冲突关系,根本就不可能做我的代理律师打这一类官司的)。


