
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, September 2, 2017

09-02-2017 "Min Fang has Biological Children" is really acknowledged (“方敏有自己亲生的小孩“已经得到认可啦)。

09-02-2017 "Min Fang has Biological Children" is really acknowledged (“方敏有自己亲生的小孩“已经得到认可啦)。

Heard this morning's announcement of "Fight to have the deserved right of having own child(ren) in a marriage from a non-marriage partner"(中文附后).
My response: Well, first of all, I would give my many, many thanks to this real frustration caused by real acknowledgement of the fact I have my own biological children who carry my own blood.

And I have to make myself very clearly that even though I appreciate this consideration of having me in that Chinese male's life to have this fight, I still have to point out I do have my own life that will never have anything to do, at least romantically, with that Chinese male.

----September 2, 2017

Heard this morning's radio program's continued 1920's American Union Movies style.
My response: Ya, I heard. I am one of the evil images in the "picture",  the "Parents' Union's Leader" is Mr. Albert Gore, The fight is "Deserved rights of children be handsomely provided for by no-blood association riches." Those attorneys are just evil dumps who know nothing at all.

I have to say I am not willing to provide for not--my-own-blood children even I am wealthy. I do firmly believe it is parents' privileges and responsibilities to let their children feel their full-heart love and their rich-provide from all they have. I am willing to continually reaching out to help those in need families through charities that my inheritances Funds have been supporting.

----September 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting also reflected proud of mothering birth child(ren).
My response: That has been my frustration entire time. I do not have any issue against those mother so proud of what they have through their own bellies, I am also very proud of my own biological children who carry my blood through pregnancy mothers, but I have been despised being an imperfect woman because of my virgin belly.

That despise against woman's inability in reproduction is the reason that having child(ren) through pregnancy mother is so overwhelmingly supported since 2004 meetings.

In the past, a woman's inability in reproduction can often impact this woman's marriage family's finance managing because of some expectations out of understandings that "this marriage family has no-need to consider passing on".

Now, from my own experience of being a biological mother without my own giving birth experience, it seems it is publicly acknowledged as offensive and ridiculous if fancy my wealth is in the picture, but I am still not a woman deserve any respects by being a woman who still has a virgin belly.

----September 2nd, 2017

Heard some angers from my mother's eldest sister's relatives.
My response: The anger is why I fancy my mother's eldest sister's belongings in my "June Sunday Solo" in 2004.

That is misunderstanding. My mother's eldest sister adopted a child (daughter) from her youngest brother around 1980 or so which was 24 years ago in 2004.

I did have that excitement in my voice when I said "would be all mine" in that June Sunday Solo in United States. I have to clarify that excitement was not from fancy to own my mother's eldest sister's belongings in China, but from my expectation of my possible own making from BioGate.

In June of 2004, I was asked to leave from Janus Associates already and I was trying to find another job, I knew BioGate I did in Janus Associates was going to be my big making but was in some situation. I could not say a lot to Huang, Li whose residence I was at on that 2004's June Sunday, but my excitement was leaked.

My mother has been struggled with her frustration ever since her eldest sister's adoption. My mother had lived with her eldest sister since 11 years old till her marriage to my father, the child was adopted when she was 8 years old. It is the same family that My mother had been like a maid while the child had been a daughter.  We, my mother's marriage family, totally correctly understood her frustration and her eldest sister's marriage family's attitude on this, this is the reason we had been all amicable and willing to stay aloof since the adoption in 1980 or 1981.

I have my angers toward my mother's "maiden family", I do not consider they are my relatives at all because they publicly spread their own sayings to say I am not my mother's husband's birth child, to accuse my mother being a whore for their hatreds toward my mother since their childhood. My mother was abandoned by her mother since birth, and all her siblings knew and understood that my mother is "an outcast that unwanted threw out". I am not willing to have anything to do with these people.

----September 2nd, 2017














我确实在2004年6月的一个星期天那天在美国讲话的录音里提到“那还不全都是我的”时候,声音里确实有透着一份激动。我现在澄清那激动不是因为我会认为我还有可能分到我母亲大姐远在中国的家里的那些家当及多年存下的退休金,而是因为我从Bio Gate这个研究成果里可能挣到的大笔钱。(也就是我在激动“我发财了”)。

在2004年6月的时候,我已经按要求离开了Janus Associates,正在找工作,我很清楚我在Janus Associates的研究会是我自己挣的第一桶金,但是在2004年6月当时有很多情况我没法在当时身处的黄莉家里直说出来,但我的激动是透露出来了。


