
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

09-28-2017 They are all west coast FBI agents on my case

09-28-2017 They are all west coast FBI agents

Heard this morning's FBI agent on my case angrily stated to arrest me if I continuing my rich saying.
My response: O, But I still have to continue my "I have money" saying. I already spent medical expense $400 Million per year and security expense $20 Million(?)  per year since Christmas of 2014. Before that security expense was paid by other and medical expense was not this high.

 Heard that is indeed a FBI agent on my case from district of my school on west coast. Heard the reason he said so was because he could not find any information on my inheritance tax. I am so sorry he is a west coaster who has not heard east coasters' grudging since June 30th of 2004.

Rumored it was an emergency meeting in the afternoon of June 30th, 2004 that immediately ended Connecticut State's AA type 5-year inheritance tax free policy started since 2000. AA type is grandparents-grandchild inheritance in Connecticut. Rumored the emergency policy change was effective on July 1st of 2004, my inheriting was effective on June 30th of 2004.

My inheritance funds did not pay any estate tax was because I was a foreign citizen inherited entrusted foreign wealth. All my grandfathers entrusts were wealth originally carried out from ancient China. People's Republic of China did not and still does not have estate or inheritance tax.  I was not eligible to pay inheriting related tax other than being a Connecticut resident for 8 months on the day of June 30th, 2004. (*Before that was 3 months in Boston, MA, and 11 months out of New York city where I had lived since October of 1996.)

I became a CT resident since November 1st of 2003 was not specially arranged by entrusting attorneys but purely by my then job situation. I was obviously "on my way out" when I was asked to move back to Stamford, CT office from Boston, MA just after three months of relocation. I decided to move to an apartment right next door to the company to save my precious green card application.

----Sept 28th, 2017

Heard some people saying that is one time only $400 Million.
My response: That is only because $400 Million have been from three of my inheritance funds. I only have this much spending decided on my entrusting meeting (July 1st, 2004). And I have some very and very great grandfathers. This $1,200 Million are from three of them. I am very lucky that all my great grandfathers since 1200 years ago were not thrift on me, all not shabby.

All my other spending, like housing, clothing, etc. were decided by myself in my entrusting meeting to be provided by my own making of Intellectual income, those income are no comparison to my grandfathers' blessing but not shabby either. Radio program's income is already $3 Billion paid out by radio company, I just have not received it yet. Heard that check, titled in my name, is still on its trip of routing through different personnel's bank account.

----Sept 28th, 2017

Heard there were some female FBI agents on my case were emotional.
My response: Heard it was out of some superstitious may-be-bad-luck feeling influenced by what happened to me being a female. Heard they are all west coast FBI agents. They must have heard a lot of stories.

I did hear some rumors about how I am being cursed and how there are witchcraft involved. I am not worry about that a bit because I am an heir of a 2000 years old house and I am the only birthmark girl in 2500 years in my family. My Ingonyama title is already 1000 years old. I am Simba's heir.

----Sept 28th, 2017