07-31-2018 Why Mr. David R's clan kept on picking up on me?
I don't know what is the matter with this David R's clan. I never met anyone of them in person, but I had lived in New York City between 1996-2003 so I might have shared New York City's streets with them.
This clan had invested movies such as Avatar, 007 Quantum and 007 Millenium, etc. but my intellectual income from these movies were pre-company taxes' business expenses which should have nothing to do with them being investors.
I have claimed 4 American Funds companies as the following list, all of which have been operating on the American soil since 1600 or so. All of these have never owned nor operated by any R's name historically. I have claimed each having $200Billion size on this blog since the year of 2017 according to the "200" I was told about Portugal's American Fund Company in the year of 2004 and facts that it could easily donate sports-related event for "$200Million each" as I had wished in 2004 as well. Later, I reannounced each of these American companies having $600Billion size to wish good lucks to all :
1: Janus Mutual Fund's American Fund Investor company who has a Portagul investor company. (The first year's providing paying company)
2: Amtrak company's American Fund Investor company whose French investor is the famous French Financier company of the British East India company. (The second year's providing paying company)
3: American "Pejoves" Fund who share's the same Spanish Investor company with New York City's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. (The third year's providing paying company)
4: Lehman Brother's American Fund Investor company who has a French Investor. (The fourth year's providing paying company)
I heard all of these have been my Trust entities' investments since established. All these Trusts I inherited in 2004 were set up by my birth Chinese grandfathers from different generations. The earliest of the above four Trusts I mentioned was set up around the year of 700AD.
I heard most of these "$200Million each" was donated by the investments of those Trust entities I inherited. I heard Mr. David R's clan's investments had donated about $600Million total.
I heard this morning that "600Million already" was expressed annoyingly by Mr. David R's clan in the year of 2004 when I requested it, but I never directed my "$200Million each" request to them nor their relatives nor other rich names, I did not know them nor was told who they are, nor if they would willing to spend on me. Why this clan took my request their expenses?
I heard yesterday's broadcasting that "the Ford Businesses don't have such a monthly $10,000 wired to China story" was said by a Mrs. Jessica R from this clan who is never a Miss Ford. But this "monthly $10,000 wired to China" story was either told or explained on the radio by one of the Ford Businesses' Investor company that Mrs. Jessica R is very certain of. Exactly, what is Mrs. Jessica R implying? By the way, I heard she is the wife of the Mister who had the 1980's Tokyo airport romance with a Chinese.
So, I still don't know what has been the issue impressive as this morning's broadcasting. And, what it implies in the saying of "Why it has to be your money" has alerted me so I have tipped the law people about it.
----July 31st of 2018
It is a well known doubt if I have money or if I have inherited anything on June 30th of 2004. To myself, as a beneficiary person, the question was what I have inherited. This blog is the diary that recorded this entire discovering journey. Please send me an email at somebodyinma@gmail.com if you think content information is incorrect.
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019
Featured Articles:
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
07-30-2018 Hong Kong Trust & Where is my money? (香港信托及我的钱在哪?)
07-30-2018 Hong Kong Trust & Where is my money? (香港信托及我的钱在哪?)
Heard this morning's talk about Hong Kong Trust.(听说了今天早上有谈到了香港信托)
Heard this morning's talk about Hong Kong Trust.(听说了今天早上有谈到了香港信托)
My response: (我的回应:)
I haven't been to Hong Kong yet, so I don't know what is the confusion. I just know I inherited my grandfather (my father's father) set up a Trust in Hong Kong that I could request $500Million U.S. dollar to be transferred to the U.S. in 2004. I already published what I heard of after 2004 on this blog already. I have no obligation to explain to whoever is still confused.(我还未去过香港,所以我不清楚究竟是什么就是弄不清还非得弄清楚不可。我就知道2004年时我继承了我爷爷方智仁也就是我父亲方文海的父亲方智仁在香港替我设立的一个信托,我是当时就可以要求这个信托转账5亿美金到美国的。我也已经发表了2004年以后我所听说的一些其他信息。我没有责任义务再多做解释了。)
I haven't been to Hong Kong yet, so I don't know what is the confusion. I just know I inherited my grandfather (my father's father) set up a Trust in Hong Kong that I could request $500Million U.S. dollar to be transferred to the U.S. in 2004. I already published what I heard of after 2004 on this blog already. I have no obligation to explain to whoever is still confused.(我还未去过香港,所以我不清楚究竟是什么就是弄不清还非得弄清楚不可。我就知道2004年时我继承了我爷爷方智仁也就是我父亲方文海的父亲方智仁在香港替我设立的一个信托,我是当时就可以要求这个信托转账5亿美金到美国的。我也已经发表了2004年以后我所听说的一些其他信息。我没有责任义务再多做解释了。)
Regarding why I have no money to spend. Well, I am supposed to be provided for with my envelope girl fantasy which is I will use this envelope's money to spend in this store and that envelope's money in another store, etc. My request in 2004 to use envelopes to manage my monthly providing has become applicable by using a credit card to store "the money in an envelope" as you heard on the radio. Should I contact the legal department of these businesses to inquire? Or wait for the attorneys or law peoples to work their way through?(至于我为什么没钱花的问题。这么说吧,我是应该按照我的小女孩扮家家信封理财的想法领取零花钱的,就是我要从这个信封里拿钱在这家店里花,从那个信封里拿钱在那家店里花。就i象你们那天在广播里所听到的,我在2004年所提的这个要求被我的律师们将“信封里的钱”给放在了信用卡里。我是否应该和这些企业的法务部门联系一下问一问,还是等我的律师或者执法人员处理清楚?)
I have this frustration that I am probably acknowledged as an investor if I go into these businesses, and I know where these businesses are, but nobody in those local locations knows who I should contact to inquire "where is my money?" I heard my entrusting attorneys had spread money all over the places, pharmacies such as Rite Aid, Walgreen, CVS, or possibly supermarket such as Stop and Shop, Roche Brothers, Whole Food, etc. As you have heard my food stamps were announced as should stop on the radio, I have contacted for a $500 monthly food money supposed to be on the food stamps card. So, what am I supposed to do for "enveloped money"? Wait or contact?(我现在有这么一个头疼事:我要是走进一些我的信托所投资的企业,可能有很多人也会相信我有可能是投资人但完全不清楚我应该和谁联系问一下:”我应该从哪儿拿钱?”我听说我的律师真是到处都放了些钱,药店啦(Rite Aid, Walgreen, CVS),可能还有些超市啦(Stop and Shop, Roche Brothers, Whole Food)。据说几个在波城市政府上班的于家人还在广播上强烈宣布就是铁了心的要停了我的政府综援粮食卷。我是已经在联系查询我记忆中应该有放在综援卡里的每月500元的食品钱。所以啊,我就在想啊,我是现在就问一问信封里的钱还是等一等?)
Also, the "enveloped money" arrangement should come with clear instructions from those businesses' lawfully registered investors. But I heard rumors that some businesses already received some messages from this or that person which advised them not to give me "enveloped money" but give to someone else. Should I contact the legal department of these businesses to inquire? Or wait for the attorneys or law peoples to work their way through? (还有,就是“装在信封里的钱”这种安排一定是由这些企业的法律登记上的投资人所明确指示的,但我听说已经有些企业收到了这人那人建议不要把这“装在信封里的钱”给我而是给别人算了。我是否应该和这些企业的法务部门联系一下问一问,还是等我的律师或者执法人员处理清楚?)
Where is my money?(”我的钱在那里?“)
----July 30th, 2018
About Hong Kong Trust.(关于香港信托)
My response: (我的回应:)
1: If not intentional, the best way to explain so many confusion is to simulate setting up a Trust with an attorney to know how I can the be sole beneficiary person specified by the settler's letter before I was born. A Trust is a legal instrument registered to specify who is the beneficiary of this much money given by the Settler.(如果不是故意骚扰,对这个疑问最好的解释方式就是去找个律师模拟一下办理信托的过程,来了解为什么我还没出生就可以成为信托的唯一受益人。信托是一种委托第三方来管理某一笔钱并可以指定谁才是此一笔钱的受益人的法律手段。)
2: Trust entity is an organization that registered in a local government agency, such as the Department of State of NYC. This Trust entity is an organization set up for the purpose of using the money in the Trust to invest.(信托机构是一个向地方政府如纽约市政府等注册成立的机构。成立一个信托机构的目的就是为了用我爷爷所信托的钱来投资。)
3-1: Hong Kong Trust as an example: My grandfather set up a Hong Kong Trust worth $15Million U.S. dollar (5Million DaYang 大洋) with an attorney in1948 and specified who should be the beneficiary person of in his handwriting settler's letter.(香港信托作为例子:我爷爷委托律师用一千五百万美金也就是5百万大洋在1948年时设立了一个信托并在亲笔书写的委托信里制定了谁才是受益人。)
3-2: In order to invest this entrusted $15Million U.S. dollar(5Million DaYang大洋), I heard this attorney later registered a Trust entity with the British Hong Kong government. In 1971, I heard it was this Trust entity had updated its registration record of legal representatives. Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业), the attorney firm and the accounting firm are the business associations of this Trust entity. This Trust entity has been 100% privately owned by the Hong Kong Trust which was set up in 1948 by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁). I am the settler and sole beneficiary person of the Hong Kong Trust since 2004.(为了用这笔一千五百万美金即五百万的大洋来投资,我听说这个律师就向当时的英国香港政府注册了一家金融机构。我听说就是这家金融机构在1971年更改了登记记录增加了一个法人代表。长江实业,律师公司及会计师公司都是这家金融机构的业务往来。这家金融机构是100%由我爷爷1948年设立的香港信托拥有,自2004年7月起,我是这个香港信托的委托人及唯一的受益人。)
----published on July 29th, 2018
----published on July 29th, 2018
Also, the "enveloped money" arrangement should come with clear instructions from those businesses' lawfully registered investors. But I heard rumors that some businesses already received some messages from this or that person which advised them not to give me "enveloped money" but give to someone else. Should I contact the legal department of these businesses to inquire? Or wait for the attorneys or law peoples to work their way through? (还有,就是“装在信封里的钱”这种安排一定是由这些企业的法律登记上的投资人所明确指示的,但我听说已经有些企业收到了这人那人建议不要把这“装在信封里的钱”给我而是给别人算了。我是否应该和这些企业的法务部门联系一下问一问,还是等我的律师或者执法人员处理清楚?)
Where is my money?(”我的钱在那里?“)
----July 30th, 2018
About Hong Kong Trust.(关于香港信托)
My response: (我的回应:)
1: If not intentional, the best way to explain so many confusion is to simulate setting up a Trust with an attorney to know how I can the be sole beneficiary person specified by the settler's letter before I was born. A Trust is a legal instrument registered to specify who is the beneficiary of this much money given by the Settler.(如果不是故意骚扰,对这个疑问最好的解释方式就是去找个律师模拟一下办理信托的过程,来了解为什么我还没出生就可以成为信托的唯一受益人。信托是一种委托第三方来管理某一笔钱并可以指定谁才是此一笔钱的受益人的法律手段。)
2: Trust entity is an organization that registered in a local government agency, such as the Department of State of NYC. This Trust entity is an organization set up for the purpose of using the money in the Trust to invest.(信托机构是一个向地方政府如纽约市政府等注册成立的机构。成立一个信托机构的目的就是为了用我爷爷所信托的钱来投资。)
3-1: Hong Kong Trust as an example: My grandfather set up a Hong Kong Trust worth $15Million U.S. dollar (5Million DaYang 大洋) with an attorney in1948 and specified who should be the beneficiary person of in his handwriting settler's letter.(香港信托作为例子:我爷爷委托律师用一千五百万美金也就是5百万大洋在1948年时设立了一个信托并在亲笔书写的委托信里制定了谁才是受益人。)
3-2: In order to invest this entrusted $15Million U.S. dollar(5Million DaYang大洋), I heard this attorney later registered a Trust entity with the British Hong Kong government. In 1971, I heard it was this Trust entity had updated its registration record of legal representatives. Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业), the attorney firm and the accounting firm are the business associations of this Trust entity. This Trust entity has been 100% privately owned by the Hong Kong Trust which was set up in 1948 by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁). I am the settler and sole beneficiary person of the Hong Kong Trust since 2004.(为了用这笔一千五百万美金即五百万的大洋来投资,我听说这个律师就向当时的英国香港政府注册了一家金融机构。我听说就是这家金融机构在1971年更改了登记记录增加了一个法人代表。长江实业,律师公司及会计师公司都是这家金融机构的业务往来。这家金融机构是100%由我爷爷1948年设立的香港信托拥有,自2004年7月起,我是这个香港信托的委托人及唯一的受益人。)
----published on July 29th, 2018
----published on July 29th, 2018
Sunday, July 29, 2018
07-29-2018 The cold emotion && 什么是公厕门外一元?
07-29-2018 The cold emotion && 什么是公厕门外一元?
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the emotions.
My response:
Janus mutual fund has been an investment from the four American companies I have claimed that had provided for me. Because the first year's and second year's companies' related confusion have been clarified. So, this possibly is some joint confused area of the third and fourth year's Amercian companies.
I had this cold feeling when I was still in Janus Associates in 2003-2004. Before that, I was just someone would come at 8:30 and leave at 5PM or so who could sit in front a computer alone all day long, an absolute outsider in any social chat among staffs. And this spinning up and spinning out feeling, I was only an element in the center, not any kind of power source, that I need to keep some balance in the entire process. The research director was ousted in October of 2003 when I was in Boston, MA, so I don't know what had happened. I relocated back to Connecticut, after only two months moving up to Boston of Massachusetts that I had insisted on. I had complained about my exhausted health situation in January of 2004's inheriting related birth-identification verification meeting, I was asked to leave a month later. I survived.
----July 29th, 2018
About Hong Kong Trust.(关于香港信托)
My response: (我的回应:)
1: If not intentional, the best way to explain so many confusion is to simulate setting up a Trust with an attorney to know how I can the sole beneficiary person specified by the settler's letter before I was born. A Trust is a legal instrument registered to specify who is the beneficiary of this much money given by the Settler.(如果不是故意骚扰,对这个疑问最好的解释方式就是去找个律师模拟一下办理信托的过程,来了解为什么我还没出生就可以成为信托的唯一受益人。信托是一种委托第三方来管理某一笔钱并可以指定谁才是此一笔钱的受益人的法律手段。)
2: Trust entity is an organization that registered in a local government agency, such as the Department of State of NYC. This Trust entity is an organization set up for the purpose of using the money in the Trust to invest.(信托机构是一个向地方政府如纽约市政府等注册成立的机构。成立一个信托机构的目的就是为了用我爷爷所信托的钱来投资。)
3-1: Hong Kong Trust as an example: My grandfather set up a Hong Kong Trust worth $15Million U.S. dollar (5Million DaYang 大洋) with an attorney in1948 and specified who should be the beneficiary person of in his handwriting settler's letter.(香港信托作为例子:我爷爷委托律师用一千五百万美金也就是5百万大洋在1948年时设立了一个信托并在亲笔书写的委托信里制定了谁才是受益人。)
3-2: In order to invest this entrusted $15Million U.S. dollar(5Million DaYang大洋), I heard this attorney later registered a Trust entity with the British Hong Kong government. In 1971, I heard it was this Trust entity had updated its registration record of legal representatives. Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业), the attorney firm and the accounting firm are the business associations of this Trust entity. This Trust entity has been 100% privately owned by the Hong Kong Trust which was set up in 1948 by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁). I am the settler and sole beneficiary person of the Hong Kong Trust since 2004.(为了用这笔一千五百万美金即五百万的大洋来投资,我听说这个律师就向当时的英国香港政府注册了一家金融机构。我听说就是这家金融机构在1971年更改了登记记录增加了一个法人代表。长江实业,律师公司及会计师公司都是这家金融机构的业务往来。这家金融机构是100%由我爷爷1948年设立的香港信托拥有,自2004年7月起,我是这个香港信托的委托人及唯一的受益人。)
----July 29th, 2018
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the emotions.
My response:
Janus mutual fund has been an investment from the four American companies I have claimed that had provided for me. Because the first year's and second year's companies' related confusion have been clarified. So, this possibly is some joint confused area of the third and fourth year's Amercian companies.
I had this cold feeling when I was still in Janus Associates in 2003-2004. Before that, I was just someone would come at 8:30 and leave at 5PM or so who could sit in front a computer alone all day long, an absolute outsider in any social chat among staffs. And this spinning up and spinning out feeling, I was only an element in the center, not any kind of power source, that I need to keep some balance in the entire process. The research director was ousted in October of 2003 when I was in Boston, MA, so I don't know what had happened. I relocated back to Connecticut, after only two months moving up to Boston of Massachusetts that I had insisted on. I had complained about my exhausted health situation in January of 2004's inheriting related birth-identification verification meeting, I was asked to leave a month later. I survived.
----July 29th, 2018
About Hong Kong Trust.(关于香港信托)
My response: (我的回应:)
1: If not intentional, the best way to explain so many confusion is to simulate setting up a Trust with an attorney to know how I can the sole beneficiary person specified by the settler's letter before I was born. A Trust is a legal instrument registered to specify who is the beneficiary of this much money given by the Settler.(如果不是故意骚扰,对这个疑问最好的解释方式就是去找个律师模拟一下办理信托的过程,来了解为什么我还没出生就可以成为信托的唯一受益人。信托是一种委托第三方来管理某一笔钱并可以指定谁才是此一笔钱的受益人的法律手段。)
2: Trust entity is an organization that registered in a local government agency, such as the Department of State of NYC. This Trust entity is an organization set up for the purpose of using the money in the Trust to invest.(信托机构是一个向地方政府如纽约市政府等注册成立的机构。成立一个信托机构的目的就是为了用我爷爷所信托的钱来投资。)
3-1: Hong Kong Trust as an example: My grandfather set up a Hong Kong Trust worth $15Million U.S. dollar (5Million DaYang 大洋) with an attorney in1948 and specified who should be the beneficiary person of in his handwriting settler's letter.(香港信托作为例子:我爷爷委托律师用一千五百万美金也就是5百万大洋在1948年时设立了一个信托并在亲笔书写的委托信里制定了谁才是受益人。)
3-2: In order to invest this entrusted $15Million U.S. dollar(5Million DaYang大洋), I heard this attorney later registered a Trust entity with the British Hong Kong government. In 1971, I heard it was this Trust entity had updated its registration record of legal representatives. Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业), the attorney firm and the accounting firm are the business associations of this Trust entity. This Trust entity has been 100% privately owned by the Hong Kong Trust which was set up in 1948 by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁). I am the settler and sole beneficiary person of the Hong Kong Trust since 2004.(为了用这笔一千五百万美金即五百万的大洋来投资,我听说这个律师就向当时的英国香港政府注册了一家金融机构。我听说就是这家金融机构在1971年更改了登记记录增加了一个法人代表。长江实业,律师公司及会计师公司都是这家金融机构的业务往来。这家金融机构是100%由我爷爷1948年设立的香港信托拥有,自2004年7月起,我是这个香港信托的委托人及唯一的受益人。)
----July 29th, 2018
- 据说他是军人,虽然没有计划生育,但老婆生的四个都不是他下的种。
- 据说中国的价值观就是女人屁股才是天王老子,讲究的就是一分价钱一分货,他下的着种的女人屁股原来是个公共厕所门外的屁股,就只值人民币一元一次。
- 别人的女儿都叫千金,他那个女儿抱在怀里是个公厕门外一元。
Saturday, July 28, 2018
07-28-2018 This morning's broadcasting of a public robbery scene in reality.
07-28-2018 This morning's broadcasting of a public robbery scene in reality.
I heard it was another extortion radio show full of threats and bilking for Mr. Albert Gore's beloved this or that person's deservedness to have some money. I heard the money was given as demanded as you heard on the radio, so I contacted law people through a law website.
I refuse to be a victim of a public robbery as such, it is astonishing how they dare to conduct such public extortion, not to mention using public media to perform such public microphone armed robbery.
I don't understand why Albert Gore can have such power after all these years to be so superior above U.S laws without a public office's privilege?
I often joked why would any accountant willing to steal money for someone else in order to keep only a fraction? All the criminal charges will be this accountant's alone, for only a fraction?
Why would all these producers willing to let the possible criminal investigation open for themselves but watching other people getting cash by just speaking to the microphone they are employed to operate? All possible charges against abusive use of the public media will be against these producers as well as the radio company, while they are concerned about their own income and watch those speakers spending the cash, that is if the prominent American riches are willing to pay for all the financial losses to the victims of this radio program's such scheme. Who are these so smart producers?
Also, why this radio company rather file bankruptcy but refuses to fire those who are the reasons for this public scheme?
The public audiences don't need to be taught such a lesson that anyone's money can be taken against their own wishes publicly in the United States with all the U.S. law people watching.
Those businesses don't need this public exposure as if they can steal investors' money so publicly and so easily.
I don't need them to reveal how much money I am supposed to be provided for, it is none of the public audiences' business.
I refuse to be the excuse for this kind of public robbery scene in reality.
I was asked if I am "a farm animal raised to be slaughtered for meat" by the Chinese government, I say I am lucky I am a U.S. citizen now. But I don't know how many former Chinese citizens are also "raised to be slaughtered for meat" worldwide, and I don't know if this is a popular trend in the United States somewhere, but seems not a trend popular in the U.S. government sector.
----July 28th, 2018
I heard it was another extortion radio show full of threats and bilking for Mr. Albert Gore's beloved this or that person's deservedness to have some money. I heard the money was given as demanded as you heard on the radio, so I contacted law people through a law website.
I refuse to be a victim of a public robbery as such, it is astonishing how they dare to conduct such public extortion, not to mention using public media to perform such public microphone armed robbery.
I don't understand why Albert Gore can have such power after all these years to be so superior above U.S laws without a public office's privilege?
I often joked why would any accountant willing to steal money for someone else in order to keep only a fraction? All the criminal charges will be this accountant's alone, for only a fraction?
Why would all these producers willing to let the possible criminal investigation open for themselves but watching other people getting cash by just speaking to the microphone they are employed to operate? All possible charges against abusive use of the public media will be against these producers as well as the radio company, while they are concerned about their own income and watch those speakers spending the cash, that is if the prominent American riches are willing to pay for all the financial losses to the victims of this radio program's such scheme. Who are these so smart producers?
Also, why this radio company rather file bankruptcy but refuses to fire those who are the reasons for this public scheme?
The public audiences don't need to be taught such a lesson that anyone's money can be taken against their own wishes publicly in the United States with all the U.S. law people watching.
Those businesses don't need this public exposure as if they can steal investors' money so publicly and so easily.
I don't need them to reveal how much money I am supposed to be provided for, it is none of the public audiences' business.
I refuse to be the excuse for this kind of public robbery scene in reality.
I was asked if I am "a farm animal raised to be slaughtered for meat" by the Chinese government, I say I am lucky I am a U.S. citizen now. But I don't know how many former Chinese citizens are also "raised to be slaughtered for meat" worldwide, and I don't know if this is a popular trend in the United States somewhere, but seems not a trend popular in the U.S. government sector.
----July 28th, 2018
Friday, July 27, 2018
07-27-2018 Wealth under enstrusting means hellish anxiety(一旦财产信托,真是苦不堪言)
07-27-2018 Wealth under entrusting means hellish anxiety(一旦财产信托,真是苦不堪言)
Now it's imaginable what makes me scream in my apartment that I need $6Million cash in my backpack daily so I can be anxiety-free for 50 years. I was comforted it is expected as such for any wealth under-entrusting case.
I am already so much better, my entrusting attorneys possibly not only spread money all over places as a routine practice but also put me into the welfare system. I haven't received any money other than the welfare help in my daily living.
Then, why entrust? The wealth itself can be under great protection if the owner can't take care of the wealth for some reason.
I heard it is obvious that Yu's offspring in Hong Kong and Boston haven't followed their family teaching yet. After yesterday, I would assume it is the Hong Kong Trust possibly under pressure. It seems like Yu’s has been a historically well-known family in China.
----July 27th, 2018
Now it's imaginable what makes me scream in my apartment that I need $6Million cash in my backpack daily so I can be anxiety-free for 50 years. I was comforted it is expected as such for any wealth under-entrusting case.
I am already so much better, my entrusting attorneys possibly not only spread money all over places as a routine practice but also put me into the welfare system. I haven't received any money other than the welfare help in my daily living.
Then, why entrust? The wealth itself can be under great protection if the owner can't take care of the wealth for some reason.
I heard it is obvious that Yu's offspring in Hong Kong and Boston haven't followed their family teaching yet. After yesterday, I would assume it is the Hong Kong Trust possibly under pressure. It seems like Yu’s has been a historically well-known family in China.
----July 27th, 2018
Thursday, July 26, 2018
07-26-2018 Are Yu-s actually Li, Zicheng's offspring? (于家是不是闯王李自成的后裔啊?)
07-26-2018 Are Yu-s actually Li, Zicheng's offspring? (于家是不是闯王李自成的后裔啊?)
Heard this frustration of "why Min Fang can have morning by post ownership on the web"(听说了有关”为什么方敏就可以在网上宣布宣布就可以有这钱那钱“的气愤.
My response:(我的回应:)
If I respond harshly, I would ask do you ever have an IQ evaluated? The explanation: why don't you repeat your supporting analysis why you say so?(粗鲁版本的回应:你有没有一丁点的智商啊?解释:你自己重复一下你自己刚才说的愤怒理由及你自己的分析?)
The politer way to respond: I posted on the internet web in 2017-2018 stating I received this much money paid in October of 2014, October of 2015, October 2016, and October 2017 from these companies, you also have heard all have been confirmed as the true and lawfully instructed payment by the paying companies. What is wrong with your logic to say I claim to own knowing the truth is I
just announced what I have received or I am expecting to receive?(客气一点的版本:我是在2017年-2018年期间在网上公布我是在2014年10月,2015年10月,2016年10月,2017年10月分别受到了这些公司所支付的这些款项,你们也都听到这些公司出面证实我所言属实且这些支付都是按上级公司指示合法支付。你们逻辑有问题才会如此颠倒。明明是我在网上宣布我已经收到钱,你们就给颠倒成我是在宣布我想要这些钱?)
The correct statement is "Min Fang announced what she has received or been expecting to receive on the web."(正确的说法应该是“方敏在网上宣布了所收到的钱以及还在等着收的钱。”)
----July 26th, 2018
Heard this morning's Yu's tough attitude of "give us the money" and declaring of relative- relationship.(听说了今天早上于家的强硬立场“给偶们拿钱来”以及所宣布的“统统都是亲戚”)。
My response:(我的回应:)
This reminds me of one historic name in China: "Li, Zicheng (闯王李自成)", a historically famous gang people. (这倒是让我想起了中国的一个历史人物的名字”闯王李自成,中国历史上很有名的一个占山为王的帮派头子。)
In English tales, Robin Hood enjoyed rob rich person to help poor and in-need, this infamous Li, Zicheng (李自成)'s name in Chinese tales were different, this Li, Zicheng (李自成)'s name never means helps in-needs but deserve to own by themselves in Chinese tales.(在英语故事里,罗宾汉是打家劫舍乐于助人救难的豪侠,这个闯王李自成的名字在中国的传说里不是这样的,闯王李自成的名子不是打劫为了救难而是就是应该全归他们自己所有。)
What makes this name famous in Chinese tales was how they grouped as a gang, the talent told in all Chinese tales has been "how to create relatives without blood association", now, what you heard this morning may be the presentation from the offspring.(这个名字在中国民间故事里很出名的是他们是如何结帮成伙的。所有的中国民间故事都是在讲闯王李自成是如何的有了”一百零八将”的结拜兄弟姊妹. 你们今天早上听到的可能就是这个闯王李自成的后裔所做的李自成后裔家族的“才华展示会”。)
All these Yu-s may be the offspring of this famous Li, Zicheng (闯王李自成) is definitely my speculation at this minute of today. I am positive it can be confirmed.(我猜测所有这些于姓人士可能都是闯王李自成的后裔,但我还真是很自信这猜测估计是可以被证实的。)
----July 26th, 2018
Heard this morning's saying of "thousands" and "give up".(听说了今天早上的“加个千”以及“放弃了”)
My response: Yes, I heard. (我的回应:是啊,我听说了)。
----July 26th, 2018
Heard this frustration of "why Min Fang can have morning by post ownership on the web"(听说了有关”为什么方敏就可以在网上宣布宣布就可以有这钱那钱“的气愤.
My response:(我的回应:)
If I respond harshly, I would ask do you ever have an IQ evaluated? The explanation: why don't you repeat your supporting analysis why you say so?(粗鲁版本的回应:你有没有一丁点的智商啊?解释:你自己重复一下你自己刚才说的愤怒理由及你自己的分析?)
The politer way to respond: I posted on the internet web in 2017-2018 stating I received this much money paid in October of 2014, October of 2015, October 2016, and October 2017 from these companies, you also have heard all have been confirmed as the true and lawfully instructed payment by the paying companies. What is wrong with your logic to say I claim to own knowing the truth is I
just announced what I have received or I am expecting to receive?(客气一点的版本:我是在2017年-2018年期间在网上公布我是在2014年10月,2015年10月,2016年10月,2017年10月分别受到了这些公司所支付的这些款项,你们也都听到这些公司出面证实我所言属实且这些支付都是按上级公司指示合法支付。你们逻辑有问题才会如此颠倒。明明是我在网上宣布我已经收到钱,你们就给颠倒成我是在宣布我想要这些钱?)
The correct statement is "Min Fang announced what she has received or been expecting to receive on the web."(正确的说法应该是“方敏在网上宣布了所收到的钱以及还在等着收的钱。”)
----July 26th, 2018
Heard this morning's Yu's tough attitude of "give us the money" and declaring of relative- relationship.(听说了今天早上于家的强硬立场“给偶们拿钱来”以及所宣布的“统统都是亲戚”)。
My response:(我的回应:)
This reminds me of one historic name in China: "Li, Zicheng (闯王李自成)", a historically famous gang people. (这倒是让我想起了中国的一个历史人物的名字”闯王李自成,中国历史上很有名的一个占山为王的帮派头子。)
In English tales, Robin Hood enjoyed rob rich person to help poor and in-need, this infamous Li, Zicheng (李自成)'s name in Chinese tales were different, this Li, Zicheng (李自成)'s name never means helps in-needs but deserve to own by themselves in Chinese tales.(在英语故事里,罗宾汉是打家劫舍乐于助人救难的豪侠,这个闯王李自成的名字在中国的传说里不是这样的,闯王李自成的名子不是打劫为了救难而是就是应该全归他们自己所有。)
What makes this name famous in Chinese tales was how they grouped as a gang, the talent told in all Chinese tales has been "how to create relatives without blood association", now, what you heard this morning may be the presentation from the offspring.(这个名字在中国民间故事里很出名的是他们是如何结帮成伙的。所有的中国民间故事都是在讲闯王李自成是如何的有了”一百零八将”的结拜兄弟姊妹. 你们今天早上听到的可能就是这个闯王李自成的后裔所做的李自成后裔家族的“才华展示会”。)
All these Yu-s may be the offspring of this famous Li, Zicheng (闯王李自成) is definitely my speculation at this minute of today. I am positive it can be confirmed.(我猜测所有这些于姓人士可能都是闯王李自成的后裔,但我还真是很自信这猜测估计是可以被证实的。)
----July 26th, 2018
Heard this morning's saying of "thousands" and "give up".(听说了今天早上的“加个千”以及“放弃了”)
My response: Yes, I heard. (我的回应:是啊,我听说了)。
----July 26th, 2018
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
07-25-2018 Why a radio program can be so all mighty powerful beyond entertainment
07-25-2018 Why a radio program can be so all mighty powerful beyond entertainment
Heard this morning's talk of the "since 2007 marriage".
My response:
I heard this has been no secret in the U.S. entertainment industry since 2007. I heard it was late Mr. David Rockefeller took Mister out of his personal life situation which I 100% have no problem at all, but I don't know if against his wish or as he wishes. I do think late Mr. David Rockefeller would be very great on this matter if it was as that Mister had wished.
I have nothing to do with this Mister has been a true statement.
----July 25th, 2018
Regarding why a radio program can be so all mighty powerful beyond entertainment?
My response:
I heard a majority of China's Central Political Committee's members married to a Chinese entertainment personnel. Tons of practicing power in this radio program producing and promoting that anyone can imagine.
I heard the Rockefeller's name has been the "Rock and Roll" powerhouse in the U.S. business world through this radio program's producing and promoting, and it is all about my matters should be their deservedness to meddle. It has been all about "I said so, Don't I deserve so, What do you mean it is not my privilege..." on the radio about matters that one would not consider their matters or not their privileges or not their deservedness in the United States or by the United States laws.
In Boston of Massachusetts, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh has been rumored the reason of all these on-street and in-reality promoting whatever was announced on the radio except for such "unpleasant" announcements as "Min Fang's inheriting in 2004 was legally valid" by the U.S. Justice Department, or "Min Fang has money" from the U.S. business, etc., all from the same radio program which he has been supporting.
I have sent two emails to Boston Mayor's office already, one is about my possible intellectual income which had already paid handsome Massachusetts Income tax, taxes were not paid in my name because of some of this radio program's announcements but definitely my earning's taxes. The other one is about my Hong Kong trust entity I inherited which has been announced on the same radio program. I don't know why Boston city has such huge problems to help me with food and cash via its welfare system. In the United States, I don't pay any income tax to a city by the U.S. laws.
Other than myself, who else would be impacted because of all these orchestrated efforts of producing & promoting this radio program as such? Well, there was some rumor that can ask this question the most illustrative.
If a government official in-office who has a personal interest in my inheriting story is willing to give an "administrative order from this person's office" if an administrative order can be given by any public office, and the order is to order police officer to open fire at me on the street to "prevent disappointment from those who want some money".
By the U.S. Constitution, by the U.S. government administrative related laws and by all U.S. federal or state laws, U.S. government official can't give such administrative order as "open fire to a civilian who does not carry firearms". So, what will happen if some police officers willing to carry out such administrative order from a valid public office, and some police officers disagree that can be a valid administrative order at all from any valid public office?
In case not everybody knows how the police system works in the United States, it means the possible complete shootout among police officers which may lead to a nationwide shootout. No police officer can be excluded. On this matter, there is no conflict at all among any Federal laws, state laws or city laws in the entire United States.
If one police officer willing to execute the administrative order to kill a no-firearm-civilian on a U.S. street, another police officer who is enforcing U.S. laws has to open fire at the killer-police, both will call out to their supporting police officers for help, the situation will be, I use Boston as a local street's city to demonstrate here: if all Boston police officers have called in but can't make the situation clear, nearby cities police officers will be called together with Massachusetts state-police officers, further will be Connecticut's and New Hampshire's, etc, till the situation is clear.
As a lot would assume, I will be the one killed anyway in this process but it won't stop the shoot-out till the killer-police willing to be arrested. And I am comfortable I possibly will be able to escape the shooting 100% by my own help miraculously once the shooting started.
So, exactly, what I am trying to illustrate here?
----July 25th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk of the "since 2007 marriage".
My response:
I heard this has been no secret in the U.S. entertainment industry since 2007. I heard it was late Mr. David Rockefeller took Mister out of his personal life situation which I 100% have no problem at all, but I don't know if against his wish or as he wishes. I do think late Mr. David Rockefeller would be very great on this matter if it was as that Mister had wished.
I have nothing to do with this Mister has been a true statement.
----July 25th, 2018
Regarding why a radio program can be so all mighty powerful beyond entertainment?
My response:
I heard a majority of China's Central Political Committee's members married to a Chinese entertainment personnel. Tons of practicing power in this radio program producing and promoting that anyone can imagine.
I heard the Rockefeller's name has been the "Rock and Roll" powerhouse in the U.S. business world through this radio program's producing and promoting, and it is all about my matters should be their deservedness to meddle. It has been all about "I said so, Don't I deserve so, What do you mean it is not my privilege..." on the radio about matters that one would not consider their matters or not their privileges or not their deservedness in the United States or by the United States laws.
In Boston of Massachusetts, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh has been rumored the reason of all these on-street and in-reality promoting whatever was announced on the radio except for such "unpleasant" announcements as "Min Fang's inheriting in 2004 was legally valid" by the U.S. Justice Department, or "Min Fang has money" from the U.S. business, etc., all from the same radio program which he has been supporting.
I have sent two emails to Boston Mayor's office already, one is about my possible intellectual income which had already paid handsome Massachusetts Income tax, taxes were not paid in my name because of some of this radio program's announcements but definitely my earning's taxes. The other one is about my Hong Kong trust entity I inherited which has been announced on the same radio program. I don't know why Boston city has such huge problems to help me with food and cash via its welfare system. In the United States, I don't pay any income tax to a city by the U.S. laws.
Other than myself, who else would be impacted because of all these orchestrated efforts of producing & promoting this radio program as such? Well, there was some rumor that can ask this question the most illustrative.
If a government official in-office who has a personal interest in my inheriting story is willing to give an "administrative order from this person's office" if an administrative order can be given by any public office, and the order is to order police officer to open fire at me on the street to "prevent disappointment from those who want some money".
By the U.S. Constitution, by the U.S. government administrative related laws and by all U.S. federal or state laws, U.S. government official can't give such administrative order as "open fire to a civilian who does not carry firearms". So, what will happen if some police officers willing to carry out such administrative order from a valid public office, and some police officers disagree that can be a valid administrative order at all from any valid public office?
In case not everybody knows how the police system works in the United States, it means the possible complete shootout among police officers which may lead to a nationwide shootout. No police officer can be excluded. On this matter, there is no conflict at all among any Federal laws, state laws or city laws in the entire United States.
If one police officer willing to execute the administrative order to kill a no-firearm-civilian on a U.S. street, another police officer who is enforcing U.S. laws has to open fire at the killer-police, both will call out to their supporting police officers for help, the situation will be, I use Boston as a local street's city to demonstrate here: if all Boston police officers have called in but can't make the situation clear, nearby cities police officers will be called together with Massachusetts state-police officers, further will be Connecticut's and New Hampshire's, etc, till the situation is clear.
As a lot would assume, I will be the one killed anyway in this process but it won't stop the shoot-out till the killer-police willing to be arrested. And I am comfortable I possibly will be able to escape the shooting 100% by my own help miraculously once the shooting started.
So, exactly, what I am trying to illustrate here?
----July 25th, 2018
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the NO FOOD threatening situation.
My response: I also heard the argument about how government agencies coordinate their jobs together. As I said, I am quiet because it is obvious that I am already protected by laws.
----July 24th, 2018
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the NO FOOD threatening situation.
My response: I also heard the argument about how government agencies coordinate their jobs together. As I said, I am quiet because it is obvious that I am already protected by laws.
----July 24th, 2018
Monday, July 23, 2018
07-23-2018 How many more confusions are still out there? (现在还有多少困扰没弄清啊?)
07-23-2018 How many more confusions are still out there? (现在还有多少困扰没弄清啊?)
Heard a lot of people saying I am quiet now means I am done which is an untrue statement.(有人说我现在没声是不是差不多了, 我说当然不是了)
My response:(我的回应:)
I refuse all these demands for my money. (我拒绝所有这些向我索要钱财的要求。)
My gifting is voluntary to who I call relatives, never debt owed to Fang's any offspring. If the six relatives families, which are families of my father's two sisters and one brother, my grandfather one sister and one brother, dislike the gifting size, I am willing to cancel the gifting entirely to convince everyone that I never owe. I withhold the gift to my younger brother because he seems never a relative to me nor my parents. I refuse to gift anyone else. I consider futher request on this matter as extortion.(送礼物是自愿给被我称为亲戚的几个,从来不是因为欠了方家后人的钱债.。2004年我愿意送礼的六家+1家被我称为亲戚的人家,也就是我父亲的一弟两妹家里,我爷爷的一弟一妹家里,以及我奶奶的娘家兄弟家里,如果这些人认为我送的礼物规模不满意,我愿意将送礼物计划全部取消以平息所有人的不平衡并证明我方敏确实从来没有欠债必须要还的情况。所有就此的动作多多我都认为是在试图敲诈勒索。我暂时不会送给我弟弟任何礼物就因为他好像从来就不是我或者我父母的一个亲戚,我也拒绝送礼物给任何其他人。)
Not really I am done but it is obvious that I have been protected by laws is the reason I am quiet now.(不是因为我差不多了而是已经很明显我是被法律保护着,所以我没声了。)
I have announced four big company that two of which have been clarified that their paid-out money is lawfully for my exclusive usage. The current one is in the processing of clarifying what the confusions are that having doubts if the paid-out from this company should be for my exclusive usage. I haven't received the providing-payment from the clarified two companies is because the huge radio campaign of "taking the money out of Min Fang's possession to the truly deserved even if it means illegally" since 2013 has been the co-efforts from this currently in-clarification-confusions' group who may have also impacted my life severely. The other efforts are from the "what intellectual income should be" confusion.(我宣布过有4个公司为我支付生活费用,其中两个公司的支付款项已经得到澄清确实是合法提供给我方敏一个人使用的,现在进行的是有关第三家公司支付款项困扰的澄清。我现在还未收到前面两家公司的支付款项就是因为从2013年起的广播剧“就算手段非法也要把钱从方敏那儿拿走交给够资格有钱的人”这么一个宣传就是很多围绕这家公司的困扰造成也造成了我日常生活的不安全感以及很多真实的不便。广播剧这个宣传制作努力的其他努力方则是因为“什么是智慧产权”的困扰。)
I heard this current confusion from Yu's families (于家)has been historical since my great-great-grandfather's family inheriting in 1910 or so. I heard Yu's family had a bank that denied a banknote of 70,000 Silver dollars deposit which was $70,000 U.S. dollar in 1910 when the exchange rate was 1Silver Dollar = $ 1 U.S. dollar. The reason for the denial given was it might be a forged banknote which was unlikely because this deposit banknote was given to the banker Yu's own close in-law as part of the son's share from my great-great-grandfather's family-wealth inheriting, all other bank deposit notes from my deceased great-great-grandfather to all his adult sons and all his wives were good, all his junior sons' trusts were all good as well. This son's share and the average family inheriting size were both 100,000 Silver Dollars each and this son's blood was never doubted. Each son's share was decided by the father. I heard this was not the only story rumored about this bank operated by Yu's family since 1910. This story does remind me of what was announced on this radio program about an NYC bank branch's functions. This son's son burned my grandfather's house once because of the confusion if it was my great-grandfather forged his father's banknote which was untrue. The Trust my grandfather set up in 1948 was $500 Silver Dollars.(我听说现在这个于家的困扰好像有历史了,从我曽曾祖父那代分家产就有。我听说1910年左右有个开银行的于家拒绝兑现我曽曾祖父一个儿子的一张七万大洋的银票,这张1910年7万大洋的银票就是美国1910年时期的七万美元, 据说给的理由是银票可能是假的,我估计不太可能因为这张是这个儿子所分家产的一部分,这张于家银行的银票就是给这个于家银行老板的姻亲的,关系很近,我曽曾祖父给他所有成年儿子及所有老婆的其他银票都是好的,给所有年幼儿子们办的信托也都没问题。那一代每一个儿子的平均份额是十万大洋,这个儿子分到的就是十万大洋而且这个儿子的血脉也从未被做父亲的怀疑过。每个儿子的份额多少都是由做父亲的决定。我听说从这1910年起这于家银行还有一些类似的故事。这还真让我想起了广播剧上所宣布的纽约城里的一个银行分行的职责应该是什么。就是这家的儿子还是孙子把我爷爷的房子给烧过一次,就是因为他们家怀疑是我曾祖父篡改了那张银票。 我曾祖父从未碰过那张银票。我爷爷1948年设立的信托是500万大洋的信托。)
The confusion from this Yu's family with my inherited seems because of my great-grandmother's last name had the same pronunciation Chinese character of Yu as well. We are definitely not related.(据说现在于家对我继承的困扰就是因为我曾祖母娘家姓氏也是于姓的同音字,但我们之间肯定没有亲戚关系。)
----July 23rd, 2018
The expansion of the new system did not lead to the extinction of the old: the growth of deposit-taking, combined with less stringent capital requirements, convinced many state bankers that they could do without either the ability to issue banknotes or a federal charter, and led to a resurgence of state banking in the 1880s and 1890s. Under the original acts, the minimum capital requirement for national banks was $50,000 for banks in towns with a population of 6000 or less, $100,000 for banks in cities with a population ranging from 6000 to 50,000, and $200,000 for banks in cities with populations exceeding 50,000. By contrast, the minimum capital requirement for a state bank was often as low as $10,000. The difference in capital requirements may have been an important difference in the resurgence of state banking: in 1877 only about one-fifth of state banks had a capital of less than $50,000; by 1899 the proportion was over three-fifths. Recognizing this competition, the Gold Standard Act of 1900 reduced the minimum capital necessary for national banks.
(US Banking History, Civil War to World War II. Source: https://eh.net/encyclopedia/us-banking-history-civil-war-to-world-war-ii/)
还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)
方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)
方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)
----published on 2018年7月20日
Heard a lot of people saying I am quiet now means I am done which is an untrue statement.(有人说我现在没声是不是差不多了, 我说当然不是了)
My response:(我的回应:)
I refuse all these demands for my money. (我拒绝所有这些向我索要钱财的要求。)
My gifting is voluntary to who I call relatives, never debt owed to Fang's any offspring. If the six relatives families, which are families of my father's two sisters and one brother, my grandfather one sister and one brother, dislike the gifting size, I am willing to cancel the gifting entirely to convince everyone that I never owe. I withhold the gift to my younger brother because he seems never a relative to me nor my parents. I refuse to gift anyone else. I consider futher request on this matter as extortion.(送礼物是自愿给被我称为亲戚的几个,从来不是因为欠了方家后人的钱债.。2004年我愿意送礼的六家+1家被我称为亲戚的人家,也就是我父亲的一弟两妹家里,我爷爷的一弟一妹家里,以及我奶奶的娘家兄弟家里,如果这些人认为我送的礼物规模不满意,我愿意将送礼物计划全部取消以平息所有人的不平衡并证明我方敏确实从来没有欠债必须要还的情况。所有就此的动作多多我都认为是在试图敲诈勒索。我暂时不会送给我弟弟任何礼物就因为他好像从来就不是我或者我父母的一个亲戚,我也拒绝送礼物给任何其他人。)
Not really I am done but it is obvious that I have been protected by laws is the reason I am quiet now.(不是因为我差不多了而是已经很明显我是被法律保护着,所以我没声了。)
I have announced four big company that two of which have been clarified that their paid-out money is lawfully for my exclusive usage. The current one is in the processing of clarifying what the confusions are that having doubts if the paid-out from this company should be for my exclusive usage. I haven't received the providing-payment from the clarified two companies is because the huge radio campaign of "taking the money out of Min Fang's possession to the truly deserved even if it means illegally" since 2013 has been the co-efforts from this currently in-clarification-confusions' group who may have also impacted my life severely. The other efforts are from the "what intellectual income should be" confusion.(我宣布过有4个公司为我支付生活费用,其中两个公司的支付款项已经得到澄清确实是合法提供给我方敏一个人使用的,现在进行的是有关第三家公司支付款项困扰的澄清。我现在还未收到前面两家公司的支付款项就是因为从2013年起的广播剧“就算手段非法也要把钱从方敏那儿拿走交给够资格有钱的人”这么一个宣传就是很多围绕这家公司的困扰造成也造成了我日常生活的不安全感以及很多真实的不便。广播剧这个宣传制作努力的其他努力方则是因为“什么是智慧产权”的困扰。)
I heard this current confusion from Yu's families (于家)has been historical since my great-great-grandfather's family inheriting in 1910 or so. I heard Yu's family had a bank that denied a banknote of 70,000 Silver dollars deposit which was $70,000 U.S. dollar in 1910 when the exchange rate was 1Silver Dollar = $ 1 U.S. dollar. The reason for the denial given was it might be a forged banknote which was unlikely because this deposit banknote was given to the banker Yu's own close in-law as part of the son's share from my great-great-grandfather's family-wealth inheriting, all other bank deposit notes from my deceased great-great-grandfather to all his adult sons and all his wives were good, all his junior sons' trusts were all good as well. This son's share and the average family inheriting size were both 100,000 Silver Dollars each and this son's blood was never doubted. Each son's share was decided by the father. I heard this was not the only story rumored about this bank operated by Yu's family since 1910. This story does remind me of what was announced on this radio program about an NYC bank branch's functions. This son's son burned my grandfather's house once because of the confusion if it was my great-grandfather forged his father's banknote which was untrue. The Trust my grandfather set up in 1948 was $500 Silver Dollars.(我听说现在这个于家的困扰好像有历史了,从我曽曾祖父那代分家产就有。我听说1910年左右有个开银行的于家拒绝兑现我曽曾祖父一个儿子的一张七万大洋的银票,这张1910年7万大洋的银票就是美国1910年时期的七万美元, 据说给的理由是银票可能是假的,我估计不太可能因为这张是这个儿子所分家产的一部分,这张于家银行的银票就是给这个于家银行老板的姻亲的,关系很近,我曽曾祖父给他所有成年儿子及所有老婆的其他银票都是好的,给所有年幼儿子们办的信托也都没问题。那一代每一个儿子的平均份额是十万大洋,这个儿子分到的就是十万大洋而且这个儿子的血脉也从未被做父亲的怀疑过。每个儿子的份额多少都是由做父亲的决定。我听说从这1910年起这于家银行还有一些类似的故事。这还真让我想起了广播剧上所宣布的纽约城里的一个银行分行的职责应该是什么。就是这家的儿子还是孙子把我爷爷的房子给烧过一次,就是因为他们家怀疑是我曾祖父篡改了那张银票。 我曾祖父从未碰过那张银票。我爷爷1948年设立的信托是500万大洋的信托。)
The confusion from this Yu's family with my inherited seems because of my great-grandmother's last name had the same pronunciation Chinese character of Yu as well. We are definitely not related.(据说现在于家对我继承的困扰就是因为我曾祖母娘家姓氏也是于姓的同音字,但我们之间肯定没有亲戚关系。)
----July 23rd, 2018
The expansion of the new system did not lead to the extinction of the old: the growth of deposit-taking, combined with less stringent capital requirements, convinced many state bankers that they could do without either the ability to issue banknotes or a federal charter, and led to a resurgence of state banking in the 1880s and 1890s. Under the original acts, the minimum capital requirement for national banks was $50,000 for banks in towns with a population of 6000 or less, $100,000 for banks in cities with a population ranging from 6000 to 50,000, and $200,000 for banks in cities with populations exceeding 50,000. By contrast, the minimum capital requirement for a state bank was often as low as $10,000. The difference in capital requirements may have been an important difference in the resurgence of state banking: in 1877 only about one-fifth of state banks had a capital of less than $50,000; by 1899 the proportion was over three-fifths. Recognizing this competition, the Gold Standard Act of 1900 reduced the minimum capital necessary for national banks.
(US Banking History, Civil War to World War II. Source: https://eh.net/encyclopedia/us-banking-history-civil-war-to-world-war-ii/)
还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)
方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)
方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)
Sunday, July 22, 2018
07-22-2018 Missy O, you are a cheap-born yourself to watch your husband to father other woman's children.
07-22-2018 Missy O, you are a cheap-born yourself to watch your husband to father other woman's children.
Heard this morning's talk about so not allowed.
My response:
Pretty much everything is not allowed. "Not allowed to have food", "Not allowed to have a roof", "Not allowed to talk", "not allowed to have children", "Not allowed to have parents still alive" from different over-outreaching groups but well-organized care-free insisted on. Over-outreaching groups mean none of these groups would be the group should have expected any impacted interests if allowed. I accused this is the murder-attempted by all the participants.
I had met some big names interesting but only one from each name. Why this can be so confusing after all these years, 14 years later to be exactly? Are they psychos?
Two example: One is Miss Jessica O's husband who might be a cousin of the person I met but both have the anxiety as if I am the one so confused, or he is the same person but he had already moved on before my birth children were conceived which means he never donated his bio to have my biological children to be born.
The entire time, I have been trying to tell this Miss O if her child was born in the same 2010 as my children, my children won't be the children sharing the blood because O's name is never cheap, she just insisted on she is a cheap-born enough to be so confused. So I used her insisted-on as today's title.
I have made it very clear my daughter presented in a video in 2012 resembles me. If Miss O has been a wife to her husband this entire time, how come she never knew she is this cheap to watch her husband kept having children with others? I was never this cheap to need his money to raise none of his bio children.
So, I really want to ask this Miss O, have you participated in some too wild parties to be confused this much to mistake every JoyStick a husband to yourself? If you are this cheap as yourself demonstrated so publicly, why you fancy you can forbid me to acknowledge my biological children are so realistic children to deserve to live their life proudly? I am so proud to tell you I am much wealthy than your husband to provide for my biological children.
07-22-2018 Missy O, you are a cheap-born yourself to watch your husband to father other woman's children. Otherwise, you should realize you only have one husband instead of claiming every boy who has a joyful stick a husband.
I am so proud to tell Miss O that I am so much wealthier than your husband to provide much handsomely for my biological children.
The other one is a Mister D. R. who I never met but somehow so confused why I so stuck with him.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with them?
I heard D.R's family had invested some movies and shows I wanted to invest in 2004, but the intellectual income I earned in front of so many people was the expense before the company tax which was nothing to do with him. I heard he is the person kept telling everybody I have no money, why it is him if he was there heard everything I wanted was answered by the none Rockefellers, nor Fords, and nor Waltons, except those investment opportunities his family so willing to grab the chance to invest? Is the Missy O couple the same story?
The intellectual Income has nothing to do with the investment profit that they have already received. The intellectual income is paid as the administrative expenses but calculated as the percentage of the sales which is similar to the salesperson's incentive.
* I can sense there are some Chinese female psychos competing who kept claiming every JoyStick from the F house is the JoyStick for them to handle. I don't know if they are from the prostituting pimping efforts.
----July 22nd, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about so not allowed.
My response:
Pretty much everything is not allowed. "Not allowed to have food", "Not allowed to have a roof", "Not allowed to talk", "not allowed to have children", "Not allowed to have parents still alive" from different over-outreaching groups but well-organized care-free insisted on. Over-outreaching groups mean none of these groups would be the group should have expected any impacted interests if allowed. I accused this is the murder-attempted by all the participants.
I had met some big names interesting but only one from each name. Why this can be so confusing after all these years, 14 years later to be exactly? Are they psychos?
Two example: One is Miss Jessica O's husband who might be a cousin of the person I met but both have the anxiety as if I am the one so confused, or he is the same person but he had already moved on before my birth children were conceived which means he never donated his bio to have my biological children to be born.
The entire time, I have been trying to tell this Miss O if her child was born in the same 2010 as my children, my children won't be the children sharing the blood because O's name is never cheap, she just insisted on she is a cheap-born enough to be so confused. So I used her insisted-on as today's title.
I have made it very clear my daughter presented in a video in 2012 resembles me. If Miss O has been a wife to her husband this entire time, how come she never knew she is this cheap to watch her husband kept having children with others? I was never this cheap to need his money to raise none of his bio children.
So, I really want to ask this Miss O, have you participated in some too wild parties to be confused this much to mistake every JoyStick a husband to yourself? If you are this cheap as yourself demonstrated so publicly, why you fancy you can forbid me to acknowledge my biological children are so realistic children to deserve to live their life proudly? I am so proud to tell you I am much wealthy than your husband to provide for my biological children.
07-22-2018 Missy O, you are a cheap-born yourself to watch your husband to father other woman's children. Otherwise, you should realize you only have one husband instead of claiming every boy who has a joyful stick a husband.
I am so proud to tell Miss O that I am so much wealthier than your husband to provide much handsomely for my biological children.
The other one is a Mister D. R. who I never met but somehow so confused why I so stuck with him.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with them?
I heard D.R's family had invested some movies and shows I wanted to invest in 2004, but the intellectual income I earned in front of so many people was the expense before the company tax which was nothing to do with him. I heard he is the person kept telling everybody I have no money, why it is him if he was there heard everything I wanted was answered by the none Rockefellers, nor Fords, and nor Waltons, except those investment opportunities his family so willing to grab the chance to invest? Is the Missy O couple the same story?
The intellectual Income has nothing to do with the investment profit that they have already received. The intellectual income is paid as the administrative expenses but calculated as the percentage of the sales which is similar to the salesperson's incentive.
* I can sense there are some Chinese female psychos competing who kept claiming every JoyStick from the F house is the JoyStick for them to handle. I don't know if they are from the prostituting pimping efforts.
----July 22nd, 2018
Saturday, July 21, 2018
07-21-2018 Why Chinese Communities have this Anger Outburst? (华裔社区爆发的愤怒究竟是什么?)
07-21-2018 Why Chinese Communities have this Anger Outburst?(华裔社区爆发的愤怒究竟是什么?)
Heard this morning's talk of Chinese communities outburst yesterday.(听说了今天早上华裔社区对我昨天博文的愤怒)
My response:(我的回应:)
Why? Who deserves what saying? Laws printed in Chinese, in English, in French, In Spanish for them to check out, why they only demand mouth-privilege for the saying? Who expects what saying from what opening located at where on a human body if laws-in-prints are not what expected to provide the saying? (为什么?谁应该有个什么说法?可查询的已经发表的已实施法律,既有用中文发表的,也有用英文法文西班牙文发表的,为什么不查询这些已发表已实施法律而强调这张嘴那张嘴才能给个说法?如果已发表法律的说法不是所期望的,那人体哪个部分的什么开口部位才是所应该期望的给个说法的权威?)
Use this "Not allowed to talk, not allowed to have a roof, not allowed to have food" tone to disagree with my accusation against the Chinese government is never the privilege granted by the Constitution to any government officials not to mention these government employees who possibly intentionally seeking jobs in Boston after my inheriting in 2004. (用这种”不准说话,不准有屋住,不准有饭吃“的口气来表达对我指责中国政府的态度,从来就不是美国宪法赋予美国政府官员的特权,更不用说他们就只是在政府机关找了份工作的替政府做工的雇员而已,我还怀疑他们是不是在我2004年继承之后特意在麻州波士顿政府部门找这份工来伺机做他们现在表态铁了心就是要做的事?他们都是姓于的,这是偶然吗?)
As you heard so loudly, the Intellectual incomes should be recognized as the reward to those what located between human legs is the reason there is actually so many confusion how could an intellectual-maker deserve the intellectual-making while so many paired-openings so want it?(就像你所听到的响亮宣言,智慧产权应该被认为是奖励人体两腿中间部位的功能的,所以才会有这么多的奇怪声音来强调明明有这么多已经对接在一起的人体想要钱,凭什么让智慧产权的创造者拿智慧收入?
Are all these outbursts the same?(这些华裔社区的愤怒也是一类吗?)
My anger regarding Chinese communities, especially Boston Chinese community, is that they are so certain that I never get a penny from this or that prominent JoyStick because I was homeless and am currently on welfare. All you could hear from the Chinese communities is the anger from the pride as if themselves are the authentic sucker expected to have money instead of being the none of their business group. Otherwise, why Chinese attitudes or Chinese determinations are needed when there are existing government's regulations or the U.S. laws to handle my welfare case? Especially when none of these state-government employees from the Boston Chinese community is my welfare caseworker.(我对于华裔社区特别是波士顿华裔社区的愤怒就是:他们很清楚我曾经是流落街头现在靠政府综援生活,从没从这条那条男人乐呵棍拿一分钱。而你们可以听到的华裔社区那份因骄傲而产生的愤怒就好像他们才是真正舔到了这条那条男人乐呵棍的够资格拿钱的人物,而不是这和他们有什么关系这么一族。否则的话,明明美国政府机关已经有完善法规条例管理综援的情况下,哪里会需要这份华裔态度,华裔决心?何况,这些波士顿华裔人士根本就不是我的什么综援申请审批相关人士。)
I am already in communication with the Massachusetts and Boston government agencies about my welfare case as what I suppose to do according to the U.S. laws. According to I hear, everyone whose wealth under-entrust is expected the same as I am experiencing: I am constantly facing the eviction anxiety, monthly providing-check recipients have the anxiety of what if no check comes-in next month? So, I screamed at my apartment I need $6Million cash in my backpack to be anxiety free for 50 years.(我已经根据美国法律做了我应该做的,也就是和麻州及波士顿的政府相关机构就我的综援进行沟通查询。我听说啊,每一个办了财产信托的人都会有我这份体会:我是天天担心被赶出综援系统,每月拿生活费支票的那种就天天担心下个月支票没来怎么办?所以,我是急得在我家里乱吼:我要六百万美元现金放在随身包里,这样我就可以50年不用担惊受怕。)
Why in my backpack? That is because I have another anxiety of "Heavens above, Hells underneath, The proud Chinese communities are in-between." The explanation: If I dare to have a house or a bank account, air strikes should be expected from above, landmines and tunnels underneath, the proud Chinese communities are all around to break-in. So, I analyzed to conclude my high-tech security should be what I rely on to protect my life and my $6Million cash.(为什么放在随身包里?那是因为我还有另外一个担惊处:“上有天堂,下有地狱,中间有个到处遍地都是的华裔社区”。解读:要是我敢有个房子或者银行存款,那是上有飞机和飞箭,下有地雷和地道,中间还有个华裔社区随时破门而入。所以我分析了一下,我依赖高科技保安能保障我的人生安全,也就同时顺带保障了我的六百万美金现款了。)
I heard there is a child mothered by a Vietnamese is announced this morning which is certainly none of my business. My biological children, definitely not fathered by the same person, are already in elementary school. I have missed their lovely toddler years is true.(我听说今天早上又宣布一个越南人所生的孩儿,又是个很肯定和我的亲生孩子们不是一个爹的宣布,所以又是个与我无关人的无关事。我自己亲生的孩子们都已经“七岁八岁狗都嫌”的上小学了。我错过了他们可爱的幼稚园时期是真的很遗憾。)
----July 21st of 2018
还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)
方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)
方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)
----published on 2018年7月20日
Heard this morning's talk of Chinese communities outburst yesterday.(听说了今天早上华裔社区对我昨天博文的愤怒)
My response:(我的回应:)
Why? Who deserves what saying? Laws printed in Chinese, in English, in French, In Spanish for them to check out, why they only demand mouth-privilege for the saying? Who expects what saying from what opening located at where on a human body if laws-in-prints are not what expected to provide the saying? (为什么?谁应该有个什么说法?可查询的已经发表的已实施法律,既有用中文发表的,也有用英文法文西班牙文发表的,为什么不查询这些已发表已实施法律而强调这张嘴那张嘴才能给个说法?如果已发表法律的说法不是所期望的,那人体哪个部分的什么开口部位才是所应该期望的给个说法的权威?)
Use this "Not allowed to talk, not allowed to have a roof, not allowed to have food" tone to disagree with my accusation against the Chinese government is never the privilege granted by the Constitution to any government officials not to mention these government employees who possibly intentionally seeking jobs in Boston after my inheriting in 2004. (用这种”不准说话,不准有屋住,不准有饭吃“的口气来表达对我指责中国政府的态度,从来就不是美国宪法赋予美国政府官员的特权,更不用说他们就只是在政府机关找了份工作的替政府做工的雇员而已,我还怀疑他们是不是在我2004年继承之后特意在麻州波士顿政府部门找这份工来伺机做他们现在表态铁了心就是要做的事?他们都是姓于的,这是偶然吗?)
As you heard so loudly, the Intellectual incomes should be recognized as the reward to those what located between human legs is the reason there is actually so many confusion how could an intellectual-maker deserve the intellectual-making while so many paired-openings so want it?(就像你所听到的响亮宣言,智慧产权应该被认为是奖励人体两腿中间部位的功能的,所以才会有这么多的奇怪声音来强调明明有这么多已经对接在一起的人体想要钱,凭什么让智慧产权的创造者拿智慧收入?
Are all these outbursts the same?(这些华裔社区的愤怒也是一类吗?)
My anger regarding Chinese communities, especially Boston Chinese community, is that they are so certain that I never get a penny from this or that prominent JoyStick because I was homeless and am currently on welfare. All you could hear from the Chinese communities is the anger from the pride as if themselves are the authentic sucker expected to have money instead of being the none of their business group. Otherwise, why Chinese attitudes or Chinese determinations are needed when there are existing government's regulations or the U.S. laws to handle my welfare case? Especially when none of these state-government employees from the Boston Chinese community is my welfare caseworker.(我对于华裔社区特别是波士顿华裔社区的愤怒就是:他们很清楚我曾经是流落街头现在靠政府综援生活,从没从这条那条男人乐呵棍拿一分钱。而你们可以听到的华裔社区那份因骄傲而产生的愤怒就好像他们才是真正舔到了这条那条男人乐呵棍的够资格拿钱的人物,而不是这和他们有什么关系这么一族。否则的话,明明美国政府机关已经有完善法规条例管理综援的情况下,哪里会需要这份华裔态度,华裔决心?何况,这些波士顿华裔人士根本就不是我的什么综援申请审批相关人士。)
I am already in communication with the Massachusetts and Boston government agencies about my welfare case as what I suppose to do according to the U.S. laws. According to I hear, everyone whose wealth under-entrust is expected the same as I am experiencing: I am constantly facing the eviction anxiety, monthly providing-check recipients have the anxiety of what if no check comes-in next month? So, I screamed at my apartment I need $6Million cash in my backpack to be anxiety free for 50 years.(我已经根据美国法律做了我应该做的,也就是和麻州及波士顿的政府相关机构就我的综援进行沟通查询。我听说啊,每一个办了财产信托的人都会有我这份体会:我是天天担心被赶出综援系统,每月拿生活费支票的那种就天天担心下个月支票没来怎么办?所以,我是急得在我家里乱吼:我要六百万美元现金放在随身包里,这样我就可以50年不用担惊受怕。)
Why in my backpack? That is because I have another anxiety of "Heavens above, Hells underneath, The proud Chinese communities are in-between." The explanation: If I dare to have a house or a bank account, air strikes should be expected from above, landmines and tunnels underneath, the proud Chinese communities are all around to break-in. So, I analyzed to conclude my high-tech security should be what I rely on to protect my life and my $6Million cash.(为什么放在随身包里?那是因为我还有另外一个担惊处:“上有天堂,下有地狱,中间有个到处遍地都是的华裔社区”。解读:要是我敢有个房子或者银行存款,那是上有飞机和飞箭,下有地雷和地道,中间还有个华裔社区随时破门而入。所以我分析了一下,我依赖高科技保安能保障我的人生安全,也就同时顺带保障了我的六百万美金现款了。)
I heard there is a child mothered by a Vietnamese is announced this morning which is certainly none of my business. My biological children, definitely not fathered by the same person, are already in elementary school. I have missed their lovely toddler years is true.(我听说今天早上又宣布一个越南人所生的孩儿,又是个很肯定和我的亲生孩子们不是一个爹的宣布,所以又是个与我无关人的无关事。我自己亲生的孩子们都已经“七岁八岁狗都嫌”的上小学了。我错过了他们可爱的幼稚园时期是真的很遗憾。)
----July 21st of 2018
还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)
方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)
方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)
Friday, July 20, 2018
07-20-2018 方家亲眷的愤怒 “究竟是想送礼还是在演戏?”( The anger of "This is gifting or peforming?")
07-20-2018 方家亲眷的愤怒 “究竟是想送礼还是在演戏?”( The anger of "This is gifting or performing?")
听说了今天早上方家亲眷的愤怒。(Heard about this morning's anger expressed)
我的回应:(My response:)
我不是拖延送礼,拖延是因为我就是拿不到信托已支付的生活费用给付及我全部的智慧产权收入,身无分文无法送礼。香港信托的五亿美金投资本应在2014年底到期,也因2015年我的生活费用给付拿不到及美国纷传的“洗钱传闻”而由香港信托进行了投资延期的处理,听说目前这笔钱已被交给美国司法部。(I did not intend to delay the gifting, the delay was because I can't receive my living expense providing and all my intellectual income, I have been penniless. I heard the $500Million investment from Hong Kong was due by end of 2014, its investment was extended by the Hong Kong Trust entity because of the circled "money laundry" rumor and I can't receive my living expense provided. I heard it is currently in withheld by the U.S. Justice Department.)
目前我已经向美国警方投诉中国政府,洛家和高尔家通过广播剧及其相关活动进行公然讹诈,敲诈,抢劫和绑架活动。我不清楚事件真相如何。(I have filed the complaint to the U.S. law enforcement my accusation that Chinese government, R's families, and Gore's families have used radio program producing and promotion activities to conduct bilking, extortion, robbery, and kidnapping, etc. I do not the truth of what happened.)
我目前听说的是中国政府为了协助一些人的要钱要求,2015年起由中国政府外交部协助组织参与并由中国文化部宣传部及华裔社区进行“方敏不答应给钱就通过广播剧组织活动进行谩骂羞辱并不准方敏花钱”的所谓真人实景的演出活动。(What I heard was in order to assist demanding money, the Chinese government's foreign department facilitated, organized and participated in the performing show activities from the Chinese Culture Department and Propaganda Department and the Chinese communities abroad, the theme of this reality people in reality set performing show has been "Min Fang is not allowed not to hand in the money. Min Fang is not allowed to spend a penny and deserved to be abused is she dare not to hand in the money".)
波士顿华裔在确定知道按照美国法律我会有丰厚广播剧收入的情况下,坚决以他们就是在乎麻州政府现在付出的是麻州纳税人的钱为名吵闹骂砸就是"不准"麻州政府机构向我财务施援也已经被我向麻州政府投诉其可能的非法企图。(Knowing for certain I should have very handsome income from the radio program broadcasting according to the U.S. laws, some Boston Chinese insisted on to watch taxpayer's money on their same equal government employee-colleagues' behave to ensure I am not allowed to be helped by the reaching-out from the government agencies as the determination you heard the day before on the radio. I have filed my complaint to the Massachusetts State government regarding this.)
广播剧收入是在2016年由广播公司支付后被洛克菲勒家的女眷亲友非法提领。目前听说其中大部分的钱也已经在美国司法部。(My income from the radio program broadcasting was paid in 2016 but illegally deposited by several females from the R's family or related. I heard most of the amount has been overseeing by the U.S. Justice Department.)
美国的O家和其他一些人士就我的信托在美国所投资公司的所有权有些困绕是造成由这些公司所支付的我的生活费用给付被拖延的原因。听说我2015年2016年的生活费用给付是否合法已经澄清,其中通过联邦政府支付的部分也已经转入我的私人账户但还没有转入我自己在商业银行的账户,我也已向麻州政府查询我的信托通过麻州及波士顿向我支付的生活费用给付。(American O' families and others have been confused about the ownership of some American companies that my Trust entities have been investing. This delayed the pay-out of my living expenses because of the concern if the paid-out money is legal. I heard both 2015 and 2016 paid-out have been clarified as legal, those transmitted via Federal agency has been transferred to my name but not a commercial bank I have access to yet. I also started my inquiry to Massachusetts and Boston about the paid-out to local government agencies.)
我很理解方家亲眷的愤怒,我也只能说我收到钱就会尽快处理礼物事宜,我相信会很快。我本人目前的处境还是在被由中国政府组织进行的严密跟梢之中。 传言是中国政府坚持那些想要钱的人就必须做我的邻居甚至要求由我付费以免费居住以方便监视我的一言一行,我也已经表态坚决拒绝此类无理要求。估计由美国波士顿房管局华裔协助安排,不清楚这些华裔认识是否有听说美国由民事法庭可以进行财产继承权官司,不知这些所谓华裔优秀人才是否听说过没有法庭申诉依据又无要求司法调查的理由已经说明要钱从来不是这些人的合法权利?我甚至不清楚这些所谓的优秀华裔是否因为看不懂英文版本的美国法律是让他们如此困扰什么才是美国法律所赋予所保障的合法权益的原因。(I can imagine the anger but all I can say is I will take care of the gifting ASAP once I can receive the money. My current situation is I am still being stalked closely by those money-wanters possibly organized by the Chinese government. The rumor is the Chinese government insist on to let those who want some money to be my neighbor to live free and to "provide closed Residential surveillance" over me, I have refused this demand. I assume it is helped by some Chinese employed by the housing authority/ I don't know if these excellent government employees from Boston Chinese community have ever heard of demanding money is never lawful if there is no legal ground to file a civil lawsuit for the ownership of the money nor legal ground to request a criminal investigation if I steal money? I don't know if these so excellent government employees from the Boston Chinese community can read U.S. laws printed in English to know what are the lawful rights granted and protected by the U.S. laws? How can they be so confused what means lawful in the United States just because they were from China?)
还有啊,我听说广播剧已经造成一百多人的智慧产权在当事人不知情的情况下被非法提领是今天早上广播剧播出希望知情者向美国警方投诉的原因。(Also, I heard radio program has made over 100 in the dark victims of illegal transmitting the intellectual incomes. This is possibly the reason of this morning's broadcasting of "please tip the law enforcement.")
如果你本人或者你的朋友在参加了一个成功的研究项目之后,却没有任何智慧产权收入,也没人知道是什么原因造成。你可以自己或者替你的朋友向美国警方(应该是联邦调查局)陈述你所知道的,只要你说明白你不清楚你所投诉的是否是智慧产权最后评估的结果还是因为非法活动造成,你就不用担心是否会说错话。(If you or your friend had participated a successful project but did not receive any paying-out already intellectual incomes, you can tip the law enforcement about what you. I don't think if this will be an issue as long as you make it clear that you are not certain if the situation is the result of the final evaluation or illegal activities.)
还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)
方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)
方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)
听说了今天早上方家亲眷的愤怒。(Heard about this morning's anger expressed)
我的回应:(My response:)
我不是拖延送礼,拖延是因为我就是拿不到信托已支付的生活费用给付及我全部的智慧产权收入,身无分文无法送礼。香港信托的五亿美金投资本应在2014年底到期,也因2015年我的生活费用给付拿不到及美国纷传的“洗钱传闻”而由香港信托进行了投资延期的处理,听说目前这笔钱已被交给美国司法部。(I did not intend to delay the gifting, the delay was because I can't receive my living expense providing and all my intellectual income, I have been penniless. I heard the $500Million investment from Hong Kong was due by end of 2014, its investment was extended by the Hong Kong Trust entity because of the circled "money laundry" rumor and I can't receive my living expense provided. I heard it is currently in withheld by the U.S. Justice Department.)
目前我已经向美国警方投诉中国政府,洛家和高尔家通过广播剧及其相关活动进行公然讹诈,敲诈,抢劫和绑架活动。我不清楚事件真相如何。(I have filed the complaint to the U.S. law enforcement my accusation that Chinese government, R's families, and Gore's families have used radio program producing and promotion activities to conduct bilking, extortion, robbery, and kidnapping, etc. I do not the truth of what happened.)
我目前听说的是中国政府为了协助一些人的要钱要求,2015年起由中国政府外交部协助组织参与并由中国文化部宣传部及华裔社区进行“方敏不答应给钱就通过广播剧组织活动进行谩骂羞辱并不准方敏花钱”的所谓真人实景的演出活动。(What I heard was in order to assist demanding money, the Chinese government's foreign department facilitated, organized and participated in the performing show activities from the Chinese Culture Department and Propaganda Department and the Chinese communities abroad, the theme of this reality people in reality set performing show has been "Min Fang is not allowed not to hand in the money. Min Fang is not allowed to spend a penny and deserved to be abused is she dare not to hand in the money".)
波士顿华裔在确定知道按照美国法律我会有丰厚广播剧收入的情况下,坚决以他们就是在乎麻州政府现在付出的是麻州纳税人的钱为名吵闹骂砸就是"不准"麻州政府机构向我财务施援也已经被我向麻州政府投诉其可能的非法企图。(Knowing for certain I should have very handsome income from the radio program broadcasting according to the U.S. laws, some Boston Chinese insisted on to watch taxpayer's money on their same equal government employee-colleagues' behave to ensure I am not allowed to be helped by the reaching-out from the government agencies as the determination you heard the day before on the radio. I have filed my complaint to the Massachusetts State government regarding this.)
广播剧收入是在2016年由广播公司支付后被洛克菲勒家的女眷亲友非法提领。目前听说其中大部分的钱也已经在美国司法部。(My income from the radio program broadcasting was paid in 2016 but illegally deposited by several females from the R's family or related. I heard most of the amount has been overseeing by the U.S. Justice Department.)
美国的O家和其他一些人士就我的信托在美国所投资公司的所有权有些困绕是造成由这些公司所支付的我的生活费用给付被拖延的原因。听说我2015年2016年的生活费用给付是否合法已经澄清,其中通过联邦政府支付的部分也已经转入我的私人账户但还没有转入我自己在商业银行的账户,我也已向麻州政府查询我的信托通过麻州及波士顿向我支付的生活费用给付。(American O' families and others have been confused about the ownership of some American companies that my Trust entities have been investing. This delayed the pay-out of my living expenses because of the concern if the paid-out money is legal. I heard both 2015 and 2016 paid-out have been clarified as legal, those transmitted via Federal agency has been transferred to my name but not a commercial bank I have access to yet. I also started my inquiry to Massachusetts and Boston about the paid-out to local government agencies.)
我很理解方家亲眷的愤怒,我也只能说我收到钱就会尽快处理礼物事宜,我相信会很快。我本人目前的处境还是在被由中国政府组织进行的严密跟梢之中。 传言是中国政府坚持那些想要钱的人就必须做我的邻居甚至要求由我付费以免费居住以方便监视我的一言一行,我也已经表态坚决拒绝此类无理要求。估计由美国波士顿房管局华裔协助安排,不清楚这些华裔认识是否有听说美国由民事法庭可以进行财产继承权官司,不知这些所谓华裔优秀人才是否听说过没有法庭申诉依据又无要求司法调查的理由已经说明要钱从来不是这些人的合法权利?我甚至不清楚这些所谓的优秀华裔是否因为看不懂英文版本的美国法律是让他们如此困扰什么才是美国法律所赋予所保障的合法权益的原因。(I can imagine the anger but all I can say is I will take care of the gifting ASAP once I can receive the money. My current situation is I am still being stalked closely by those money-wanters possibly organized by the Chinese government. The rumor is the Chinese government insist on to let those who want some money to be my neighbor to live free and to "provide closed Residential surveillance" over me, I have refused this demand. I assume it is helped by some Chinese employed by the housing authority/ I don't know if these excellent government employees from Boston Chinese community have ever heard of demanding money is never lawful if there is no legal ground to file a civil lawsuit for the ownership of the money nor legal ground to request a criminal investigation if I steal money? I don't know if these so excellent government employees from the Boston Chinese community can read U.S. laws printed in English to know what are the lawful rights granted and protected by the U.S. laws? How can they be so confused what means lawful in the United States just because they were from China?)
还有啊,我听说广播剧已经造成一百多人的智慧产权在当事人不知情的情况下被非法提领是今天早上广播剧播出希望知情者向美国警方投诉的原因。(Also, I heard radio program has made over 100 in the dark victims of illegal transmitting the intellectual incomes. This is possibly the reason of this morning's broadcasting of "please tip the law enforcement.")
如果你本人或者你的朋友在参加了一个成功的研究项目之后,却没有任何智慧产权收入,也没人知道是什么原因造成。你可以自己或者替你的朋友向美国警方(应该是联邦调查局)陈述你所知道的,只要你说明白你不清楚你所投诉的是否是智慧产权最后评估的结果还是因为非法活动造成,你就不用担心是否会说错话。(If you or your friend had participated a successful project but did not receive any paying-out already intellectual incomes, you can tip the law enforcement about what you. I don't think if this will be an issue as long as you make it clear that you are not certain if the situation is the result of the final evaluation or illegal activities.)
还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)
方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)
方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)
Thursday, July 19, 2018
07-19-2018 What are these females squeaking about?(今天早上这些女人都在叽叽哇哇些什么?)
07-19-2018 What are these females squeaking about?(今天早上这些女人都在叽叽哇哇些什么?)
Family inheriting (分家产):
After family inheriting, the brothers and sisters are no longer in the same house. The heir owns the father's house.
In my family, each generation had family inheriting. My father's generation's family inheriting was in 1965 after my grandfather passed away. My father didn't inherit anything from my grandfather, I am the person who heads my grandfather's house after my 2004's inheriting of the Trust entity my grandfather set up for me.
----July 19th, 2018
Heard about this morning's loud squeaking from so many agitated females.(听说了今天早上的一边女人吱哇嘈杂声)
My response:(我的回应:)
I heard Shanghai females are the group squeaking their butts and breasts truly know it is impossible that I have any inheriting.
I have to say I myself have womanly butts and breasts, and I am really rich enough to be disgusted by even envision their husbands' leftover-butts, so it is permanently that I won't give a penny to any female's breasts nor any female's butts.
I heard Beijing females are the group insist on their males' Joy-Sticks truly know the Chinese history and global culture vertically across the time-space of the history and horizontally across the geographic space of the globe earth, and that's how their males became the Chinese national leaders' union.
I have to say this is the embarrassment to the Chinese college education that my three generations grandfathers had supported to establish.
I heard American females are the group very confident that the U.S. law enforcement won't do anything beyond bow to their middle achievement.
I have to say this is not what I can say anything about other than I am definitely protected by the U.S. law enforcement who are beyond the middle.
----July 19th, 2018
Heard my great-grandmother's maiden name was not Yu(于)(听说了我曾祖母娘家不姓于).
My response:(我的回应:)
I don't my great-grandmother's name is true, but I won't acknowledge that her last name is the one broadcasted this morning, because the substituting game is still on this radio program producing efforts. I am not willing to acknowledge whoever should be called my great-grandmother.
The normal substituting routine has been: Change the great-grandmother's maiden name first, then broadcasting the couple's grandchild who is fathered by a person whose name has the same Chinese characters of my father's name, to serve the purpose to broadcast this grandchild should be the real owner of the money I inherited.
----July 19th, 2018
Family inheriting (分家产):
After family inheriting, the brothers and sisters are no longer in the same house. The heir owns the father's house.
In my family, each generation had family inheriting. My father's generation's family inheriting was in 1965 after my grandfather passed away. My father didn't inherit anything from my grandfather, I am the person who heads my grandfather's house after my 2004's inheriting of the Trust entity my grandfather set up for me.
----July 19th, 2018
Heard about this morning's loud squeaking from so many agitated females.(听说了今天早上的一边女人吱哇嘈杂声)
My response:(我的回应:)
I heard Shanghai females are the group squeaking their butts and breasts truly know it is impossible that I have any inheriting.
I have to say I myself have womanly butts and breasts, and I am really rich enough to be disgusted by even envision their husbands' leftover-butts, so it is permanently that I won't give a penny to any female's breasts nor any female's butts.
I heard Beijing females are the group insist on their males' Joy-Sticks truly know the Chinese history and global culture vertically across the time-space of the history and horizontally across the geographic space of the globe earth, and that's how their males became the Chinese national leaders' union.
I have to say this is the embarrassment to the Chinese college education that my three generations grandfathers had supported to establish.
I heard American females are the group very confident that the U.S. law enforcement won't do anything beyond bow to their middle achievement.
I have to say this is not what I can say anything about other than I am definitely protected by the U.S. law enforcement who are beyond the middle.
----July 19th, 2018
Heard my great-grandmother's maiden name was not Yu(于)(听说了我曾祖母娘家不姓于).
My response:(我的回应:)
I don't my great-grandmother's name is true, but I won't acknowledge that her last name is the one broadcasted this morning, because the substituting game is still on this radio program producing efforts. I am not willing to acknowledge whoever should be called my great-grandmother.
The normal substituting routine has been: Change the great-grandmother's maiden name first, then broadcasting the couple's grandchild who is fathered by a person whose name has the same Chinese characters of my father's name, to serve the purpose to broadcast this grandchild should be the real owner of the money I inherited.
----July 19th, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
07-18-2018 My father and I never heard of the $10,000 per month providing before this April of 2018.(我和我父亲在2018年4月前就从未听说过这每月一万美金的给付。)
07-18-2018 My father and I never heard of the $10,000 per month providing before this April of 2018.(我和我父亲在2018年4月前就从未听说过这每月一万美金的给付。)
Heard there is confusion about how would I don't care $10,000 per month for 29 years as I expressed on this blog if that is my living expenses paid-out.(t听说了疑问:“如果是我的钱,我怎么会不在乎每月1万美金被人给拿走了29年?”)
My response:(我的回应:)
I heard this was based on the impressed assumption that my parents and I all were willing let others take the money totaled about $3.5Million for over 29 years time when I was in China.
This assumption is an untrue statement.
The real reason was I never heard of this $10,000 until a couple of weeks before the public audience since April of 2018. I heard recently that my father was asked if he needed some money but he understood that was the charity help to the Private Assistant's own money. My parents and I had lived in Nanjing which was 4-6 hours train time from Shanghai where the money was sent and went disappeared, so we never heard of this monthly living expenses providing.
Remembered the fight for a dress between my father and mother of the "firstborn daughter", and the "Beijing ex-romance", I heard the "Beijing ex-romance" had received 100 per month possibly was the reason of the dress-fight which pissed-off my father who had no clue why he was not allowed to use his own salary money to buy a dress for his own daughter.
The piss me off talks about the "real true love" about how my mother and I were never loved by my father was because of the understanding that my father seems "refused" to let his marriage family have any money other than his shabby salary.
My blog truthfully reflects how I feel when I heard of this $10,000 per month almost at the same time with the public audience since April of 2018. I heard this is the American company invested by an 1100 years old Trust entity that I inherited without any clue in 2004, this is the American company paid-out $400Million medical and $400Million living expenses in October of 2016 according to the instruction. This American Fund company is a Ford Holding's investor.
None of my father's sibling was born before 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away so that none of them had a name given by my grandfather yet. The Trust entity set up by my grandfather was in 1948 and he passed away in 1965. My grandfather never updated his settler's letter.
I refuse my money to be paid out against my with from this company, and I refuse to give out any of my shares of investment in this company.
I refuse any Extortion-alike "you just have to give the money" demand to be forwarded by any company or any individual.
This American Fund company is 100% privately legally owned by its British Investor Fund company.
I heard "We don‘t have to be your money" was said by some investments of this American fund company, so I am asking is this saying means the person's own intention to illegally own this money this person self if this person implying don't have to charity this money to me?
----July 18th, 2018
Heard there is confusion about how would I don't care $10,000 per month for 29 years as I expressed on this blog if that is my living expenses paid-out.(t听说了疑问:“如果是我的钱,我怎么会不在乎每月1万美金被人给拿走了29年?”)
My response:(我的回应:)
I heard this was based on the impressed assumption that my parents and I all were willing let others take the money totaled about $3.5Million for over 29 years time when I was in China.
This assumption is an untrue statement.
The real reason was I never heard of this $10,000 until a couple of weeks before the public audience since April of 2018. I heard recently that my father was asked if he needed some money but he understood that was the charity help to the Private Assistant's own money. My parents and I had lived in Nanjing which was 4-6 hours train time from Shanghai where the money was sent and went disappeared, so we never heard of this monthly living expenses providing.
Remembered the fight for a dress between my father and mother of the "firstborn daughter", and the "Beijing ex-romance", I heard the "Beijing ex-romance" had received 100 per month possibly was the reason of the dress-fight which pissed-off my father who had no clue why he was not allowed to use his own salary money to buy a dress for his own daughter.
The piss me off talks about the "real true love" about how my mother and I were never loved by my father was because of the understanding that my father seems "refused" to let his marriage family have any money other than his shabby salary.
My blog truthfully reflects how I feel when I heard of this $10,000 per month almost at the same time with the public audience since April of 2018. I heard this is the American company invested by an 1100 years old Trust entity that I inherited without any clue in 2004, this is the American company paid-out $400Million medical and $400Million living expenses in October of 2016 according to the instruction. This American Fund company is a Ford Holding's investor.
None of my father's sibling was born before 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away so that none of them had a name given by my grandfather yet. The Trust entity set up by my grandfather was in 1948 and he passed away in 1965. My grandfather never updated his settler's letter.
I refuse my money to be paid out against my with from this company, and I refuse to give out any of my shares of investment in this company.
I refuse any Extortion-alike "you just have to give the money" demand to be forwarded by any company or any individual.
This American Fund company is 100% privately legally owned by its British Investor Fund company.
I heard "We don‘t have to be your money" was said by some investments of this American fund company, so I am asking is this saying means the person's own intention to illegally own this money this person self if this person implying don't have to charity this money to me?
----July 18th, 2018
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
07-17-2018 Loud Victory announced by the Chinese :" No Russian ever has anything to with you is a certainty !!!"(t听说了今天早上华人响亮的胜利之声:“俄国人和你一点关系都没有。”)
07-17-2018 Loud Victory announced by the Chinese:" No Russian ever has anything to with you is a certainty !!!"(t听说了今天早上华人响亮的胜利之声:“俄国人和你一点关系都没有。”)
Heard this morning's so loud victory in this morning's broadcasting(听说了今天早上播出的胜利之音).
My response: (我的回应:)
If you wonder what this morning's broadcasting is about that you can't pinpoint, and if you hear the replay you have recorded somehow, you probably can hear the emotion so loud and clear from the victory of the certainty: " No Russian ever has anything to with you is a real TRUTH !!!"(如果你在奇怪今天早上的播出究竟主题是什么好像很清晰但不确定是什么,如果你有早上播出内容的录音可以回放,你可能就能够挺高一份情绪是响亮又高昂:胜利是如此的确定:“俄国人和你从来就没有任何关系是一个真实是一个事实。”
What special industry considers this is an important victory? a new one called Politicians? for Diplomating aspects?(究竟会是什么特种行业认为这是如此重大的胜利?一种新兴的企业叫做政治j家?为了特别大写的“外交关心”?)
Some of this morning's announcements are from the People's Republic of China's Central Political Committee who certainly has the power to ensure it is broadcasted as they intended, U.S. police officers help is just a phone call away for any Chinese so privileged national leaders. Others a Chinese communities U.S. government officials. (今天早上有些宣布的内容就是中国中央政治局几个常委的原音宣布,他们可是有权有势就只要一个电话就可以要求美国的警察协助保障广播剧所播出的就是他们本人想公开宣布的。其他做宣布的还有一些是华裔美国政府官员。)
I personally take all these announcements are expressing "murder for money determined".(我个人认为今天早上所播出的根本就是”谋财害命宣言”。)
Why I say so? Well, if you live abroad, it is never a surprise, if not daily, to watch how Chinese consulates can be surrounded and yelled at: "You are the Mother-Fuckers, You are the whore-borns, and that is all who the fuck you are." And no one would hear any sound from the People's Republic of China's consulates no matter how huge the crowds might be and how loud is the yelling towards the People's Republic of China's Consulates. (我为什么这么认为?哎呦,你要是生活在国外,就知道有种现象就算不是每天看见,但也绝对不是什么稀罕事。 那就是中华人民共和国各大领事馆的外面有好大一堆人对着中华人民共和国的领事馆嘶吼:”你们就是一群会操亲妈的畜生杂种,你们就是一群婊子养的狗屎,你们就是他妈的这么一群东西。”不管这外面的人群有多么人山人海,或者骂声有多么响彻云霄,就从来就没听过见过哪个中华人民共和国的领事馆会开门出来发点声。)
I just called them whores and prostitutes plus mother-fuckers as well as whore-borns. How huge can this be? Why the People's Republic of China's government needs to be so high profile to respond with such a loud determination of victory so confirmed? So I say, this is the broadcasting of murder for money intended.(我也就是痛骂他们是一群婊子一群妓院娼妓外加一群婊子养的畜生杂种及会操亲妈的狗屎而已。有什么了不起的?就这点痛骂哪里会需要中国政府如此高规格来做出胜利就是如此确定的响亮回应?所以我说这广播的播出其实是在宣布想要谋财害命而已。)
Regarding the Chinese community "representatives" of this morning's broadcasting, well, you would know what they are after you verified the broadcasted story of "Yesterday stole a mug in Walmart" story was a complete made up because that was the mug I took from my apartment when I left for Walmart. And I did not linger near the mug section at all when I was at Walmart. Everyone you heard who has the power to evict me from the "welfare system" for the caring of tax-payers' money should be powerful enough to ask to verify the story by watching the city-watch surveillance video owned by the government. (至于今天早上所播出的华裔代表,这么说吧,你核实过所播出的那个“昨天在沃尔玛偷杯子”的故事纯是人为编造,你就很清楚他们都是些什么东西了。昨天那个杯子就是我从自己家里带着出门去沃尔玛的,我在沃尔玛逗留时也根本就没在卖杯子的自助柜台逗留过。那些号称有本事也铁了心的可以把我从美国福利系统里给赶出去不准我占用纳税人的福利钱的,可都应该是有权有势可以要求查看市区警民联防的警方录影资料以核实昨天沃尔玛故事是否真实的。)
All the above is either what I heard or what I think. (以上所发布的要么是我听说的要么是我认为的。)
----July 17th, 2018
Heard this morning's so loud victory in this morning's broadcasting(听说了今天早上播出的胜利之音).
My response: (我的回应:)
If you wonder what this morning's broadcasting is about that you can't pinpoint, and if you hear the replay you have recorded somehow, you probably can hear the emotion so loud and clear from the victory of the certainty: " No Russian ever has anything to with you is a real TRUTH !!!"(如果你在奇怪今天早上的播出究竟主题是什么好像很清晰但不确定是什么,如果你有早上播出内容的录音可以回放,你可能就能够挺高一份情绪是响亮又高昂:胜利是如此的确定:“俄国人和你从来就没有任何关系是一个真实是一个事实。”
What special industry considers this is an important victory? a new one called Politicians? for Diplomating aspects?(究竟会是什么特种行业认为这是如此重大的胜利?一种新兴的企业叫做政治j家?为了特别大写的“外交关心”?)
Some of this morning's announcements are from the People's Republic of China's Central Political Committee who certainly has the power to ensure it is broadcasted as they intended, U.S. police officers help is just a phone call away for any Chinese so privileged national leaders. Others a Chinese communities U.S. government officials. (今天早上有些宣布的内容就是中国中央政治局几个常委的原音宣布,他们可是有权有势就只要一个电话就可以要求美国的警察协助保障广播剧所播出的就是他们本人想公开宣布的。其他做宣布的还有一些是华裔美国政府官员。)
I personally take all these announcements are expressing "murder for money determined".(我个人认为今天早上所播出的根本就是”谋财害命宣言”。)
Why I say so? Well, if you live abroad, it is never a surprise, if not daily, to watch how Chinese consulates can be surrounded and yelled at: "You are the Mother-Fuckers, You are the whore-borns, and that is all who the fuck you are." And no one would hear any sound from the People's Republic of China's consulates no matter how huge the crowds might be and how loud is the yelling towards the People's Republic of China's Consulates. (我为什么这么认为?哎呦,你要是生活在国外,就知道有种现象就算不是每天看见,但也绝对不是什么稀罕事。 那就是中华人民共和国各大领事馆的外面有好大一堆人对着中华人民共和国的领事馆嘶吼:”你们就是一群会操亲妈的畜生杂种,你们就是一群婊子养的狗屎,你们就是他妈的这么一群东西。”不管这外面的人群有多么人山人海,或者骂声有多么响彻云霄,就从来就没听过见过哪个中华人民共和国的领事馆会开门出来发点声。)
I just called them whores and prostitutes plus mother-fuckers as well as whore-borns. How huge can this be? Why the People's Republic of China's government needs to be so high profile to respond with such a loud determination of victory so confirmed? So I say, this is the broadcasting of murder for money intended.(我也就是痛骂他们是一群婊子一群妓院娼妓外加一群婊子养的畜生杂种及会操亲妈的狗屎而已。有什么了不起的?就这点痛骂哪里会需要中国政府如此高规格来做出胜利就是如此确定的响亮回应?所以我说这广播的播出其实是在宣布想要谋财害命而已。)
Regarding the Chinese community "representatives" of this morning's broadcasting, well, you would know what they are after you verified the broadcasted story of "Yesterday stole a mug in Walmart" story was a complete made up because that was the mug I took from my apartment when I left for Walmart. And I did not linger near the mug section at all when I was at Walmart. Everyone you heard who has the power to evict me from the "welfare system" for the caring of tax-payers' money should be powerful enough to ask to verify the story by watching the city-watch surveillance video owned by the government. (至于今天早上所播出的华裔代表,这么说吧,你核实过所播出的那个“昨天在沃尔玛偷杯子”的故事纯是人为编造,你就很清楚他们都是些什么东西了。昨天那个杯子就是我从自己家里带着出门去沃尔玛的,我在沃尔玛逗留时也根本就没在卖杯子的自助柜台逗留过。那些号称有本事也铁了心的可以把我从美国福利系统里给赶出去不准我占用纳税人的福利钱的,可都应该是有权有势可以要求查看市区警民联防的警方录影资料以核实昨天沃尔玛故事是否真实的。)
All the above is either what I heard or what I think. (以上所发布的要么是我听说的要么是我认为的。)
----July 17th, 2018
Monday, July 16, 2018
07-16-2018 My great-grandmother Yu was from a traditional polygamist family's sixth wife may be the reason of these Yu-s ridiculousness(我的于姓曾祖母是第六房妻子所出可能是这些于姓人士如此岂有此理的原因)
07-16-2018 My great-grandmother Yu was from a traditional polygamist family's sixth wife may be the reason of these Yu-s' ridiculousness (我的于姓曾祖母是第六房妻子所出可能是这些于姓人士如此岂有此理的原因)
Heard this morning's talk about my housing.(听说了今天早上所谈的我的房子事宜)
My response:(我的回应:)
I truly appreciate this is addressed. I am not certain if this is from the Boston Housing Authority or the law enforcement yet, but I did ask both to help on this matter is a true statement.(我很谢谢终于来处理这个问题了,但我还不太清楚这是波士顿廉租屋管理局还是警方所谈,我是向这两个地方寻求过帮助。)
----July 16th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about my great-grandmother who was a Miss Yu(于) as well. (听说了今天早上谈到我的曾祖母也姓于。)
My response: (我的回应:)
I know my great-grandmother was the second wife to my polygamist great-grandfather and mother of all my great-grandfather's children. My great-grandfather's barren first wife was a fourth cousin to my great-grandmother by rumor. My family has always privileged the mother of the heir as the King Mother because of my family's Imperial family history and birthmark inheriting rule. (我知道我的曾祖母是我一妻多夫曾祖父的第二个妻子,也是我曾祖父所有孩子的母亲。我曾祖父的第一个妻子不生,好像也姓于,是我曾祖母的一个四等亲。因为我们家里的帝王家世背景以及胎记继承规则,我们家里继承人的生母一直都有着母后娘娘的待遇。)
My great-grandmother's father obviously raised her well because she was one of the rare females in her time who received the education. Her biggest proud might be it was her father-in-law, her husband and her first-born son who were acknowledged, by the Republic of China's government, as the three generations' biggest donors from the Fang's house who had supported the majority of the College education fund that Republic of China's Education Department needed to establish colleges to promote college education in China.(很显然我曾祖母的父亲对我曾祖母很好,让我曾祖母念过书成为她那个时代少有的受过教育的女性。我曾祖母最大的骄傲可能就是她的公公,她自己的丈夫,她自己的头胎儿子是中华民国政府所认可的方家三代捐款大户,三代所捐款项是当时中华民国教育部兴办大学推动中国大学教育所需款项的绝大部分。)
I heard my great-grandmother was from the sixth wife of her traditional polygamist father who did not have a birthmark inheriting rule though. When my great-grandmother's marriage was negotiated, her father-side relatives wanted to replace her with some Miss Yu-s from her father's this or that cousin's first wife, but my great-grandfather and her own father both insisted on she would be the bride. This issue had been Yu's families' shared issue after my great-grandparents' marriage when another Miss Yu married my great-grandfather's cousin. As you may be so impressed from what you heard on the radio and what rumored in reality, this is still a huge issue today that my great-grandmother was not born by a first wife from the Yu's family even after every wife in China is a first wife now.(我听说我的曾祖母是她传统一夫多妻父亲的第六房妻子所生,不过他们家可没有什么胎记继承规则。听说当年我的曾祖父母谈婚论嫁时,于家就一直想把我曾祖母给换成她父亲这个那个亲戚的大房老婆所生的孩子,是我的曾祖父及我曾祖母自己的父亲坚持我的曾祖母才是新娘。在我曾祖父母结婚后又有了一个于家的小姐嫁给我曾祖父的堂兄弟,这个陈年老纠结好像就成了于家共同的耿耿于怀。就像你现在在广播剧里以及在现实生活中的传言里所听到的一样,在如今中国所有的老婆都是大房老婆之后,我曾祖母不是于家的大房老婆所生还是所谓于家人最大的鄙视。)
A tip information: I heard it was after 1920 China's polygamist marriage became prostitutes and beggars' marriages only except the first wife's marriage, I heard it was the efforts from the Republic of China's government's media promotion to eliminate polygamist marriages. After 1949, I heard, the People's Republic of China's government had forcefully separated existing polygamist families and encouraged the mothers to have a job for the same purpose. My great-grandmother was born before 1900, my grandfather was born in 1912.(一个小小的信息:我听说是在1920年以后,中国的一夫多妻婚姻的小妾成了娼妓和讨饭的代名词,我听说这是因为中华民国政府利用宣传媒体取缔一夫多妻婚姻的努力。1949年解放以后,我听说中华人民共和国政府是强制分开当时的一妻多夫家庭,并鼓励已经做了母亲的小妾做工就业以实现同样的目的。我的曾祖母是1900年以前出生的,结婚后在1912年生下我的爷爷。)
So, I announce here: (我在这里宣布:)
All my grandmothers were the King Mothers,(我所有的奶奶都是母后娘娘。)
My father was mothered by his father's only wife.(我的父亲是由他父亲即我爷爷的唯一妻子所生。)
I myself is mothered by my father's only wife.(我自己是由我父亲的唯一妻子所生。)
I am the heir to the long-history Fang's house.(我是有着悠久历史的方家的继承人小姐。)
I refuse to privilege any of my great-grandmother's cousins' children.(我拒绝把我曾祖母的娘家于姓亲戚的小孩当成是方家的后人。)
I refuse anyone from Yu's family name to take Fang's house as their own.(我拒绝任何于姓人士把方家的一切当成是他们于家自己的。)
----July 16th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about my housing.(听说了今天早上所谈的我的房子事宜)
My response:(我的回应:)
I truly appreciate this is addressed. I am not certain if this is from the Boston Housing Authority or the law enforcement yet, but I did ask both to help on this matter is a true statement.(我很谢谢终于来处理这个问题了,但我还不太清楚这是波士顿廉租屋管理局还是警方所谈,我是向这两个地方寻求过帮助。)
----July 16th, 2018
Heard this morning's talk about my great-grandmother who was a Miss Yu(于) as well. (听说了今天早上谈到我的曾祖母也姓于。)
My response: (我的回应:)
I know my great-grandmother was the second wife to my polygamist great-grandfather and mother of all my great-grandfather's children. My great-grandfather's barren first wife was a fourth cousin to my great-grandmother by rumor. My family has always privileged the mother of the heir as the King Mother because of my family's Imperial family history and birthmark inheriting rule. (我知道我的曾祖母是我一妻多夫曾祖父的第二个妻子,也是我曾祖父所有孩子的母亲。我曾祖父的第一个妻子不生,好像也姓于,是我曾祖母的一个四等亲。因为我们家里的帝王家世背景以及胎记继承规则,我们家里继承人的生母一直都有着母后娘娘的待遇。)
My great-grandmother's father obviously raised her well because she was one of the rare females in her time who received the education. Her biggest proud might be it was her father-in-law, her husband and her first-born son who were acknowledged, by the Republic of China's government, as the three generations' biggest donors from the Fang's house who had supported the majority of the College education fund that Republic of China's Education Department needed to establish colleges to promote college education in China.(很显然我曾祖母的父亲对我曾祖母很好,让我曾祖母念过书成为她那个时代少有的受过教育的女性。我曾祖母最大的骄傲可能就是她的公公,她自己的丈夫,她自己的头胎儿子是中华民国政府所认可的方家三代捐款大户,三代所捐款项是当时中华民国教育部兴办大学推动中国大学教育所需款项的绝大部分。)
I heard my great-grandmother was from the sixth wife of her traditional polygamist father who did not have a birthmark inheriting rule though. When my great-grandmother's marriage was negotiated, her father-side relatives wanted to replace her with some Miss Yu-s from her father's this or that cousin's first wife, but my great-grandfather and her own father both insisted on she would be the bride. This issue had been Yu's families' shared issue after my great-grandparents' marriage when another Miss Yu married my great-grandfather's cousin. As you may be so impressed from what you heard on the radio and what rumored in reality, this is still a huge issue today that my great-grandmother was not born by a first wife from the Yu's family even after every wife in China is a first wife now.(我听说我的曾祖母是她传统一夫多妻父亲的第六房妻子所生,不过他们家可没有什么胎记继承规则。听说当年我的曾祖父母谈婚论嫁时,于家就一直想把我曾祖母给换成她父亲这个那个亲戚的大房老婆所生的孩子,是我的曾祖父及我曾祖母自己的父亲坚持我的曾祖母才是新娘。在我曾祖父母结婚后又有了一个于家的小姐嫁给我曾祖父的堂兄弟,这个陈年老纠结好像就成了于家共同的耿耿于怀。就像你现在在广播剧里以及在现实生活中的传言里所听到的一样,在如今中国所有的老婆都是大房老婆之后,我曾祖母不是于家的大房老婆所生还是所谓于家人最大的鄙视。)
A tip information: I heard it was after 1920 China's polygamist marriage became prostitutes and beggars' marriages only except the first wife's marriage, I heard it was the efforts from the Republic of China's government's media promotion to eliminate polygamist marriages. After 1949, I heard, the People's Republic of China's government had forcefully separated existing polygamist families and encouraged the mothers to have a job for the same purpose. My great-grandmother was born before 1900, my grandfather was born in 1912.(一个小小的信息:我听说是在1920年以后,中国的一夫多妻婚姻的小妾成了娼妓和讨饭的代名词,我听说这是因为中华民国政府利用宣传媒体取缔一夫多妻婚姻的努力。1949年解放以后,我听说中华人民共和国政府是强制分开当时的一妻多夫家庭,并鼓励已经做了母亲的小妾做工就业以实现同样的目的。我的曾祖母是1900年以前出生的,结婚后在1912年生下我的爷爷。)
So, I announce here: (我在这里宣布:)
All my grandmothers were the King Mothers,(我所有的奶奶都是母后娘娘。)
My father was mothered by his father's only wife.(我的父亲是由他父亲即我爷爷的唯一妻子所生。)
I myself is mothered by my father's only wife.(我自己是由我父亲的唯一妻子所生。)
I am the heir to the long-history Fang's house.(我是有着悠久历史的方家的继承人小姐。)
I refuse to privilege any of my great-grandmother's cousins' children.(我拒绝把我曾祖母的娘家于姓亲戚的小孩当成是方家的后人。)
I refuse anyone from Yu's family name to take Fang's house as their own.(我拒绝任何于姓人士把方家的一切当成是他们于家自己的。)
----July 16th, 2018
Sunday, July 15, 2018
07-15-2018 my searching diary "what did I inherit if I did inherit" (我的找寻日记 --“如果我真的有继承财产,我继承的究竟是什么呀”)
07-15-2018 my searching diary "what did I inherit if I did inherit"(我的找寻日记 --“如果我真的有继承财产,我继承的究竟是什么呀”)
Heard this morning's talk about the American "Pejoves" Fund company.(听说了今天早上提到了美国“Pejoves”基金公司)
My response: (我的回应:)
I already expressed myself refuse to give up any share that my Trust entity has invested, and I really don't need to say anything else beyond this. (我已经表达了我本人拒绝放弃我所继承的信托对这家公司的任何投资份额。除此之外,我也确实不需要再说什么了。)
I have published a lot on this blog in hope my missing father can read me if he does a search of his own name together with my name in Chinese, I hope the same for my mother as well if she is still alive. I don't know where they are but I am confident about their well-being because I have entrusted my care for them since 2004. I hope they know my experience to better take care of themselves while I can't take care of them myself. This is also the blog of my searching diary "what did I inherit if I did inherit". I share an essay here that I wrote about how my life changed because of this search.(我在这个博客上发表了很多博文,我希望我失踪的父亲用中文将他自己的名字和我的名字一起做个搜寻就可以看到,我也是这么希望我的母亲还在也可以用这方法看到我的博文。我不知道他们在哪里,但我相信他们很好就因为我在2004年办理信托时也托付了我对他们的照顾。我希望他们能知道我的经历,能在我还不能亲自照顾他们时可以照顾好他们自己。这博客也是我的找寻日记 --“如果我真的有继承财产,我继承的究竟是什么呀“。我在这里分享我所写的一篇有关我的生活变更的散文。)
Essay of "what did I inherit if I did inherit"(散文“如果我真的有继承财产,我继承的究竟是什么”)
I quitted my computer professional job in 2007 with the anticipation of having an early retirement life when the radio program majorly featured my life experiences had already had a successful run for two years in the United States. My life change had been so unbelievable to a lot of people who had known me, but so comfortably settled-in by myself: I became the homeless in 2009.(我是在2007年广播剧已经在美国热播我的人生经历故事两年后辞去了我的电脑上班族的工作,准备享受一份可以提早退休的悠闲生活。让很多认识我的人很吃惊但我自己却怡然自得的一个生活改变是在2009年,我成了一个街上的流浪汉。)
I was advised to have some homeless experiences by a Chinese “guest” to my meeting on July 1st of 2004. I was not the person invited him. I heard recently that he shared the same last name but not having blood association with me – it has been rumored that his family has been a result of a relative's marriage issue several generations ago. Ever since that generation, I heard his family has been following around my great several grandfather's line (a junior half-brother to that relative), the saying was "they are following the money". I heard himself was mothered by a Miss Yu (于). I wish I knew who he is and why he was invited into my meeting to know this advice was possibly never good intentioned.(在2004年7月1日,我在我的电讯会议上被一个华裔“客人”建议去做个流浪汉。他不是由我邀请参加这个会议的客人。我听说他和我同姓但没有任何血缘关系 --据说他们家是我们家几代以前的一个亲戚婚姻困扰的结果。好像我们家这支那一代的曾祖父是那个亲戚的同父异母幼弟,我听说他们家被我们家的那个亲戚发现后,从那一代开始,我们家就一直被他们家跟着,据说他们家是在跟着钱走。我听说他本人的妈妈姓于,我真是希望我当时知道他是谁可能就会猜到这建议也许是一点善意都没有的。)
I came from a family with a lot of family stories of “what happened to the family wealth”, such as my grandmother married into the house full of gold-bricks, my great-grandfather could afford to buy a car in 1920’s China, but wealth went disappeared in my grandfather’s generation, etc. I was not surprised at all when I was told I inherited some handsome wealth invested abroad according to my grandfather’s will. I did not even ask which generation grandfather had blessed me. When I was all happy about my life could be easier after I take care of my anxiety health situation that I had developed around 2004, this "be homeless" was the advice that I was not afraid of adventuring. (我们家里一直有很多“家里以前的钱究竟怎么回事”的故事,比如我奶奶进门的时候家里到处都是一堆堆的金砖,我曾祖父在20年代的中国是可以买得起小轿车的,但是到了我爷爷那一代,家里的钱就不见了,等等。所以当我被告知按照我爷爷的遗嘱,我继承了我爷爷投资海外的财产时,我是一点都没奇怪。我甚至都没问究竟是那一代的爷爷对我这么好。当我很开心我可以在照顾好我自己当时因为生活各方面压力过大而产生的恐惧症状后就可以过个快乐人生,所以我对这个探险建议是一点都没担心过。)
In January of 2015, I had this nightmare experience of realizing that my financial situation wouldn’t change even I already fed up with my homeless game. I was yelled at why I would fancy I could stuck-on some rich men I met a long time ago, I was told I never had any professional achievements no matter how popular smartphones have been, and I was told my father "died" when I was unreachable, and my own last will was already prepared so I could just die alone in poverty in my current residence.(2015年1月,我就像噩梦惊醒一般意识到就算我已经玩腻了流浪者游戏,我的经济状况好像是不会改变的。我被人当街吼着我怎么会认为可以缠着一个多年以前就只见过一面的有钱男人, 我到哪儿面对的都是众人“就算智能手机普及,可你就是从来就没有过任何职业上的成就”这么一种态度,我被告知当我无法联络时,我的父亲“也已经去世了”,甚至说是遗嘱都已经替我准备好了让我可以安心在我现在住的这个一室套房里穷困潦倒等死就得,等等。)
I have been expecting my own birth Chinese grandfather’s blessing to provide for me financially, never any rich man’s never-romance money, but where is the money? The few references I remembered have been controversial. The American companies I thought I inherited have been registered to British companies in the entire companies’ history, the grandfather who blessed me was not my same last name, etc. The journey started off to find where is my money became the journey of finding my family ancestry, what happened to my computer professional achievements, and most importantly, a historical review of what I have inherited, etc., as you heard on the radio.(我其实一直是在等我自己亲生爷爷给我的钱来提供我的生活费用,从来不是什么有钱人的“从没发生过的裤裆钱”,但究竟钱在哪里? 我所记得的仅有的一些线索有很奇怪。我以为是我继承的美国公司其实都是法律上注册为英国公司的子公司的,听说这些公司的投资人不是姓方的,等等。就这样,我这一路“钱在哪里”的过程同时就又成了我的家世历史的探寻之旅,“我的电脑专业的成就怎么没了”的问询之路,以及最重要的,这是”我究竟继承了什么的”漫长历史回顾,就如你在广播剧里所听到的。)
The change started when I face the reality-real question if I have ever inherited. I started my confronting efforts in January of 2015 by walking into a police station in Boston of Massachusetts and asked where I should find any help if I am certain I have "inherited something" experience but I don’t know where to send out inquiries. Ever since then, I started my journey of finding out what my inheriting experience means.(改变是从我买你对这个现实又实际的问题,就是如果我真的有继承财产,那我究竟继承了成了什么?我选择了面对,我是在2015年1月走进了波士顿的一家警察局,探寻如果我确实有继承财产的经历又不知该如何查询的情况下,我应该如何寻求帮助?从那时到现在,我就是这么一路颠簸走来。)
Heard this morning's talk about the American "Pejoves" Fund company.(听说了今天早上提到了美国“Pejoves”基金公司)
My response: (我的回应:)
I already expressed myself refuse to give up any share that my Trust entity has invested, and I really don't need to say anything else beyond this. (我已经表达了我本人拒绝放弃我所继承的信托对这家公司的任何投资份额。除此之外,我也确实不需要再说什么了。)
I have published a lot on this blog in hope my missing father can read me if he does a search of his own name together with my name in Chinese, I hope the same for my mother as well if she is still alive. I don't know where they are but I am confident about their well-being because I have entrusted my care for them since 2004. I hope they know my experience to better take care of themselves while I can't take care of them myself. This is also the blog of my searching diary "what did I inherit if I did inherit". I share an essay here that I wrote about how my life changed because of this search.(我在这个博客上发表了很多博文,我希望我失踪的父亲用中文将他自己的名字和我的名字一起做个搜寻就可以看到,我也是这么希望我的母亲还在也可以用这方法看到我的博文。我不知道他们在哪里,但我相信他们很好就因为我在2004年办理信托时也托付了我对他们的照顾。我希望他们能知道我的经历,能在我还不能亲自照顾他们时可以照顾好他们自己。这博客也是我的找寻日记 --“如果我真的有继承财产,我继承的究竟是什么呀“。我在这里分享我所写的一篇有关我的生活变更的散文。)
Essay of "what did I inherit if I did inherit"(散文“如果我真的有继承财产,我继承的究竟是什么”)
I quitted my computer professional job in 2007 with the anticipation of having an early retirement life when the radio program majorly featured my life experiences had already had a successful run for two years in the United States. My life change had been so unbelievable to a lot of people who had known me, but so comfortably settled-in by myself: I became the homeless in 2009.(我是在2007年广播剧已经在美国热播我的人生经历故事两年后辞去了我的电脑上班族的工作,准备享受一份可以提早退休的悠闲生活。让很多认识我的人很吃惊但我自己却怡然自得的一个生活改变是在2009年,我成了一个街上的流浪汉。)
I was advised to have some homeless experiences by a Chinese “guest” to my meeting on July 1st of 2004. I was not the person invited him. I heard recently that he shared the same last name but not having blood association with me – it has been rumored that his family has been a result of a relative's marriage issue several generations ago. Ever since that generation, I heard his family has been following around my great several grandfather's line (a junior half-brother to that relative), the saying was "they are following the money". I heard himself was mothered by a Miss Yu (于). I wish I knew who he is and why he was invited into my meeting to know this advice was possibly never good intentioned.(在2004年7月1日,我在我的电讯会议上被一个华裔“客人”建议去做个流浪汉。他不是由我邀请参加这个会议的客人。我听说他和我同姓但没有任何血缘关系 --据说他们家是我们家几代以前的一个亲戚婚姻困扰的结果。好像我们家这支那一代的曾祖父是那个亲戚的同父异母幼弟,我听说他们家被我们家的那个亲戚发现后,从那一代开始,我们家就一直被他们家跟着,据说他们家是在跟着钱走。我听说他本人的妈妈姓于,我真是希望我当时知道他是谁可能就会猜到这建议也许是一点善意都没有的。)
I came from a family with a lot of family stories of “what happened to the family wealth”, such as my grandmother married into the house full of gold-bricks, my great-grandfather could afford to buy a car in 1920’s China, but wealth went disappeared in my grandfather’s generation, etc. I was not surprised at all when I was told I inherited some handsome wealth invested abroad according to my grandfather’s will. I did not even ask which generation grandfather had blessed me. When I was all happy about my life could be easier after I take care of my anxiety health situation that I had developed around 2004, this "be homeless" was the advice that I was not afraid of adventuring. (我们家里一直有很多“家里以前的钱究竟怎么回事”的故事,比如我奶奶进门的时候家里到处都是一堆堆的金砖,我曾祖父在20年代的中国是可以买得起小轿车的,但是到了我爷爷那一代,家里的钱就不见了,等等。所以当我被告知按照我爷爷的遗嘱,我继承了我爷爷投资海外的财产时,我是一点都没奇怪。我甚至都没问究竟是那一代的爷爷对我这么好。当我很开心我可以在照顾好我自己当时因为生活各方面压力过大而产生的恐惧症状后就可以过个快乐人生,所以我对这个探险建议是一点都没担心过。)
In January of 2015, I had this nightmare experience of realizing that my financial situation wouldn’t change even I already fed up with my homeless game. I was yelled at why I would fancy I could stuck-on some rich men I met a long time ago, I was told I never had any professional achievements no matter how popular smartphones have been, and I was told my father "died" when I was unreachable, and my own last will was already prepared so I could just die alone in poverty in my current residence.(2015年1月,我就像噩梦惊醒一般意识到就算我已经玩腻了流浪者游戏,我的经济状况好像是不会改变的。我被人当街吼着我怎么会认为可以缠着一个多年以前就只见过一面的有钱男人, 我到哪儿面对的都是众人“就算智能手机普及,可你就是从来就没有过任何职业上的成就”这么一种态度,我被告知当我无法联络时,我的父亲“也已经去世了”,甚至说是遗嘱都已经替我准备好了让我可以安心在我现在住的这个一室套房里穷困潦倒等死就得,等等。)
I have been expecting my own birth Chinese grandfather’s blessing to provide for me financially, never any rich man’s never-romance money, but where is the money? The few references I remembered have been controversial. The American companies I thought I inherited have been registered to British companies in the entire companies’ history, the grandfather who blessed me was not my same last name, etc. The journey started off to find where is my money became the journey of finding my family ancestry, what happened to my computer professional achievements, and most importantly, a historical review of what I have inherited, etc., as you heard on the radio.(我其实一直是在等我自己亲生爷爷给我的钱来提供我的生活费用,从来不是什么有钱人的“从没发生过的裤裆钱”,但究竟钱在哪里? 我所记得的仅有的一些线索有很奇怪。我以为是我继承的美国公司其实都是法律上注册为英国公司的子公司的,听说这些公司的投资人不是姓方的,等等。就这样,我这一路“钱在哪里”的过程同时就又成了我的家世历史的探寻之旅,“我的电脑专业的成就怎么没了”的问询之路,以及最重要的,这是”我究竟继承了什么的”漫长历史回顾,就如你在广播剧里所听到的。)
The change started when I face the reality-real question if I have ever inherited. I started my confronting efforts in January of 2015 by walking into a police station in Boston of Massachusetts and asked where I should find any help if I am certain I have "inherited something" experience but I don’t know where to send out inquiries. Ever since then, I started my journey of finding out what my inheriting experience means.(改变是从我买你对这个现实又实际的问题,就是如果我真的有继承财产,那我究竟继承了成了什么?我选择了面对,我是在2015年1月走进了波士顿的一家警察局,探寻如果我确实有继承财产的经历又不知该如何查询的情况下,我应该如何寻求帮助?从那时到现在,我就是这么一路颠簸走来。)
Currently, what I found out have been: I came from a long history Chinese Tang dynasty Emperors’ line as their birthmark heir girl. This was probably related to the reason I was not surprised at all why I am the person inherited: I knew I have been The Very Important Girl to my family ever since I was little; My family's last name has changed because of some dangerous situation happened; The references are controversial because what I inherited are the Trust entities which have been the investor entities to some American Fund companies. And most luckily, I have entrusted my caring to my parents in 2004 as well, it includes the “emergency safety caring” that made me hold my hope that my parents may have been “rescued”.(如今我所找的的一些信息是:我是中国唐朝皇帝的女性掌纹继承人。这可能和我继承当时一点没奇怪为什么是我继承有点关系:我从小就知道我是我们家里非常重要的一个女孩。我们家改姓是因为家里遇到过一些危险;继承的参考信息很奇怪是因为我所继承的其实是信托,是我所继承的信托一直有投资一些美国的公司。最幸运的是,我托付了我对我父母的照顾包括紧急照顾,让我一直期望我的父母双亲被“援救了”。)
I am still searing for the answer “where is my money”, but my searching narrowed to where is the paid-out living expenses from the Trust entities I inherited. The searching journey if I inherited has been 3 and ½ years already, I still need to emphasize the inheriting means I got the money from an already deceased person, never a living person. I am surprised how this confusion "if I expect any money from a couple of negative never-romances" can deny my professional female-being together with the never-romances. (我还在找寻“我的钱在哪里”,但我现在找的是我所继承的信托已经支付的生活费用在哪里。这份寻寻找找已经有3年半的时间了,我还的时不时地强调继承是指收到了去世的人留下的钱,从来不是什么活人给的钱。让我惊讶的是这份“我是否在等有钱男人不想给的裤裆钱“困扰居然可以在彻底否定恋爱经历的同时,居然就此彻底否定了我作为职业女性的职业成就。)
----July 15th, 2018
Saturday, July 14, 2018
07-14-2018 The chart is in simple English and Shanghai-ness are shrewd enough (表格是简单英语,上海人又是很精明的)
07-14-2018 The chart is in simple English and Shanghainese are shrewd enough (表格是简单英语,上海人又是很精明的)
Heard this morning's big argument why can't have the money from the company.(听说了今天早上所争议的的为什么不可以从公司拿钱?)
My response:(我的回应:)
In the entire People's Republic of China, I only recommend Shanghainese, not even from neighboring area, should be invited to take a look at the following table to bring out their comments of the argument on where anyone can expect money to be spent from?(整个中华人民共和国,我就推荐应该让上海人民来看看下面这张表(上海周边地区人民都不行),然后来谈谈他们认为公司什么地方有可能为这些就是该有钱拿的人从公司开支?)
I am presenting my points:(我提出我的观点:)
Before the company paying the taxes, all the law people are staring at each expense for tax purpose;
After company-taxes paid, every penny of the Net Income is owned by the British investor company.
A private company's auditing rules are defined by the investor which is the British investor company.
(审计法所依据的审计规则, 私营公司的由其投资机构所指定,也就是由英国公司制定。)
So, let's look at the ridiculousness here: (来看看这些某明奇妙:)
1: Where this deserved money can be spent by this American company? (这“就是应该拿的钱”有可能从美国公司的什么地方开支啊?)
2: If this person can have the opportunities to argue, to self-announce, and to self-promote on the radio to be the real best and the most deserved person, how could this person possibly become the real owner of the American company in the reality of a lawful country to take over the Net Income?(如果这个人可以在广播上连吵闹加自我宣布再加自我深情表白自己才是最好最配拿钱的一个,有什么可能这个人就可以将自己因此而变成一个在法治国家这个现实中的美国公司真正主人而把美国公司的盈利(从英国公司手里)给那走啊?)
Why Shanghainese? Well, Shanghainese are famous for their shrewdness of only participating in any activity for benefits but never for any trouble. (为什么上海人?上海人在中国是有名的精明:有好处才参与,只有麻烦没有好处就躲得远远。)

----July 14th, 2018
Heard the possible "negotiation of possible shares“. (听说了可能”谈判一下可能的份额“).
My response:(我的回应:)
I refuse this possibility. I already made myself very clearly: I am the sole beneficiary person clearly specified by the Settler grandfather's will, and my inheriting was the Trust-inheriting are the reasons I did not take anyone's possible inheritable share in any Trust-entity I inherited. (我拒绝这样的可能。我已经讲得很清楚了,我是委托人爷爷在委托信遗嘱里指明的唯一受益人,我的继承的是信托继承,这是我说我所继承的任何一个信托里都没有任何其他人份额的原因。)
So, I refuse any kind "negotiation" possibility. (所以我拒绝任何这样的”谈判“可能。)
I consider "just can't understand" as harassment if anyone refuses to consult the law professionals regarding any concern or any possible accusation if I steal others' possible inheritable, etc. related to the matter but insist on negotiating with me. (对我的继承有些疑问甚至有一些“方敏是否偷了方家其他人的钱”的指责,却坚决不去咨询法律界或向警界求助,只是不停对我表达“就是不理解”等种种做法,我认为是纯属骚扰行为。)
I refuse to be harassed in the name of "negotiating".(我拒绝被以谈判为名而骚扰。)
----July 14th, 2018
Regarding $10,000 monthly providing confusions. (有关每月一万美金生活费的疑问)
My response: (我的回应:)
I heard one confusion was why not call for help to get the money.(我听说一个疑问就是为什么不呼救?)
I was born in 1967 when China was in culture revolution time.(我是于1967年在中国的文化大革命期间出生的。)
Chinese culture revolution time was between 1966 and 1976. It was the time when government officials could be grabbed by a Red Guard teenage on a street to be permanently locked up in a dark room till the death. (中国的文化大革命是从1966到1976年。当时的国家干部是可以在街上被一个十几岁的红卫兵直接抓走,再被永远的关在一个黑屋子里直到死亡。)
----July 14th, 2018
Heard this morning's big argument why can't have the money from the company.(听说了今天早上所争议的的为什么不可以从公司拿钱?)
My response:(我的回应:)
In the entire People's Republic of China, I only recommend Shanghainese, not even from neighboring area, should be invited to take a look at the following table to bring out their comments of the argument on where anyone can expect money to be spent from?(整个中华人民共和国,我就推荐应该让上海人民来看看下面这张表(上海周边地区人民都不行),然后来谈谈他们认为公司什么地方有可能为这些就是该有钱拿的人从公司开支?)
I am presenting my points:(我提出我的观点:)
Before the company paying the taxes, all the law people are staring at each expense for tax purpose;
After company-taxes paid, every penny of the Net Income is owned by the British investor company.
A private company's auditing rules are defined by the investor which is the British investor company.
(审计法所依据的审计规则, 私营公司的由其投资机构所指定,也就是由英国公司制定。)
So, let's look at the ridiculousness here: (来看看这些某明奇妙:)
1: Where this deserved money can be spent by this American company? (这“就是应该拿的钱”有可能从美国公司的什么地方开支啊?)
2: If this person can have the opportunities to argue, to self-announce, and to self-promote on the radio to be the real best and the most deserved person, how could this person possibly become the real owner of the American company in the reality of a lawful country to take over the Net Income?(如果这个人可以在广播上连吵闹加自我宣布再加自我深情表白自己才是最好最配拿钱的一个,有什么可能这个人就可以将自己因此而变成一个在法治国家这个现实中的美国公司真正主人而把美国公司的盈利(从英国公司手里)给那走啊?)
Why Shanghainese? Well, Shanghainese are famous for their shrewdness of only participating in any activity for benefits but never for any trouble. (为什么上海人?上海人在中国是有名的精明:有好处才参与,只有麻烦没有好处就躲得远远。)

----July 14th, 2018
Heard the possible "negotiation of possible shares“. (听说了可能”谈判一下可能的份额“).
My response:(我的回应:)
I refuse this possibility. I already made myself very clearly: I am the sole beneficiary person clearly specified by the Settler grandfather's will, and my inheriting was the Trust-inheriting are the reasons I did not take anyone's possible inheritable share in any Trust-entity I inherited. (我拒绝这样的可能。我已经讲得很清楚了,我是委托人爷爷在委托信遗嘱里指明的唯一受益人,我的继承的是信托继承,这是我说我所继承的任何一个信托里都没有任何其他人份额的原因。)
So, I refuse any kind "negotiation" possibility. (所以我拒绝任何这样的”谈判“可能。)
I consider "just can't understand" as harassment if anyone refuses to consult the law professionals regarding any concern or any possible accusation if I steal others' possible inheritable, etc. related to the matter but insist on negotiating with me. (对我的继承有些疑问甚至有一些“方敏是否偷了方家其他人的钱”的指责,却坚决不去咨询法律界或向警界求助,只是不停对我表达“就是不理解”等种种做法,我认为是纯属骚扰行为。)
I refuse to be harassed in the name of "negotiating".(我拒绝被以谈判为名而骚扰。)
----July 14th, 2018
Regarding $10,000 monthly providing confusions. (有关每月一万美金生活费的疑问)
My response: (我的回应:)
I heard one confusion was why not call for help to get the money.(我听说一个疑问就是为什么不呼救?)
I was born in 1967 when China was in culture revolution time.(我是于1967年在中国的文化大革命期间出生的。)
Chinese culture revolution time was between 1966 and 1976. It was the time when government officials could be grabbed by a Red Guard teenage on a street to be permanently locked up in a dark room till the death. (中国的文化大革命是从1966到1976年。当时的国家干部是可以在街上被一个十几岁的红卫兵直接抓走,再被永远的关在一个黑屋子里直到死亡。)
----July 14th, 2018
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