
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, December 1, 2017

12-01-2017 What is this Radio Program's producing efforts trying to achieve?

12-01-2017 What is this Radio Program's producing efforts trying to achieve?

Heard this morning's announcement from an enlisted from Chinese Military.
My response: I am a sworn U.S. citizen since June of 2015. I am a U.S Military's 3-Stars General Strategist not active in service.

I do not know what all these announcements are about.

----Dec. 1st, 2017

Heard this morning's confusion why it's a majority P.R. China's team producing a U.S. radio program.
My response: Heard it is to prove a Chinese senior official's wife is talented like some Mrs. Famous you have already heard.

I have complained why their private sexual life goodness deserves to be acknowledged by access-ability to a public microphone.

I have complained this radio program is a public scandal that forces the generic public to worship those females' private womb that the generic public does not even have access to.

Heard 2015's radio program producing group has come back for holiday seasons' goodies' since end of October. Radio company let go some producers by end of October in order to re-contract this group of producing team just for the holiday season. This is the same as last year's holiday season.

I have complained this radio program is a public robbery scandal that holiday time is theirs' to announce whoever's belongings to be claimed their holiday's gifts to take.

I have complained those announcements this radio program made have always followed by some promotion efforts to let "gifts" transferred to those deserved patrons as announced.

This trend started since 2015's holiday season. I did call law enforcement's help about those announcements. I refuse to let my belongings to be announced and/or claimed their gifts.

----Dec. 1st, 2017

Since 2007 or 2010, whenever there was a discussion about some deserves, there was an announcement stating who should have this being discussed money at the end of the discussion, and the real money transferred to that being announced person's bank account after broadcasting.

The reason for on-radio discussion was because the discussing group did not know how I earned this being discussed intellectual income, and this on-radio discussion proved their intelligence, which was good enough to have my intellectual income that being discussed to be transferred into their bank account.

I did call laws help to get back my hard earned intellectual income.

-----published Nov. 28th, 2017

Radio program has been kept on very busyRadio Producers are busy on fighting to get the microphone, Chinese Government is busy on announcing I am unwanted fake on the radio,  British Royals are busy on acclaiming British deserves a rich American husband, American Riches are busy on yelling "I said so", Hispanics Females are busy on confusing everybody who father their children, Prominent Wives are busy on proving they are intelligent enough to manage everybody else' matters, Big Names are busy on expressing their confusion,  money-wanters like Albert Gore, by rumor, are busy on sneak-in to announce the ownership of some money, All above shared choir of "Why can't I have her money"....

All I can do and I have done is kept on calling law enforcement's help and kept on speaking up for myself. What else should I do?

-----published Nov. 28th, 2017

My Personal Experience:

My Personal Experience from People's Republic of China:
My graduate education (Master Degree) and academic achievements in Computer Science in the United States as a U.S. resident had been respected by People's Republic of China's government before 2012. 
My contributions to People's Republic of China: Special Green House Farms, Mega Cities Subway System, and Creator of Beijing 2008 Olympic Game Ceremonies are acknowledged by People's Republic of China's government before 2012. (*all have June of 2004's solid authentic original visual records ).

My understandings of Chinese Communism Party were appreciated by People's Republic of China's government before 2012.
I am publicly called a plagiarizer who impossibly can have any achievements in Computer Science, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • *I left China in 1996, Computer Science Master degree graduated in 2000 from a United States' University and worked since 1999 for a United States' Security Software and Consulting company.
I am publicly called impossibly can know anything about medicine because college major is pharmacology, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • *I graduated from Shanghai Medical University in 1990, majored in pharmacology. This is No.1 or No.2 medical college in People's Republic of China. It was announced this school "no longer exist", and actually this school is currently called Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (Its website: http://shmc.fudan.edu.cn/). 
  • Pharmacology major I received includes Basic Medical System: three years medicine course shared with medicine major. Same professors and same lab facilities for three years. Same classrooms for Internal Medicine and Psychology. I clearly remembered 150 students total in one classroom, 50 of us pharmacology majored, 100 from medicine majored.)
I am publicly called a fake who impossibly can be the creator of 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • (*It was taped in June of 2004, New Jersey, United States with solid authentic original visual records ).
I am publicly called beggar and unwanted whore, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • (* I was never provided for by People's Republic of China's government other than free education offered to public when I was in China, and I never demanded anyone to provide for me because of sexual activities.)
  • (* I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts according to their wills in 2004 which was almost 8 years after I had lived in U.S. All those entrusts were lawfully entrusted abroad before 1949.  People's Republic of China was established since 1949.) 
I am publicly announced as never wanted and never needed fake talents, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016-2017.
  • (* On my web blog, I stated I am the authentic biological heir of the house that can be dated back to 2000 years ago and my blood has been enriched by long history of Chinese Culture, but I am a U.S. citizen now. And I have nothing to do with People's Republic of China)
----Published Nov. 3rd, 2017

Photos shoot from the Chinese Restaurant I normally go for lunch on Dec. 1st, 2017. It printed nothing but a "Run (away) Tang". I am the heir of Chinese Tang dynasty Emperors. Tang(唐)is the same Chinese character in "China Town(唐人街)"

My Proud Achievements