
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


**I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. The radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005??suppose??. I am a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being the major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if the content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward.

----Copied from somebodyinBoston.blogspot.com


Heard this morning's talk about who has not enjoyed whom or who did check out tattoo.
My response: All are none of my business.

The only one that may be my business is I need to dress pretty the most was laughed out hysterically by the interpretation of "rather be a mother-fucker". I heard those are Chinese females who never heard of British East India Company financier fund's historic stories.

It is none of my business other than to say I heard the reason for the laugh did clarify this morning he never enjoyed the mother image in the laugh.

----Dec. 19th, 2017

My clarification on my participation in radio program producing:
I have not heard any broadcast episodes of this radio program I have been complaining since it on-air in 2005.

I have not yet in studio-participating the producing of this radio program since its pilot time.

I do not know what has been announced on this radio program since 2005 other than some rumors concerning my own lawful interests, and I did call laws' help on a lot of things that concern my lawful interest.

I refuse my own lawful rights to be stepped on in the name of producing this radio program or promoting this radio program.

I refuse my own lawful interests to be stepped on in the name of producing this radio program or promoting this radio program.

I refuse my own financial belonging be given out by announcing gifting on a public media without my own wish.

I did call law enforcement's help to get back every penny I own that has been given out illegally by the radio program's producing team together with its local promotion teams.

I did call my own attorneys to check why and how there have been so many outside saying-over power on my lawful interests that have been created by some producers of this radio program's announce-to-own efforts.

----Dec. 19th, 2017