
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, December 9, 2017

12-09-2017 Discrimination complaint about my horrible experiences in Boston, MA

12-09-2017 Discrimination complaint about my horrible experiences in Boston, MA
Heard this morning's rumored broadcasting about my complaint discrimination of being sexually inactive.
My response: Let me tell you my horrible experiences in Boston, MA, other than those shits you already heard on the radio.

In early 2015, I heard the rumors that my three inheriting meetings in 2004 never happened, and my intellectual contributions did not deserve to be protected by U.S. labor laws and intellectual laws.

 It was rumored that I was a beggar who intentionally put myself into this shabby situation in order to get David Petraeus' family wealth. And I was the person never wanted by any prominent male.

Nobody needs to hear my stories at all because radio company already announced on their public channel and through their local station's (magic 106.7FM) promotions to tell everyone I do not deserve anything at all.

It  was after over 10 years that
I have no contact with this person,
I have no sexual activities with this person,
I have been not sexually attractive because of my financial and health situation.

Who needs to have this psycho saying that I intentionally being a beggar trying to have David Petraeus' family wealth just by being sexually unattractive to him and no contact with him at all?

I did file the discrimination complaint about my inquiries of my 2004-entrusting-meeting-decided financial providing have been completely ignored just because "It is impossible that I can have any money of my own because I was never wanted by any prominent male." or "It is impossible because I came from the People's Republic of China." I was treated like a beggar because the local radio station magic 106.7FM's manager, by rumors, has been telling everyone in Boston that she knows what is real.

It has been horrible and I have constantly called laws help on this.

----Dec 9th, 2017

Heard it was because the rumored "promise if waiting".
My response: I heard this on July 1st of 2004. I have willingly appreciated it but I was not excited about its financial-related implication. Let me explain why.

I kept saying I inherited handsome trusts that my own birth Chinese grandfathers' setup for me according to my grandfathers' wills. What that means? I have the money that is my money, not my future money. I can spend my money as I wish just like how his father can spend his father's money as his father wishes.

His father's wealth is called his inheritable which will be his wealth someday. And I already have my wealth that I already inherited the day before(June 30th, 2004). When he said he was going to let me have everything he owns, it means to my ears that everything he owns would be his saved salaries from the Military. I do appreciate his promise willingly but I was not impressed about the financial values it implied.

It was similar earlier that same day when he said he would not spend a penny on me. Every time when I was saying how I wanted this or that, he would echo like saying he would not pay for it. And  I would start laughing happily every time he said so because I understood it that he was congratulating me that I have my own handsome money that is no comparison much more than his own allowance from his father.

This is the kind of jokes everybody who has inheritable understands. All my grandfathers passed away before I was born. I did not know he was not aware that I did inherit my own birth grandfathers' blessing the day before.

----Dec. 9th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured R Foundation.
My response: I heard R Foundation has been organizing this since October of 2015. It started with an on-stage show that presenting the challenge theme of "Who the Fxxx do you think you are".

I do not know who hates me like such and why.

I did visit R center in New York City a couple of times in February and March of 2015 when I was trying to find information about what I had inherited. I did not go in to see anyone but I lingered around for less than half an hour each time. I did not dress up and I was apparently tired each time.

----Dec. 9th, 2017