
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

12-21-2017 A public microphone can only report Lawful Ownership

12-21-2017 A public microphone can only report A Lawful Ownership

Heard this morning's talk about David Petraeus decision on me.
My response: David Petraeus had announced he has nothing to do with me at all on this same radio program and elsewhere.
I repeat what I said in the morning: David Petraeus decision does not represent my decision or my opinion unless authorized.

What I own is never his to decide. Who I am is never his to decide. I am the owner of British East Indian Company Financier Fund by inheriting according to its centuries well-known entrusting "An Asian" person's will. I am the cash provider for Lehman Brother's Subprime Mortgage loans.

My wealth has nothing to do with David Petraeus or his family wealth or his relatives' family wealth. My current financial providing has nothing to do with David Petraeus or his family wealth or his relatives' family wealth.

12-20-2017 British East India Company Financier Fund

I heard there was a media interview broadcasted yesterday that his beloved females declared I do not even have a resume which is certainly an untrue statement. The following link is for anyone who has received education to check out if that expression is out of human reproduction-function-only organ to insult the fact that a human does have a brain for any non-sexual related resume. I am sick of his beloved females' shits out of their sexual activities. They have been one of the major reasons for all these shits threw at me on the radio.

Archive Section of My Web Blog-- My Proud Achievements

----Dec. 21st, 2017

Heard this morning's arguments about who should own this radio program.
My response: I am the creator and major featured person of the radio program, and I am the investor to both radio company and radio program. I own above shares lawfully.

I heard Chinese government's representative had announced on the radio program some "announced ownership of this radio program" is the reason for this morning's arguments. I announce here that those "announced ownership on the radio" has nothing to do with me and has nothing to do with my lawful ownership shares. I did call law enforcement's help on tons of these similar "announced ownership" through producing an entertainment company's microphone that intended to own my lawful wealth.

My lawful shares are represented by radio company IHeartMedia's Board of Directors. My investment in this radio program and IHeartMedia is through an American Fund which is a brother Fund to British East India Company's Financier Fund.

I heard IHeartMedia's Board of Directors has no saying over this radio program producing or anything about IHeartMedia is because it was announced that Albert Gore is "the real biggest announced owner of IHeartMedia" by his (Albert Gore's) own joking tone announcement on the radio program before 2010 time. I heard this same person also announced himself is "the real president of the United States" in the same joking tone earlier this year.

I heard since then anything this Albert Gore decided has been announced as United States government's decision. I did call law enforcement's help on announcement's I accused as "public kill attempted". Those announcements that I heard rumored everywhere are " the United States' government decided the Chinese woman in Boston won't get any appropriate medical treatment", " or "the United States' government decided that law enforcement won't investigate on anything that the Chinese woman in Boston had called possible crimes", as well as some clear instructions on how to remotely harm or kill the Chinese woman in Boston through some technology. I am the "Chinese woman in Boston" that public audience understood.

I am protected by the United States' Government under President Trump's leadership.
I am protected by the United States' Military under President Trump's leadership.
I am protected by the United States' law enforcement that under President Trump's leadership.

*IHeartMedia is the former Clear Channel Media.
*The American Fund mentioned above is the O's family wealth confusion.

----Dec. 21st, 2017