
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

12-20-2017 British East India Company Financier Fund

12-20-2017 British East India Company Financier Fund

Heard this morning's broadcasting sworn protection of lawful interests.
My response: I heard the issues are caused by what an immigration country the United States is.

For my own experiences, almost everybody but in very limited numbered countries like Britain, France and India know that the British East India company financier Fund has been historically known entrusted by an Asian.

And tons of similar confused stories of never heard of from worldwide immigrants.

----Dec. 20th, 2017

Heard the question why nobody doubted if it possible I am eligible to be the mother of the British Crown Prince's children.
My response: Maybe everybody had heard from their British friends, or French friends, or Indian friends that the British East India Company Financier Fund would be the reason for the British Crown Prince to consider.

And I was willing because only a British Crown Prince (junior) who also carry my blood can claim this fund to be owned by the British Royals from him on.

I was heartbroken when I heard the British Crown Prince chose not to have such a child which left me tons of greatest opportunities to wear the most pretty possible every time I need to introduce I am the owner of the British East India Company financier fund, as well as the reason that the British Royals feel OK in unison not to own the British East India Company financier fund from the next generation on.

I am OK that there is no such child and there are no such children to remind me that I am unwanted. And I feel relieved that I do not need to struggle if I should make my own heir cry for at least one title I inherited.

----Dec. 20th, 2017

Some updates on CEOs being dragged out stories.
My response: One dragged-out American Fund's CEO has been pissed off since the day, and I heard the reason was he insisted on its parent Fund's CEO to contact his home phone number, and the parent British fund's CEO insisted on him went back to the office to pick up the phone there. The Big question from British was "Why can't he just get up and go back into the building from a rear entrance?"

The mystery that caused some misunderstanding in this dragged-out story was the American Fund's CEO never heard of such treat till experienced it while the British parent fund's CEOs have already well familiar with these treats for a couple of hundred years. The historical stories are if the CEO was butts-on-the-ground threw out, the CEO would just get up and find a door that could re-enter the building, or just moved the entire company to another building if the British Royals ordered the CEO not allowed to come back to the building.

----Dec. 20th, 2017