
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, December 28, 2017

12-28-2017 Who is "the United States Government" and the PRC80 Scheme practicing on Smartphone invention money

12-28-2017 Who is "the United States Government" and the PRC80 Scheme practicing on Smartphone invention money

Heard yesterday and today that messages both impressively were from the United States government.
My response: I heard about it yesterday late in the day, so I explain it here today.

Yesterday's reason was Albert Gore, he very politely addressed himself "was a Vice President of the United States for a reason", but his current "decision" that I don't deserve to be acknowledged as part of smartphone creator group is still the "decision from the United States government". Otherwise, this is purely U.S. intellectual properties related laws matter, not the United States' national matter that needs the United States government decision.

This morning's "government decision" is from treasure department conversation that some Chinese government representatives conclusion of the discussion became "the United States government decision". This recording technique was helped by the David Petraeus' family name. This family name has been the name of a lot of this type "helping hands" on radio program producing and beyond.

It was announced by a Mr. Lewis from Treasury Department that I do not qualify for disability which is a true statement. In 2004's meeting, I did say I may qualify to apply taxpayers' money of disability help. Thanks to my great psychologist, I won't be qualified to apply for taxpayers' help on disability.

There was some confusion if that conversation means I need to be disabled to be provided for by my own money, my clarification on that is certainly untrue. I own my own money is the reason I am already qualified to be provided by it. And by the legal documentation attached to the providing that is appended to the regular donation, there certainly has no such conditions that I have to be a "psycho" to be qualified for providing.

I did provide some references related to my inheritance together with my social security assistance application to the Social Security Administration.

----Dec. 28th, 2017

Heard this morning's argument about Jessica Petroves'(Pejoves?) money.
My response: She is the announced mother of David Petraeus' child.

The money in this morning's disputes was never owned by this Jessica Petroves'(Pejoves?) birth mother or this Jessica Petroves (Pejoves?) birth mother's family.

The money in this morning's disputes was never owned by this Jessica Petroves'(Pejoves?) birth father or this Jessica Petroves (Pejoves?) birth father's family.

If this Jessica Petroves(Pejove?) has a birth father who is(was) not this Jessica Petroves (Pejoves?) birth mother's lawful husband, the money in this morning's disputes was never owned by this Jessica Petroves'(Pejoves?) birth mother's lawful husband or this Jessica Petroves (Pejoves?) birth mother's lawful husband's family.

The money in this morning's disputes was never owned by this Jessica Petroves'(Pejoves?) at the time this Jessica Petroves(Pejoves?) was born.

The money in this morning's disputes was never owned by this David Petraeus' family or any of his relatives.

The money in this morning's disputes is my providing money lawfully provided for my exclusive usage.

----Dec. 28th, 2017

How a law professional Albert Gore can be the Computer Science professional-evaluation eligible?
My response: Just because he declared himself "was a Vice President that led the United States for a reason".

By rumor, Albert Gore has fathered a Chinese diplomat's child and married her in P.R.China recently (registry marriage). That Chinese diplomat is the Chinese wife that Albert Gore announced he is married to on the radio program.

And if you ask around in Chinese Mainland Community, what he did is a typical and famous 1980s Chinese Iron-Steel business style: squeeze himself into the smartphone contributing group by crediting his contribution of pointing out I am being the fake one in order to take some money from Smartphones' business contributing shares.

The illustration of typical 1980s Chinese Iron-Steel business style is: whenever and wherever and whoever, as long as there is a conversation talking about a possible money-making business, a complete irrelevant person would seek chance to be in the conversation either by throwing a universal applicable commenting line to "contribute" or to exclude someone already in the conversation group. This is to ensure to have a good reason to have some money share and to reduce possible sharing parties.

Now, trying to remember what was broadcasted yesterday, and analyze the points that Albert Gore pointed out: I am a commenting party that is a fake contributor. He knew this was because he was a Vice President that led the United States for a reason.

I was the person initiated the conversation of smartphones by alerting everyone that there were some new inventions of mini-computer hardware from Intel company. And the conversation continued on how to use these new inventions to make a cellphone a smartphone. I am the original in-conversation group that Albert Gore trying to exclude, and I already accused him took my share of smartphone invention fee deposited into his own possession or gave out as he wished since 2007 or so.

Almost every one of my intellectual income, I earned it by initiating the conversation of having the business and also earned it by contributing on how to make it a good business.

Now, trying to remember what the Taiwanese woman, Wang, Xuehong*(王雪红),  said yesterday about her contribution in there: She was an MBA graduated, and her husband is electronic engineering professional that knew cellphone chips. It was a smartphone invention that was discussed, not some computer software programming, it is impossible that I can contribute anything in there. It is obviously the same technique.

And if you heard she, by rumors, was the famous person known for "deserved to be in any smartphone conversation with a camcorder to record everyone's discussion", you knew this is the same the People's Republic of China Iron-Steel business style: "I already heard your information, I do not need your any contribution." which implies you are ousted from any possible profiting from what has been recorded. Her father was known for having some investments in the People's Republic of China since 1980 or so.

*Not certain if the name is correct. The father is Wang, Yongqing(王永庆),I am not certain which daughter.

----Dec. 28th, 2017