
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, December 15, 2017



Heard this morning's broadcasting about un-controllable chuckles.
My response: I heard the feeling felt was cold at the moment.

I heard in most of the cases that chuckle was a response to the question "Why that Chinese woman's words mean anything at all?" I am truly sorry for all the hurts that caused by cold feeling felt, but they were never the group who liked to see me have financial losses that may further impact on so many people's life. CDC related subprime loans were the real reason.

----Dec. 15th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting about a Chinese female who was a former producer of this radio program in 2016 time.
My response: She was the person, by rumor, insisted on to broadcast my stories as she preferred. She was the person called a Chinese male Germany resident who has the exact same Chinese name as mine to state Min Fang has nothing to do with 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony to confuse public audience who I am.

By rumors, she was the major person in Chinese producing team in 2016 time that insisted on producing radio program in such a way to confuse the public if I have any non-sexual professional or academic achievements. I did call law enforcement's help on Chinese producing team's efforts in 2016,

Rumored, she is a relative by DNA to a Chinese female diplomat who has demanded financial providing for her own biological child from me. I refuse if rumors about demanding are true.

----Dec. 15th, 2017

Heard there is some confusion about the Fund that causes O'Connors' confusion.
My response: The confusion I heard was why now if it was not appropriate since Senators became paid public posts.

That fund was set up by a trust that my ancient grandfather set up for me. It has a British parent fund, a French grandparent Fund, and a great-grandparent Fund that has been registered in a country that has no known records of O'Connor family's ancestry.

As currently well known, O'Connors' family has been agreed of providing for over six generations that most of them do have huge confusion about this fund's ownership. The confusion was the same when Senators became paid public posts.

It won't be easy to explain to them from entrusting groups as well as from everybody else including those who may not understand why they could be confused, and these explaining efforts may be interpreted as attacks from ill-wishers. I was born in 1967 and this stopping process started after I inherited on June 30th of 2004. It has been lengthy because the confusion has been real and because it is not everybody clear about the details of this agreed-upon providing.

One of the evidence that the confusion has been real was how so annoying my inheriting was to O'Connors' on June 30th of 2004.
The evidence of possible misinterpreting can certainly be seen from how I complained about Tina O'Connor.

----Dec. 15th, 2017