
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, December 25, 2017

12-25-2017 Merry Christmas

                                       12-25-2017 Merry Christmas

To the well-known my own biological children:

                                       Merry Christmas!
            You are well-known my own biological children the same as well-known "An Asian Owner" in British East India Company Financier's story. Your mother is never the person that needs you to have some financial security. Do not listen to any nonsense if you are good enough to your mother or your father, and tell those who doubt your mother's unlady-like behavior that mother is an heiress from a 2000-years-long polygamist family. That is that.

           *The "An Asian Owner" is well-known to entire Britain and entire France for over one or two centuries. A lot of people from India aware of these "An Asian Owner" stories too.

To my own children's grandparents and their father:
                                      Merry Christmas!

To everyone I owe my big thanks for their love and caring towards my biological children:
                                      Merry Christmas!

To my own father:
                                      Merry Christmas!

             I wish with all my heart I can say Merry Christmas to my own birth mother. I hope the rumors about my mother may still alive is true. I am the person providing for both of my biological and lawful parents as decided on July 1st of 2004.

老爸爸:圣诞节快乐。查一下你的每月现金是否有收到。我收到的是$735 加上$30. 你现在的生活是由我负担的, 一切都是依照2004年7月1日我信托财产时所决定的, 着重健康及基本生活保障。支出是由我的信托支付,目前已支付的几个信托都不是方智仁爷爷设的信托,更不是其他人的支出。所以你的生活是由你女儿我负担的。如果妈妈还在,她的待遇和你是一样的。😀😀

我已查询,如果我是一个法国公民(或英国公民)在美国领土上以美国康州居民身份继承财产(英国法国是有继承财产的税收的),我是不用缴纳针对财产征收的遗产税(因为爷爷们都是在1949年10月1日解放以前就已办理境外信托,即将财产信托在中国领土以外地区,爷爷们也都不是法国公民或英国公民或美国公民), 我也不用缴纳针对我个人的继承税(因为我是在法国或英国境外的美国领土上继承的财产,不用向法国或英国缴纳任何继承说,而美国康州在2004年6月30日这一天孙子女继承祖父母财产是100%免继承税的)。所以,就算中华人民共和国有继承财产相关的税收,我都没欠中华人民共和国任何应交税款。



----Dec. 25th, 2017