
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, December 16, 2017

12-16-2017 I refuse what I own to be announced given out and I refuse to be harassed by none of my business rumors

12-16-2017 I refuse what I own to be announced given out and I refuse to be harassed by none of my business rumors

Heard this morning's talk about Lehman Brothers' investment.
My response: I refuse to give anything related to Lehman Brothers' investment to anyone, as a gift or not as a gift at all.

Heard this morning confirmed that I have spent total $45 Billion in cash from my allowances to help Lehman Brothers' cash reserves. I wish Mr. R-s and Mrs. R-s could know this is the reason they had been approached to ask if they would be willing to financially support those "what I said" on July 1st of 2004.

I wish Mr. R-s and Mrs. R-s could understand I never intended to spend their money and I never spent their money is a true statement.

----Dec. 16th, 2017

Heard some scary rumors about Dwarfs and Inmans.
My response: I am a resident of Boston, Massachusetts. Dwarf and Inman are just two geographic locations in Boston, MA.

Inman Square is located near Central Square, I heard it has a lot of law school students' residents near-by.

The dwarf is located near Boston Aquarium area, I do not know who Dwarfs possibly are.

----Dec. 16th, 2017

Heard rumors about I am being a bad luck to a wedding because I am known for no-wedding.
My response: Heard it is so severe that I should not even be allowed to be near to any place that having a wedding going on. This is through some malicious harassment promotions.

The truth is I only have children from marriage, as I decided on July 1st of 2004.

I was never a person in need of a child or children for financial providing or titles & privileges reasons. I was never that cheap could have my children to be called illegitimate children.

----Dec. 16th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a Chinese who is or isn't a real one.
My response: Either case is none of my business.

If any Chinese could remember there was a published article in Chinese magazine World Journals Weekends about the war in Afghanistan and about deployed U.S. military there. That article was published before 2010, and I remembered it mentioned a newly wedded wife of the most senior U.S. Military commander in Afghanistan.

If anyone insists on saying I am a stuck-on to that commander, I have to call that person a psycho because that is just ridiculous while knowing I had been in no contact with that commander for any reason at all since July of 2004. I did call the person who has minded it very much beyond boundary a psycho and I did call laws' help on possible severe sexual harassment case through this radio program and through the promotions of this radio program.

----Dec. 16th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about I said I would give David Petraeus money.
My response: It was on July 1st of 2004. That conversation was about how I would share my wealth with my possible biological children. David Petraeus made it very clear he has his own excellent family wealth and his child would not need any of my money, that was even if he shares a child with me. Later he asked me if I would be willing to give his child who also carry my blood some of my own money if he changes his mind about this, I said of course. And he asked me to promise that I won't change my mind about this. And I did promise it.

He did change his mind about this totally by having his biological child with another person as he already publicly announced. And I did not change my mind a bit about how I only willing to give my own money to my own biological children.

I won't give any of my own money to any of David Petraeus' associated romance or non-romance relationships. I refuse to give a penny to any of his real or rumored romances, in the past, at present, or in the future.

David Petraeus publicly announced he has nothing to do with me.

I announce here that any of his romance, rumors or real ones, is none of my business.

The end.

----Dec. 16th, 2017