
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, December 3, 2017

12-03-2017 "The David Petraeus Scandal, Explained" ---- A Borrowed Title

12-03-2017 "The David Petraeus Scandal, Explained" ---- A Borrowed Title

Borrowed title of "The David Petraeus Scandal, Explained".
My response: this "The David Petraeus Scandal, Explained" was borrowed from an article by Adam Weinstein and Mark Follman published on NOV. 12, 2012 8:54 PM.
Retrieved from

----Dec. 3rd, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of this "The David Petraeus Scandal, Explained".
My response: I finally relaxed about this whole story.

When I read that People's magazine of this story at a church in Boston, I was reading with a reserved expression on my face. The male party is the person I did not recognize, which was a big comfort. But the story was telling the sexual relationship was real, this was the concerned I had if I would be in trouble. But it was mentioned somehow it started after the male party's retirement from the Military.

I was the person chatted with a David Petraeus I met in a Hyatt Regional in Virginal and Washington border area about publish a fake scandal story about him. That chat was on July 1st of 2004.

On June 30th of 2004, I was called to my green card application representing attorney's office to have a teleconference. It was about my inappropriate romance that violated the Military's decision. I was active in service then and I was told that all the questions were from the Marshall Court.

In January of 2004, I was ordered not to have any romance association with the David Petraeus I met after I was recruited. Sometime after that, I agreed to date the David Petraeus I met after a phone conversation with him. That Marshall Court was for what after that phone call.

July of 2004, the David Petraeus I met was on his Marshall Court for the same reason. It was ruled he would be on Probation on his romance until his retirement from the Military.

The chat about the fake scandal was after that ruling. The entire time, both me and the David Petraeus I met were laughing because the ruling of Probation made the plan a fake only. And I was telling everybody he got "enhanced security" on his sexual desire that was offered free from the Military, not a chance the Military would let him make it real.

Heard this morning's story about "Fully Dressed Push-ups" in front of surrounded Military officers and the flick evidence second of mutual sexual relationship. Either both or at least the female party was specially equipped to have this mutual willing sexual relationship. This special equipment was never from that chat of fake scandal I participated on July 1st of 2004.

Before that chat of fake scandal on July 1st of 2004, there was another chat on that same day that I was curious how a female can urinate decently in fields resulted in a clean dress. I was told a folding below crochet area will do the trick. It was a "knowledge" that chuckled everybody who was there, especially those from the entertainment industry.

I do not know anything about what happened after July 1st of 2004. But in that chat of fake scandal on July 1st of 2004, I never "assign" any female to be the featured person in that chatted fake scandal.

I never intended to put the David Petraeus I met into troubles of violating Military Probation. I never involved with anything beyond that chat of fake scandal on July 1st of 2004.

The male party announced he never had anything to do with me, and the female party is the person who never had anything to do with me.

----Dec. 3rd, 2017