
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Friday, December 29, 2017

12-29-2017 "True Beggar" is the PRC80 Scheme Style and background of P.R.China in the 1980s

12-29-2017 "True Beggar" is the PRC80 Scheme Style and background of P.R.China in the 1980s (中文附后)

Heard this morning's "body and life (including every penny and all benefits) with the wife, but soul.."
My response: Who needs that invisible, and untouchable big huge SOUL that resides in the body and represented by the life (including every penny and all benefits) to afloat somewhere else? Definitely not my any place. I reject this announced idea completely.

It only sounds creepy considering the female, who owns the announcer's body and life, has been minded so hugely about any association. The announcer must have been infected from the hard-earned PSYCHO titled female.

I heard that this whole week's featured episodes reflected a lot of people's frustration for the past 10 years "Are they (featured patrons) Alzheimer patients?" And my frustration has been: "That is a hard-earned psycho title". The theme should be called:"Do you hear what I hear? Alzheimer or psycho?"
the PRC80 Scheme practicing on Smartphone invention money (first and third item)

----Dec. 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about what is wrong with her having her own money.
My response: It would be wrong if that money she called her own money is actually my own money. If that is my money by Laws, I refuse to enjoy this female sexually and I refuse to let this female to fancy my own money can be called her own money. I insist on calling that is my own money.

Argument about Jessica Petroves(Pejoves) money (Second item)

----Dec. 29th, 2017

Heard this morning broadcasted "I would rather advise you to call yourself a true beggar".
My response: This is the advice I gave according to PRC80 Scheme style that was out of being so annoyed with the non-stop harassment that "she is the one have The Money". I was like "why took my money and tried to paint me a beggar?"

This is obviously to shit somebody. Some PRC80 Scheme style advises are not this obvious. Example: Everyone is curious if I have money under entrust, why do I choose to be homeless? I said I didn't choose but advised, and I did call law enforcement's help to find out who advised me. I heard recently that it was advised by a Chinese male,  I heard he was featured a possible heir from Zu's family on the radio program this year. His last name is also Fang(方) but he has no blood association with me at all.

That advise he gave sounds malicious who knew what this advise means, but not a bit to someone like me who know nothing about what it would be like to be a "homeless". It was sound like an adventure to me.

The key is if you know what the advise means. For example, if the advice of "just amputate the entire leg" is given when one is complaining about own leg pain, the one being advised certainly know immediately that is malicious. But if the same effect advises is given as "just stop local blood circulation completely to lower the sensitivity of the nerves", it may be taken without any guards.

This is the PRC80 Scheme advise style. Most of the time, this kind advises are given to promote advisers to make some gains, sometimes, this kind advises are given purely just out of hatred.

----Dec. 29th, 2017

Background of the 1980s in the People's Republic of China
1980s time in the People's Republic of China was like a no-law country with a lot of issues. Due to the national economic system conversion from the planned economy to the market economy, the main economic system was spinning out workers without any possible chances for those been spanned out to find a way to survive (no pension, no social security and not a chance to find a job*).

A lot of people were, possibly, desperately trying to find some resources to support their families. Some took advantage of the government's policies of encouraging private business. And in this process, tons of people being taken advantages of without knowing what happened which may include college professors or Science Academy Scientists' inventions or patents, etc. 1989 student movement may be the outbreak of a lot of tensions but somehow missed the points.

* In the 1980s, there were not many foreign investments yet. Healthy business (factory or company) were selected to be kept in the main economic system, the less or no profiting ones were spanned out, either to be independent or up for sale. So if a worker was laid off, it was because the factory or company could not afford to pay the salary (wage), and those businesses in the main system only recruit newly graduated from junior high schools, high schools or colleges. So, for the laid-off workers, it means no retirement pension from the factory or the company that laid this worker off, no social security from the government and not a chance to find a job, the laid-off worker could invest some money to become a street vendor or could buy a for-sale factory (company), or this laid-off worker would just have no place to turn to have any income.

* I graduated from high school in 1985 and graduated from a 5-years' pharmacology major from a medical college in 1990. I came to the United States in October 1996. I was the person reported to the then Chinese central government in early 1989 that 1989 Student movement against some government officials' corruption was suspicious because there was no reported major corruption case at all in 1988-1989 that could cause such outbreak. I was the person participated 1989's government meeting and gave my advises as an in-college Communist Youth Party member student to the government that led by Chinese Communism Party which shaped government's handling of 1989 student movement.

* I was the person pointed out in that 1989 meeting, organized by the Chinese government, that students' marching and blocking the streets activities would drag some healthy business into less profiting situation that may further worsen already pretty bad economic situation and cause more workers to be laid-off into financial desperation. And I was the person reported that collection of the donations from the streets were suspicious.

----Dec. 29th, 2017



* 在八十年代,当时没有什么台资或外资或合资企业。效益好的企业(工厂或者公司)都被政府选择留在了中国当时的主要经济体制内,效益不好的企业或者亏损的企业被选择为独立核算,自负盈亏企业,或者被标价出售,属中国的主要体制外企事业单位。所以当时如果一个职工下岗的话,那是因为企业无钱支付这个职工的工资,而中国的主要经济体制内企业当时只招收应届或者前一年毕业的初高中及大学毕业生。所以,对于被下岗的职工来说,这就意味着没有退休金,没有政府保障的社保金,更是没有任何机会可以再找一份工作。这个下岗人员当时是可以投资做个个体户,或者买下一家标价出售的工厂公司,或者就是没有任何地方可以求助有一份养家的收入。

* 我是1985年高中毕业后于1990年自五年制的医学院药理专业毕业。我是1996年10月移居美国。是我1989年向当时的中国政府举报1989年反贪污反腐败学生运动很可疑。在1988年-1989年期间根本就没有任何重大贪污腐败案件的报道会引发如此大规模的愤怒表达。是我在1989年参加当时中国政府组织的全国高校会议并在会上以在读共青团员大学生的身份向中国共产党领导下的中国政府提出了一些处理89年学运的建议。 这些建议被中国政府参考并据此产生了1989年中国政府对当时学生运动的处理办法。

