
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

12-27-2017 Why entertainment professionals deserve to evaluate non-entertainment achievement on this radio program?

12-27-2017 Why entertainment professionals deserve to evaluate non-entertainment achievement on this radio program?

Heard this morning's Taiwanese woman's comment on how could I possibly have intellectual income from smartphones.
My response: A lot of people were there with her knew she was the one never contributed a bit but accused by me of attempting to steal the intellectual contributions from everyone else. Being a non-computer or non-electronics professional-background person, how she can possibly evaluate if I contributed into the discussion when Bill Gate (DOS system Inventor), Paul Ellen (Window system  Inventor), and Steve Jobs(Mac system Inventor) were the ones in that same discussion on June 30th, 2004.

Please check following related blog article:

why the People's Republic of China's government insist on I am a fake (Second and Fourth Items in the post)

I have this huge problem with this radio program's producing efforts. They are the group can relate a creator's role in movie making, but how they can be eligible to evaluate if anyone is a creator's role in other industries?

Please check following related blog article:

Second Item: Heard about confusion how intellectual contributions can be appropriately acknowledged and rewarded.

----Dec. 27th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a private hearing that happened in 2006 or 2007.
My response: It has been understood worldwide including my own that Albert Gore, David Petraeus and British Prince William are the ones that have huge problems with me, and plus that announced mothers of each of all three's young children want my money to be called their own money.

Kate Middleton announced in 2015 or in 2016 time that my inheritance Fund, the British East India Company Financier Fund, should be called hers to own. I refused.

Jessica Petroves (Pejoves?), announced mother of David Petraeus' child, announced in 2017 time that she deserves my another inheritance Fund which a Ford Holding's investor Fund. I refused.

A Chinese former or current diplomat who mothers an Albert Gore's younger child announced tons of owner deservedness in People's Republic of China government's name and/or in her own name, plus tons of ownerships announced by Albert Gore himself. I refused all.

"What will happen if a wife or a Mistress is not getting along with a Dowager or an heiress? It is understood as the husband or the gentleman lover who is the person that does not get along with the Dowager or the heiress. So it is the same as a Dowager or an heiress does not get along with the husband or the gentleman."
----Published on Dec. 26th, 2017

----Dec. 27th, 2017

How my inheritance Fund, the British East India Company Financier Fund, can be announced as Kate Middleton's wedding gift?
My response: By rumor, it was announced by Kate Middleton's romantically involved ex-boyfriend Albert Gore. But the Fund was never owned by Albert Gore. So it was just the illegal and invalid announcement.

What happened was a producer or two invited Albert Gore to the radio program's recording studio and provided him the radio program's microphone to announce such announcement. It was never from anyone that my trust related or the British East India Company Financier Fund's management related. It was purely an announcement made by Kate Middleton's romantically involved ex-boyfriend Albert Gore for her then-upcoming public wedding with some of the radio program's producers' help. And I refuse to consider to make it real.

 The British East India Company Financier Fund was never a no-owner fund even with a mandatory law in 1900 time that said any trust over 500 years without a known owner should be a no-owner Fund, because the British East India Company Financier Fund has been famously owned by a French parent Fund entire time since the British East India Company Financier Fund has been set up. And this French fund is owned by another Fund in another country since the French Fund has been set up.

Petroves or Pejoves family's story related Fund is the same that it has been famously owned by another French Fund the entire time since that British Fund has been set up. And the French Fund is owned by another Fund in another country since the French Fund has been set up.

Tons of radio program's announcements have been announced in such invalid way. Rumored Boston's Magic 106.7FM radio station's female manager was announced by a Jessica Lopez this same way that actually effectively ousted radio station's then in-office male CEO and promoted the female a CEO in 2014 time.

Since 2014, it has been rumored that this radio program has been argued why its featured stories have to be real stories. And it is well-known I have not been to Britain yet, not to mention seduce a British Prince as featured on the radio program. I know how much shits threw at me by "no need to be really my stories", but I do not know how many "radio program's announcements to gain ownership" have to be effective since this radio program went on-air in 2005.

I refuse to acknowledge any of all those radio program's never-authorized-announcements that is related to who I am or what I own or what I have achieved. I did call law enforcement's help on those announcements that have been illegally transacted.

My clarification on my participation in radio program producing (Second item)

----Dec. 27th, 2017

About my daily providing that announced this morning "No American should support my living cost".
My response: I am not supposed to be supported by anyone but myself.

Rumored Jessica Lopez, a resident New Haven of Connecticut is the person has some huge sayings over my housing and my cash or food providing by being so influential to Boston Housing Authority and Boston Transition Department. The husband she announced on the radio has nothing to do with me, and the real reason of her power is because she is the person "radio program announcement promoted" Boston's Magic 106.7FM radio station's female manager.

Currently, those providing whereabouts from my trusts are still being "investigated". I only received housing arrangement paid for years from my first year's providing, no food or cash received yet. Rumored, my second year's transferred to Tina O'Connor and my third year's transferred to Jessica Petroves(Pejoves) by a Hispanic Treasure Department employee who never heard of any stories about these two famous British Royals most wanted British Funds. Both transferred after radio program's announcement of "Chinese woman does not deserve any O'Connor money or any Petroves(Pejoves) money."

I am currently having Food stamps and some SSI help other than housing. Food Stamps I received is because of "poverty" and SSI I received is because I have been really "agitated".

*My second year's providing American Fund is owned by the same French Fund that owns the British East India Company Financier Fund, never O'Connors' money.\
*My third year's providing American fund is owned by a French Fund that also owns the other famous British Royals most wanted Fund, never Pejoves' or Petroves' money.
*My fourth year's providing American Fund, currently has not paid out my living expense yet, is owned by a French Fund that never owned by David Petraeus' family nor any of his relatives.

----Dec. 27th, 2017