
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Sunday, December 10, 2017

12-10-2017 Why I have no money in State of Massachusetts

12-10-2017 Why I have no money in State of Massachusetts of the United States

Heard this morning's broadcasting about why I have no money in Massachusetts.
My response: Investor tax is a federal tax only that paid when money is taken out from investing, which normally is when money is transferred out of the investing accounts. For my case, it is when money is paying for my exclusive usage (spending) from my trusts. My medical treatment expense associated investor tax, by rumor, has paid in someone else's name, not a pseudo name, to let this or that person have some tax refund and "privileges" to fight for who owns the Fund that paid this tax. I called laws help on this matter.

Intellectual Income has both Federal and MA taxes. For my case, I called laws help since every penny of my intellectual making, by rumor, has been announced on the radio program to be owned by someone else and transferred into that person's bank account through radio program's promotion. I called laws help on this matter.

My investments in Massachusetts are business entities that pay Business related taxes. And those businesses do not have my private capital accounts because those are my trusts' investment's investment's investment, etc. My capital accounts are in my trusts. I am provided for by a local American Fund when the local business representative is authorized to deduct those spending from its parent Fund's capital accounts. That is the reason I changed my inquiries to check if there is any money paid to Boston Housing Authority or Boston Transition Department according to what was decided on July 1st of 2004, and if those paid to Boston Housing Authority or Boston Transition Department are lawfully paid for my exclusive usage.

----Dec. 10th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of why can't a female have a saying over my money just by the privilege who father her child(ren).
My response: I refuse to let any female to have any saying over my any money just by the fact I am a female who has no chance to seed a female or father a female's child(ren).

I refuse to let any female to have any saying over my any money just by the fact I am a wealthy woman who does not desire any male who is already an OLD MAN to father another female's child(ren).

I swear I am not biological associated with the person who fathers this female's child(ren) no matter how authentic this female's child(ren)'s blood truly reflect her child(ren)'s father's side blood origin.

I swear my wealth's origin is not associated with the person who fathers this female's child(ren) no matter how authentic her child(ren)'s blood truly deserve the child(ren)'s father's side blood originated wealth.

I swear I never sexually enjoyed any female since the day I was born in the People's Republic of China.

I swear I do not know why those P. R. China's female citizens insist on to demand this or that from me as if I desire them sexually and desperately.

I swear I never sexually enjoyed any female since the day I became a female resident of Massachusetts of the United States.

I swear I will never sexually enjoy any female no matter how long I will stay as a female resident of Massachusetts of the United States.

* Massachusetts of the United States is the first State that has the lawful same-gender marriage.
*Old man is how a child refers the biological father in U.S. English.

----Dec. 10th, 2017

Heard the "authentic true blood" is based on the year when a child was born.
My elaborate:

The 1940s was World War II time. Anyone could be the blood giver to a wife's child if the husband was fighting for the freedom, even if that was "helping the fighting on the United States soil".
The 1960s was Hippies time. Everybody supposed to be the blood giver of everybody's child.
The 1970s was Marching for the Vietnam War time. Everybody cared about possible lives losses possibly was a blood giver of another caring person's child.
The 1980 was Dancing Queen time. Every girl was a dancing queen and every boy certainly would be willing to be a blood giver of a "dancing queen's child".

I have not heard about how authentic a child's blood could be for 1950s borns and for after 1990s borns.

----Dec. 10th, 2017