
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, December 2, 2017

12-02-2017 All about who should be the decision-maker of parenting of a child.

12-02-2017 All about who should be the decision-maker of parenting of a child.

Heard this morning's screams of so many prominent wives' determinations on making illegal decisions that have huge or small impacts on my life.
My response: I sue every one of them for this crime they possibly committed.

I am a U.S. citizen who has the freedom of making my own decisions of my own money, and everything else. My lawful rights are granted by U.S, Constitution, never charities from their husbands.

My money is from my own birth biological family. I inherited trusts set up for me by my own birth grandfathers. My money is never their husbands' charity. My money is never their husbands to have any saying over. And I do not have a dipstick to privilege these females to fancy their wombs can be attractive to me so that my money can be theirs' to decide.

I am not interested in their prominent husbands because I am good with my own standing, and I have no need to sacrifice a bit quality of my romance life. I really do not fancy those husbands' so prominent full of experiences aging appearances.

This was my attitude in 2004 towards everyone who, in 2004, was a husband with biological child (children) already. 

I never wanted those biological-fathers-already-husbands, I never wanted those rumors to belittle myself.

I never needed those rumors to abuse my own money or to abuse my own non-sexual-natured professional achievements.

* It is better to let everybody understand my point: Not a chance a wife can be so determined without the support or understanding from the husband.

**It is better to let everybody understand that I cannot let a husband represent any of my interests knowing the husband do intent to have sayings over my lawful interests even that is against my own wish.

----Dec. 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about "Why not financially support Albert Gore's dreams".
My response: Because I do not share his dreams, any of them.

Because I do not share his self-esteem that whatever he dreams means most important.
  • I like to support what makes people happy for those who truly happy enjoy their own hard making.
Because I do not share his desire to make decisions on everybody's behave.
  • I like to support to let people make decisions of their own as they wish.
Because I did express myself in 2004 that I was not interested in him and wished his own romance with some else.
  • No such child would have been produced just to let him have some of my money, especially with so many decent people know his family and his late wife.
Because my money is not a free-access to anyone who wants my money, I did express myself to law enforcement to sue Albert Gore if the rumor he had raped in-sleeping me in my locked-door self-paid apartment is true.
  • Whoever fancy a dipstick should have a free access to any female's sexual private, and so prominent enough that laws mean nothing at all in front the dipstick, the penis should access-free only to the birth mother's womb that produced this dipstick and should access-free only to the biological daughter's womb that produced by this dipstick. I sue for sexual harassment plus racketeering if I am threatened.
----Dec. 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's mention of his "Fund-supported pregnancy-mother" dream.
My response: I do not share. I refuse to let my any fund to get involved in this kind scandalous public robbery activities. Let me explain why.

This has been my screams for several years. "You can not produce a child, why can't you take charity to enjoy the gift of Albert Gore's woman's or his friend's woman's own biological child? Why are you so stubborn to fancy what your wants can mean anything at all?" "You should feel grateful already that you have some child to be called your child, what are you complaining?"

You have heard my complaints he announced every penny of my hard-earned intellectual income to be owned by his friends because he cannot see how I earned them. And every penny of these announced intellectual incomes has been transferred into his friends' bank accounts ready to be spent. Some has been spent and Albert Gore still in process of announcing ownership of some money whenever he heard of it. He never uses any of this already announced money on any of his dreams other than to improve their own financial providing.

I have clarified I really have nothing to do with Albert Gore. I did call law enforcement's help in suing Albert Gore for murder attempted because, by rumor, he calls everyone to kill me for his desire to own my money.

There had been a radio program episode that featured DNA tests knowledge on Nov. 14th, 2017. It was all about how a DNA test can be cheated. There was another episode about differences on DNA technology to produce a child which featured a 6-children story.

That story was all about intended-parents are not good enough to make the decision on how to have a child-- Who is the better sperm or egg to have a child. From what I hear, the featured 6-children are not from intended parents, but results of either mixed-matched sperms with eggs or "donated eggs or sperms". Correct me if I am wrong, that episode was all about everybody else's "I said so" instead of intended-parents.

I heard the confusion about how about my children, they are helped conceived from the same lab in the same facility at the same location. My major in college is pharmacology and I can go into a lab to perform DNA test myself. With this knowledge, I am not concerned about my own pregnancy-mothered children. Because it is purely the result of individual DNA expert. A DNA expert can perform DNA lab tests by himself or herself. My children are helped conceived by another DNA expert.

I refuse to donate any money until laws can be enforced to ensure intended-parents are the decision makers of their own-intended child's blood.

If laws can not protect me to spend or donate my money as I wish, no law can protect anyone from the result of that money that being illegally spent.

*If DNA stories I heard is incorrect, please send me an email. I will do the correction.

----Dec. 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of China's two females prestigious re-production government.
My response: I heard this same rumor that Chinese government this administration are grouped by seeders of this two female, each mother 6 adult children from 6 different males.

Heard People's Republic of China's current administration is half and half of each's seeders.

Heard one female's first-born was when she was in high school, the other female's firstborn was when she was in junior high school.


----Dec. 2nd, 2017