
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

11-30-2017 I did not recognize People's magazine's published Photos is a True Statement

11-30-2017 I did not recognize People's magazine's published Photos is a True Statement

Heard this morning's announcement that David Petraeus never even met me.
My response: I met a person in Hyatt Regional in Virginia, Washington area in 2003. I was told his name is David Petraeus. I did not recognize the David Petraeus published in the People's magazine or Chinese newspaper World Journal is a true statement.

I never had any heartbroken feeling about all these "David Petraeus never wanted you" promotion on the radio and in Boston, Massachusetts.

I never spent David Petraeus' money, or his family's, or relatives' money. I was never provided for by David Petraeus' money, or his family's money, or his relatives' money. I could not even associate People's magazine's or World Journal's  David Petraeus with the person I met.

I was never heartbroken by all these hostilities expressed by David Petraeus on the radio.

----Nov. 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting caused confusion about who father the 4 children.
My response: I would say the radio program once broadcasted Jessica Pejoves(Petroves?) mothers 4 children. This morning's is Jessica R mothers 4 children from James R (David Petraeus).

----Nov. 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a Chinese female who mother a CHILD from Chines Premiere's.
My response: She is one of the patrons that I decided to call law enforcement's help before I call her a psycho.

By rumor I hear, she had stalked me in my glass house cancer treatment. She kept contact treatment providers' staff to bill me but not to provide treatment for me and transfer money to her. She requested all these very seriously because she mothers a child from the Chinese Premiere and I was never wanted by the Chinese Premiere. And she confirms the Chinese Premiere has nothing to do with me is a true statement.

I heard she did succeed sometimes because of her maiden last name (Fong or Fang), so I called law enforcement's help to find out if she is a criminal.

*If her maiden name is Fang is the reason she thinks that is her lawful money as well, she should go to an attorney to ask for help to find out.

----Nov. 30th, 2017

Heard those frustrated voices about "Why not interested in Albert Gore".
My response: I heard those frustrated voices are from Albert Gore's romance partners. I heard the frustrations were caused by my refusal to provide for Albert Gore and his associated, and the questions were asked out of disbelieves because he has been very popular among Chinese females sexually.

I did not know anything about Albert Gore other than the name printed in the newspapers before July 1st of 2004. I do not his romances at all and I am not interested to know either.

On July 1st of 2004, I was aware he is a grandfather already. This already impressed me that the grandfather should be an Old and Dry on romance-related matters that I should call a Mr. Senior.

I must say I am a Chinese U.S. female citizen, but I am really not interested in anyone who was already a Mr. Senior that stands for Old and Dry in 2004 already. I am really not interested at all about a Mr. Senior in 2004 who is 13 years more senior now.

----Nov. 30th, 2017