
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, December 31, 2017

12-31-2017 My lawfully owned private wealth and My name in People's Republic of China (关于我合法拥有的财产以及我方敏在中华人民共和国的名誉)

12-31-2017 My lawfully owned private wealth and My name in People's Republic of China (关于我合法拥有的财产以及我方敏在中华人民共和国的名誉)

Heard this morning's talk about being a Mistress.
My response: Exactly, Why would a wealthy Miss P ever need to fight for the acknowledgment of a "true birth mother" of another wealthier person's child without a marriage through a radio program producers' help? Why would a Military breed need to hide a marriage with another enlisted from the possible ex? That is if she is a wealthy Miss P and a Military breed.

That is the reason I said who need her to hide her marriage? And why anyone would assume the wife, the possible ex, did not know anything at all?

The money she claimed she born into is the money I born into by the laws, that is the reason I inherited it in 2004 and I am the person kept calling laws' help when she kept on insisting to request other people's favor to have some money transferred to her.

Exactly, if the Fund in "her disputes only" is the money she born into, why would she need to request people outside of the fund to do her some favors to have some money transferred to her? Why can't she call laws' help like I did?

I was called into an attorney's office without a clue about money and effectively inherited my trusts my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was even born, I could effectively spend money by saying "I want this"  and decide my providing as I wish over the phone in an attorney's office in Connecticut, and I am complaining to the laws where is my money currently after she "requested some favors" successfully. All because it is my money.

Heard this morning's talk about what is wrong with her having her own money.
My response: It would be wrong if that money she called her own money is actually my own money. If that is my money by Laws, I refuse to enjoy this female sexually and I refuse to let this female to fancy my own money can be called her own money. I insist on calling that is my own money.
----published on Dec. 29th, 2017

Argument about Jessica Petroves(Pejoves) money (Second item)

----Dec. 31st, 2017





就传言阿尔贝特·高尔的华人妻子(或者孩子妈)以中国政府名义宣布一些中国政府的决定,包括通过广播剧宣布的不准我方敏入境中华人民共和国就因中国国家领导人有的是女人奶子屁股,在中国政府没有任何否认即予以全部默认的情况下,我方敏认为一切都是中华人民共和国政府的正式声明。我方敏保留一切追究以中华人民共和国政府名义破坏我方敏名誉的行为的法律责任,只要中华人民共和国有一天能够恢复法治国家信誉, 只要中华人民共和国的政府有一天恢复中国政府是一个领导13亿人口的国家职能机关而非一些个别人的私家妓院的理解,我方敏一定寻求在中华人民共和国司法保障下的,在中华人民共和国960万平方公里领土领海和领空,中国政府海外各领事和中国政府各驻外机构,以及中国政府在公共海域及公共空域的机构和设施,全面恢复我唐太宗李世民继承人方敏的名誉。

我重复我今天早上所言, 我不清楚阿尔贝特·高尔的华人妻子(或者孩子妈)是否已是美国公民,但我已是美国公民,就中华人民共和国政府是否是在美国公民阿尔贝特·高尔或其华人妻子(或者孩子妈)的实际领导之下,我方敏没有任何看法也没有任何想法。

