
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, December 22, 2017

12-22-2017 Strategy of Desperation and Strategy of Buy-Out-Everyone

12-22-2017 Strategy of Desperation and Strategy of Buy-Out-Everyone

Heard this morning's proud announcement of victory to own the entire 5 times more.
My response: Heard that is apparently announced as proud of victory win by the strategy of taking of pants in front of the husband's uncle and the husband's uncle's colleague. Is it possibly really broadcasted as such a proud on the public radio?

I thought she has been very proud she married to the money, why this desperation strategy is needed? Why I have a complaint about this? Because the similar demand is rumored about my already pre-paid medical expenses. She just can't bear that medical expense was paid by a check printed as "Company (Investor Fund)". Even with an investor clearly printed next to the company name, that check has to be destroyed, otherwise whatever left that has not been used in there has to be her money.

To destroy a check that was already cashed in October of 2017 or to own the money knowing that was never her husband's or her husband's any relatives' money? What kind of desperation is this? I have tons of similar complaints about this female that I have constantly called this female a psycho, I heard she publicly complained about this PSYCHO title she earned so hard on a lot of public media, so should I call her something else such as "fake rich but real beggar"?

*The check was paid from the company's investor's(Investor Fund) capital accounts (also called owner's account or each shareholder's account). That Investor Fund is my inheritance. Her husband or her husband's relatives' similar checks would be printed as "Company (Firstname Lastname)". My capital accounts that with my name on them are in my trusts.

----Dec. 22nd, 2017

If I am asked why she can be so desperate?
My response: That is never my curiosity.

But I assumed that has something to do with the saying that her husband's father does have a younger child. All these being victoried of "owned already" as well as myself may be the party that had supported the Mr. Senior's wife to have a child through pregnancy mother after almost over 50 years of marriage.

I was talking about me possibly having a pregnancy-unfriendly womb and was having some anxiety health situation, I was in my late 30s and I may need to wait for another 10 years to consider helped nature pregnancy. And when I was talking about being a mother through pregnancy mother with the help of very common medical technology IVF (In-vitro Fertilization), it interested a lot of females who have not been a mother for a lot of reasons. One of them is the Mrs. Senior.

I felt bad for Mrs. Senior not being a mother after almost 50 years marriage. You can say I was easy about that person's inheritable because I inherited my own grandfathers' handsome blessing the day before, that is if I am considered a "fake female in interest". Or you can say I just didn't care the impacts to that person's inheritable at all by just being an outsider. Either way, I just did not think it was inappropriate to say Mrs. Senior can have a child through pregnancy mother in her 70s. I was not set up the Mr. Senior with a 20s to intentionally impact that person's inheritable. It was Mr. Senior's wife after almost 50 years marriage.

The female who I often called a psycho may beyond boundary felt uncomfortable about the impacts of her announced child's inheritable. Regarding this, I announce here I do not care a bit. I won't tolerate her taking my money as if  I owe her. I never owe her a bit. I take legal action every time if she tries. I called law enforcement's help regarding my $3Billion radio company's income.

I repeat what I said in the morning, "David Petraeus has made his own announcements loudly and quiet out his harshness through promotions in reality, but he has thrown shits at me even louder and promoted those shits 100 times fold louder in my reality life as well as quite out any efforts of reporting that I have my own very handsome wealth. That is the reason I sue them both for severe sexual harassments."

*When that person's marriage was announced in June of 2007 on the radio program, I was in a health situation that I did not even remember I had met that person. I have no need to demand financial providing from that person or his related because I have been well provided for since Christmas of 2014 and there is no confusion that I never demanded anything before Christmas of 2014.

----Dec. 22nd. 2017

Heard the rumor of the saying that his grandfather can kill my great-grandfather, he can kill me.
My response: By rumored, this is a 3rd or a 4th cousin to me or my great-grandfather and once worked for the couple mentioned above.

By rumor, the confidence came from the same repeated strategy: Buy all the way through. I was like "Oh, no wonder this time this family need The Money to participate, otherwise not enough money to buy everyone".

By rumor, the strategy repeated to be used on my great-grandfather and my grandfather.

My great-grandfather and my great-great-grandfather were known for supported almost entire Chinese College Education system in early 1900 time.

I heard my great-grandfather was an over-night sudden death caused by poisoned food in 1930. And the money my great-grandfather entrusted was claimed owned by a cousin of my great-grandfather's and some of it was donated to both the Chinese National Party and the Chinese Communist Party after his death. It was in 1930 when the Chinese Communist party was in need of money time.

My grandfather passed away by natural death in 1965, the People's Republic of China was just after 3 years of hardship or three years famine time which may be the reason that money could achieve a lot to have the confidence of buy-way-out is a strategy.

----Dec. 22nd, 2017