
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

12-23-2017 How the ownership can be "effectively changed" just by announcing an ownership on the radio?

12-23-2017 How the ownership can be "effectively changed" just by announcing an ownership on the radio?

Heard this morning's talk about who owns this radio company and this radio program it investing.
My response: Great to hear Board of Directors take the ownership back from the "announced to own claimer", is this enough to let public aware Board of Directors are the authoritative voice over radio company's management matter including this radio program it investing?

It has been horrible as if this radio company has no management at all just because its ownership was announced by whoever wants to own a radio company has access to this radio company's public channel microphone. How those joking-like announcements of radio company's ownership in June of 2007 could actually become "effective" in radio company's business operation like what had happened?

This entire time it has been my complaints why Albert Gore has the final saying of how radio program should produce about my stories? or if I have achievements, etc. ? Albert Gore got nothing to do with me and he is not the computer person or graduated from a medical school to evaluate if I have any achievements, why him? Oh, now I knew it was all because of that joke in June of 2007 that made him the voice of radio company's business decision, how about me related? How he became the authoritative voice about my anything?

All I heard yesterday about this was there was or were female voices have been used to mimic my voice, and I did write an email to law enforcement because I did not know what has been said to the public audience in my voice. If you have been pissed off about what "I" commented or "I" opinioned through this radio program or some other places, please contact law enforcement if the impact has been immense, or send me an email that was listed right below this blog's title about your complaints. There was an 1800 number that was published on May 16 of 2017, it was paid by the account that managing my $3Billion major featured person fee. I heard because of the disputes of those featured mimic voices deserve to share this $3Billion of major featured person fee between 2005 to Dec. 31st of 2012. (they already deposit this radio company paid-out $3Billion into their own bank accounts and currently in disputes), the phone receiver is uncertain. I refuse to let those unwanted and completely illegal activities to abuse my voice right and to share my major featured person fee.

* My understanding, even if out of the consideration that I do have my handsome inherited wealth that it should be alright to let somebody mimic my voice to make some money through their own mimicking talents, they should announce themselves instead of abuse my voice right. And it won't be entire $3Billion that much.


----Dec. 23rd, 2017