
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

12-26-2017 Pants-off prostituting group is not the authenticating power of my matter

12-26-2017 Pants-off prostituting group is not the authenticating power of my matter

Heard this morning's confusion who is eligible to have a saying over what.
My response: What else would one expect when saying over another person's business, other than "I told you I refuse to fxxx you..." from another person. It is purely another person business, not this or that person to say at all unless...

----Dec. 26th, 2017

Heard the confusion of exactly what is a Dowager.
My response:

A dowager is not just a widow, but a widow has a noble title and handsome financial arrangement from the late husband that is not very shabby compare to her own born heir of her husband's share. A Dowager is privileged because of her senior age, her noble title and her influence in her late husband's house including her other children's households.

What would happen if a widow is not willing to tolerate a Dowager or an heiress? Well, the same if a gentleman is not willing to tolerate another gentleman, let's say how well resourceful a widow does mean a lot in this kind of situation. It is the same when a Dowager is not getting along with an heiress. It is the same when a Dowager or an heiress does not get along with a gentleman.

What will happen if a wife or a Mistress is not getting along with a Dowager or an heiress? It is understood as the husband or the gentleman lover who is the person that does not get along with the Dowager or the heiress. So it is the same as a Dowager or an heiress does not get along with the husband or the gentleman.

The "not getting along situation" between a Dowager or an heiress, or a gentleman is understood as between the head of different houses.

What is the difference between an heiress with a noble title and an heiress without a noble title? Purely just how resourceful an heiress can be.

----Dec. 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's presentation of the frustration over my biological children.
My response: This is ridiculous that all these "pants-off for money" groups can be supported on the public channel to insult everyone who is never one of them, who is never their business and never intend to fxxx them.

I am never such a cheap a person that needs to have some money through child-bearing that is resulted from pants-off to demand money desire. My children are well-known through pregnancy mothers.

I am the heiress, the well-known Asian owner of the British East India company Financier, who also owns its almost $400 Billion American brother Fund that I call O'Connor's family wealth confusion. I am never the person in need of financial security through pants-off.

Who the fxxx are those prostitutes-borns to say if I am allowed to have a child or children authentic enough as if their pants-off only knowledge can be the authentication power? How many they have fxxx-ed that can make them so knowledgeable about everybody's underwear matter is none of my business, I refuse to fxxx any of them. My matter is none of their business because I refuse to fxxx them no matter how whorely & prostituting experienced they are.

----Dec. 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's noise is the confusion of "get money from pants-off experience" and "get inheritance as the result of parents' mating experience."
My response: "Get money from pants-off experience" is sexual activities between money giver and money recipient that emphasized on providing sexual coitus experience in exchange for getting money provided.

Having inheritance means there is no sexual activity at all between the money giver and money recipient. The money recipient is the mating result of the money giver's parenting efforts.

Who does not know the difference between a child's relationship with birth parents' mating experiences and sexual partners sexual intercourse relationship?

----Dec. 26th, 2017