
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, December 18, 2017

12-18-2017 Horrifying to know this Announced-to-own scheme has been since 2006 or 2007

12-18-2017 Horrifying to know this Announced-to-own scheme has been since 2006 or 2007

Heard this morning's talk about why O'Connors are so supported to announce-to-own.
My response: Exactly.

The Fund caused O'Connors' confusion is the brother Fund to British East India Company's Financier and both owned by a French Fund.

Since Queen Victoria time in 1800, British Royals efforts to own this Fund have made so many British know that Fund was not any O'Connor'ss family wealth, and so many French know that Fund was never any O'Connor's wealth.

The other one of my inheritance Fund that caused a Jessica Pejoves'(Petroves?) severe confusion is similar to this fund, so many British know this was never Pejoves'(Petroves?) family wealth, and so many French know that Fund was never any Pejoves'(Petroves?) wealth.

Heard the big names are either sharing O'Connors' confusion or sharing this Jessica Pejoves' (Petroves?) confusion by marriage, rumored 4 Miss Pejoves (Petroves?) (2 twins from the same Pejoves (Petroves?) mother) and 4 MissO'Connors (from the same mother) married to the big names from the same great grandfather's line (fathered by or mothered by).

Since 2015, Worldwide people knew British Crown Prince chose not to wish to have this British East Indian Company Financier Fund by publicly addressed he never had anything to do with its U.S. citizen Chinese Owner.

There is no such child and no such children that shared between any British Prince with British East India Company's financier fund's U.S. citizen Chinese Owner.

I am truly impressed by the Lawful Country the UK has been since the Queen Victoria time. And I am aware I have to dress the most pretty possible whenever I need to introduce myself as U.S. citizen Chinese owner of the British East India Company Financier.

----Dec. 18th, 2017

I was asked why I have to make it so public like this?
My response: Not my preference. I have no choice but to make this whole story public.

Since 2015, so many people have verified this Fund is the brother Fund to British East India Company's Financier Fund. And today, some O'Connors still insist on to claim on the public channel radio to own this Fund, and they took every penny of the money I was lawfully provided by this fund for my exclusive usage to cover my daily living. I have been shitted a beggar and have been living in poverty because of this radio program's promotions. I have no choice but to make this whole story public.

It was constantly announced on the radio that O'Connors deserve to own this Fund, and some O'Connors insist on making phone calls to the Fund to demand money per their request just to prove O'Connors truly own this Fund, and insist on to at least to own over 100 Billion of this Fund, by rumor, because this is a over $300 Billion Fund and I published $200 Billion on my web blog. They claim this has to be owned by them because they announced it on the radio already.

I refuse to let my lawfully owned inheritance Fund to be illegally announced-to-owned just by some public channel radio program's announcement.

What they cannot own if they can own this Fund just by holding on to a public channel microphone?

As far as I heard of, rumored Albert Gore announced himself to be the biggest investor of this radio company before 2010 which caused Board of Director has no saying over who should be the CEO.

Heard rumored currently, Board of Directors support current CEO but public denounced the same CEO on the radio by saying he has been ousted about 2-3 months ago. And I heard he is still the CEO currently.

SInce 2007, rumored Albert Gore announced the first time that one of intellectual income to be called his own money to give out or to keep as he wishes and every penny of all my intellectual income since then. All these money has been transferred to announced patron's bank account as announced on the radio. I called law enforcement help on this. I accused Albert Gore committed public robbery or public theft.

Beyond my money, I knew I have to address that my Ingonyama title that I lawfully inherited from another birth grandfather of mine cannot be owned by just announced want-to-own on the radio. And I refuse to let anyone own my own titles including this Ingonyama title.

Beyond my money and my titles, I heard some other private employment promotion(s), public post(s), etc. have been announced, and I am not certain if those were announcements only or announced to be promoted etc.

Beyond my money and my titles, my own achievements have all been denied to be mine because some people do not know why those have to be my achievements, even though by hard evidence those are my achievements. And almost all my achievements have been announced-to-own on this radio program by whoever desire to have some achievements.

I did call laws' help on my own matters that I am certain of.

----Dec. 18th, 2017