
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

12-14-2017 I am not a "egging" victim and I may need to continue my "not enough cash" song

12-14-2017 I am not an "egging" victim and I may need to continue my "no cash song"

Heard this morning's broadcasting about three possible Charles Schnieberg.
My response: None of them has anything to do with me in the past.

One is over 60 years old, one has a twin(elder children) only 6 years old, the third one is public wedding married in 2007.

My children were born in 2010 when I was a "homeless" over a year already. I am not the person having the sexuality and was "not in good shape ( a homeless already)" in 2009. My children were born through pregnancy mothers in 2010.

My biological children are not from any of that three people who were featured in this morning's broadcasting. Being their mother, I am also providing for my biological children as well as my biological lawful parents as what I decided on July 1st of 2004.

----Dec. 14th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting talk about my housing and my food stamps.
My response: I heard it was broadcasted the other day that Tina O'Connor took her father's money via taking my providing of my housing and my food stamps, etc.. She took that money from my second year's providing which was provided by my inheritance fund that causes O'Connor family confusion, every penny of my second year's providing.

This morning's broadcasting was about I may still need to continue my "not enough cash" song, but my apartment and my food stamps have already been paid-in-full for years already from the first year's providing.

I have been provided by a different inheritance fund each year for four years now. I am hoping that my other two years' providing (both already paid in full) can increase my cash providing instead of being routed out like Tina O'Connor's story.

I do not remember if my cash ($300/month) would be in yearly providing, or if there are some other arrangements. There were some talks about welfare providing if I would still be anxious enough, but that was about social security disability. I am certain I won't be qualified, thanks to my great psychologist. This is the reason I have not complain about no cash from social security yet.

----Dec. 14th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about seeding program.
My response: I also heard some rumors about some egging program. I am certain I am not a victim if there is such a psycho scheme.

THere were tons of rumors about my romance. I am the heir from a long history polygamist family may contribute to my easiness when more than one husband matrimony was discussed. But I am not the person in need of a marriage or children for financial providing and tons of decent people do(did) not like any wife to get hurt by some nonsense rumors, especially those who already mothers her husband's child or children.

I do not have any child or children from those who are already being a father in 2004 and those who moved on after the meeting in 2004. I only met few of them before 2004.

----Dec. 14th, 2017