
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, September 30, 2017

09-30-2017 What is BMS education (Basic Medical System)

09-30-2017 What is BMS education (Basic Medical System)

Heard the voice why I "disabled comment functions on their social media channels"?
My response: The contact information is more useful for confrontation purpose in a country has lawful Freedom of Speech", no reason to hide under anonymous in comment. Why not try email address at the blog title area. This is not a political campaign blog, no reason to open comment to let to some express their hatred only comments.

----Sept 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's doubt about medical education or BMS education.
My response: BMS stands for Basic Medical System (基础医学教育).

As this morning's Healthcare Administrative personnel said, a pharmacology major graduated has a resume with BMS listed should means certain years education in medicine.This is a true statement.

That precisely the reason a Medical College graduated recruiter would first check if this pharmacology major is provided by a Medical College that capable to provide BMS education.

If indeed this pharmacology major graduated was from a Medical College pharmacology, then the medical college graduated would ask for references about how BMS education was provided.

My reference about BMS:

"To everyone who graduated from Psychiatry course, We are all good mentally healthy because We all passed our Professionally Expertise Professors of Psychiatry's intense stare for the entire semester."

Pharmacology graduated from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (name also used: Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai First Medical College).

Three years same professors, same textbooks, same lab facilities with Medicine major till Internal Medicine and Psychiatry. Radio program broadcasted several years ago that I was drawing somthing in a final exam, that drawing was one of the human brain's 7-slides from Neurotomy as part of Psychiatry course.

Cleared remembered:  Internal Medicine and Psychology, same classroom education. 100 medicine major (3rd year or 4th year) , 50 pharmacology major (5th year, senior year). Different shifts of clinical classes for both courses).

----Sept 30th, 2017

Why this morning's person saying this is a scandal to claim I have BMS education.
My speculation: This person was introduced as "Healthcare Person In Administration" on the radio program.

According to the rule of word-by-word-according-to-dictionary.
Healthcare Industry: can not be assumed it means hospital, clinics, medical college related.
By definition, Healthcare Industry includes: Health Insurance, Drug store, Pharmaceutical, and clinics or hospitals.

Administration can not be assumed means Administrative management.
By definition, Administration includes: Billing, Admission, Administrative employee, etc.

Healthcare Industry Administration: may only mean a billing personnel with a high school diploma who is an employee in a tiny drug store.

Not a medical college graduated may be the reason that this person does not know how to identify if I have any BMS education but to state it is a scandal for me to claim so.

----Sept 30th, 2017

Some remarks from this morning's broadcasting.
Why a medical college diploma can be doubted by a non-medical college graduated?
My response: Because that person was invited to doubt on a public radio just by not being medical college graduated.

Who can possibly invite someone who is not even medical college graduated to evaluate medical education?
My response: By those who agree in their private personal opinion but willing to practice using their job entitled power to state, that it is important to acknowledge "Privileged Pee-d Into" deserve to be respected in a public microphone room for "privileged pee into capable function", not just a private enclosed room.

What else could possibly the reason those people can be privileged to have a public channel's air time?

----Sept 30th, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

09-29-2017 I accuse this morning's lie about Lehman Brother's ownership is public robbery attempt(我指责今天早上有关雷曼兄弟控股的谈论根本是想公然抢劫)

09-29-2017 I accuse this morning's lie about Lehman Brother's ownership is public robbery attempt(我指责今天早上有关雷曼兄弟控股的谈论根本是想公然抢劫)

Heard this morning's saying of somebody wedded me.(中文附后)
My response: I have not been a bride of any public wedding. There was a rumored mid-night dream like wedding before May of 2009, that was before I was "evicted" from the 151 Perkins street in Somerville, MA. Albert Gore was in marriage in 2009 with his late wife who passed away in 2010, and I was told that dream wedding's groom is the person I publicly acknowledged I have two children with, 151 Perkins street apartment was part of the house he had announced his on the radio. Heard he paid the price of buying but did not change the owner registry(Rumored registry owner was in Hong Kong) . I chose to be "evicted" to safely leave that house being escorted. I was a roommate to a three persons family, I had anxiety disorder and there were tons of issues I felt unsafe in that apartment. The "eviction order" was by Chinese landlord's complain of I refused to pay $430/month rent. I moved into $1800/month Motel 6 in Braintree, MA. Heard it was accused why he claimed that is his house, I say it is his house as long as he paid for it (rumored $200,000), does not matter he paid as rent or paid to buy, that is his house.

----Sept 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's Lehman Brother's talk.
My response: Lehman Brother is the investment of the 400 years old French Fund's that I inherited on June 30th of 2004.

My famous jump right in talk was on July 1st of 2004. The real reason of what happened to Lehman Brother was the CDC issue discussed about on July 1st of 2004.

I did not know that was my inheritance's investment and I did not have any issue at all with the Mister I calculated to let him loose money. I was famous for jump in and that was truly what happened. I did not know both side stories more than some entrusting issues. I am grateful to the advises from the person who had been through all the miserable, and I am grateful to the Mister, the great person, who had looked after my grandfather's entrust carefully.

I do not have any issue with Lehman Brother's name or Lehman Brother's management in 2004. I used administration this morning was to point out Albert Gore is not the U.S. president. Albert Gore is not the person who can say he had a mid-night wedding in 2009, and Albert Gore is not the person who can order Lehman Brother to file bankruptcy.

I did alert Law Enforcement about Lehman Brother's talk this morning.

----Sept 29th, 2017

Heard Lehman Brother's managers frustration over "doomed" feeling in turmoil time.
My response: The real reason is CDC issue was huge in depth and in scale. I mentioned in the meeting on July 1st of 2004 that CDC impressed me of Chinese 1980's steel-trading style.

The entrusting stories have been well known to a lot of people who know both parties, and to a lot of people who have been looking after my other grandfathers' entrusts. Both party in 2004's meeting were little when things happened and only impacted mother still alive in 2004. I figured out now that those painful stories may have something to do with it was either my inheritable's loss or that person's inheritable's loss, or that his inheritable may have some negative impacts on my inheritable, etc. Anyway, it may have something to do Mister's family was looking after my inheritable, and it may have related to investment on Lehman Brother's or somehow.

I said I was not the person knew anything but jump right in, it is a true statement. And maybe it is the best I jumped right in without knowing anything if you know how sensitive I am to the numbers. I was famous for that on July 1st of 2004 already in a story about $500 Million each in U.S. dollar seamlessly changed to ¥500 Million each in Chinese Yuan. (*My grandfather had two siblings, my father has 3 siblings and I have one younger brother, exchange rate is $1= ¥6-ish, and that -ish either to my younger brother or in his name to my grandmother's maiden brother's family because he had been their favorite when he was little).

----Sept 29th, 2017

Some said if I insist on being sensitive to numbers, the impacted party may make that number even bigger.
My response: I will constantly remind the impacted party I did not regret at all when I heard that is my investment.
----Sept 29th, 2017

About my screams this morning.
My response: I am so much calm now. I was even worse in the past whenever Albert Gore's name was mentioned. I was never the person afraid of him as possibly expected reaction of being rape victim.

It was rumored I was raped in my own self paid locked apartment, on my own bed and in my own sound sleep.

I was over 35 years old and I was not in any hurry to have a marriage or to consider producing a child before getting married.

This rumored rape was never organized or arranged by anyone from looking-after-me group but was not stopped by this group either. There has been only one female in this looking-after-me group and she is the only one feels the pain that made me in tears of being a female heir.

I have been well cared for after my famous "pregnancy mother" talk on July 1st of 2004.

----Sept 29th, 2017

我的回应:我还没有做过任何公开婚礼的新娘。有传言中的夜半我做梦时参与婚礼,但那是在2009年5月之前,在我被法庭要求从151 Perkins Street, Somerville这个地址迁出之前。阿尔伯特·高尔2009年时是有婚姻的,他当时婚姻里的妻子是2010才去世。而我当时被告知的这个“半夜梦中婚礼”的新郎官就是我公开承认的那两个孩子的父亲, 我住的151 Perkins的这个房子就是他在广播里宣布的他自己的地方。我有听说他付的是买房子的钱但房子从未过户(传言房契房东是在香港)。我当时是自己选择被法庭要求在法庭人员的伴随下安全离开。我当时是和一个三人家庭合住,有一堆的矛盾,我当时还有恐慌症。法庭搬迁令就是按照中国房东的要求开出,原因就是我拒付每月430美金的房租。我当时是搬入了位于波士顿近郊(Braintree, MA)每月1800美金的一家Motel 6旅馆。听说广播上有人指责他凭什么说那是他的房子,我回答就凭他有付钱(听说是20万美金),不管算租或者算买,都是他的地方。



















Thursday, September 28, 2017

09-28-2017 They are all west coast FBI agents on my case

09-28-2017 They are all west coast FBI agents

Heard this morning's FBI agent on my case angrily stated to arrest me if I continuing my rich saying.
My response: O, But I still have to continue my "I have money" saying. I already spent medical expense $400 Million per year and security expense $20 Million(?)  per year since Christmas of 2014. Before that security expense was paid by other and medical expense was not this high.

 Heard that is indeed a FBI agent on my case from district of my school on west coast. Heard the reason he said so was because he could not find any information on my inheritance tax. I am so sorry he is a west coaster who has not heard east coasters' grudging since June 30th of 2004.

Rumored it was an emergency meeting in the afternoon of June 30th, 2004 that immediately ended Connecticut State's AA type 5-year inheritance tax free policy started since 2000. AA type is grandparents-grandchild inheritance in Connecticut. Rumored the emergency policy change was effective on July 1st of 2004, my inheriting was effective on June 30th of 2004.

My inheritance funds did not pay any estate tax was because I was a foreign citizen inherited entrusted foreign wealth. All my grandfathers entrusts were wealth originally carried out from ancient China. People's Republic of China did not and still does not have estate or inheritance tax.  I was not eligible to pay inheriting related tax other than being a Connecticut resident for 8 months on the day of June 30th, 2004. (*Before that was 3 months in Boston, MA, and 11 months out of New York city where I had lived since October of 1996.)

I became a CT resident since November 1st of 2003 was not specially arranged by entrusting attorneys but purely by my then job situation. I was obviously "on my way out" when I was asked to move back to Stamford, CT office from Boston, MA just after three months of relocation. I decided to move to an apartment right next door to the company to save my precious green card application.

----Sept 28th, 2017

Heard some people saying that is one time only $400 Million.
My response: That is only because $400 Million have been from three of my inheritance funds. I only have this much spending decided on my entrusting meeting (July 1st, 2004). And I have some very and very great grandfathers. This $1,200 Million are from three of them. I am very lucky that all my great grandfathers since 1200 years ago were not thrift on me, all not shabby.

All my other spending, like housing, clothing, etc. were decided by myself in my entrusting meeting to be provided by my own making of Intellectual income, those income are no comparison to my grandfathers' blessing but not shabby either. Radio program's income is already $3 Billion paid out by radio company, I just have not received it yet. Heard that check, titled in my name, is still on its trip of routing through different personnel's bank account.

----Sept 28th, 2017

Heard there were some female FBI agents on my case were emotional.
My response: Heard it was out of some superstitious may-be-bad-luck feeling influenced by what happened to me being a female. Heard they are all west coast FBI agents. They must have heard a lot of stories.

I did hear some rumors about how I am being cursed and how there are witchcraft involved. I am not worry about that a bit because I am an heir of a 2000 years old house and I am the only birthmark girl in 2500 years in my family. My Ingonyama title is already 1000 years old. I am Simba's heir.

----Sept 28th, 2017

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

09-27-2017 I am grateful to Bai, Juyi's poem's Truthful Recording (我永远感激白居易《长恨歌》的真实记录)

09-27-2017 I am grateful to Bai, Juyi's poem's Truthful Recording (我永远感激白居易《长恨歌》的真实记录)

Heard this morning's featured Chinese ancient poet Bai, Juyi's poem is the true record about the storied family.(中文附后)
My response: I agree.

The full poem is not about how glory and proud to have a beauty, or being a beauty, married into a big family to a prominent husband, but a cherish to have a beauty daughter or a beauty wife as a family member.  The poem is about a family that has a beautiful wife had this story.

To me, as the heir child from this storied couple, the story let me feel that tone of having this daughter would be so good, having this daughter would be so satisfying to the family, having this girl would be so thrilling, not because of the chance to attach to a big family but having this girl.

This understanding brought tears into my eyes, I knew I am cherished even before I was born.

This is the poem, like last piece of puzzle, answered my curiosity about my Empress grandmother's (武则天) stories in history. Those stories about how she so longing for a man to be in her Imperial court as her mate, to be in her bed chamber over night, to be on her bed with her every night and to be in her body whenever she desired. All these stories left her notorious name of being slutty.

My curiosity was how this was fully supported by her only child who is her husband's heir son, and this child's Imperial court's entire administration. The poem's storied couple were her only child's heir son with the mother of the next generation heir.

In this poem, this heir grandson's poet friend,(白居易) truthfully recorded how the family had fought to enable me to have an Imperial marriage as a female I born into, to enable me to be a happily married wife as a female to my own man, to enable me to have a dear family as a female to mother my own children, because I am the heir girl they all so cherished.

I am grateful to Bai, Juyi forever.

----Sept 27th, 2017

Some said I do not even look pretty, why I was introduced pretty.
My response: I was pretty and I am on my way back to healthy who I am to be what I old self including my appearance.

I was introduced as a beauty in 1989's tele-conference meeting. It was a known joke then already to a lot of meeting participants having video images accessibility.

I was in my simple white shirt, simple student pony tails, my simple rough student's skin tone and etc. And plus I resemble my ancient Emperor grandfather Li, Shimin, almost to the exact in that dorm at broad day light, just not that manly. I was the "introduced beauty" did not look so pretty at all no matter how those participants try to imagine.

There was some situation in that meeting no one can deny there may be some super nature mysterious. I knew nothing about my family history because my father knew nothing. My father knew that one of our grandmother was a beauty who went to a religious retreat place for three years before she married to our ancient grandfather. He never told me this but this was the piece I reacted when I was telling my family story in the meeting. I did not know if I heard of or read this story some where, but I was telling the story fluently. The conference was Chinese nation wide colleges conference meeting and story I was telling excited a lot of historian professors. The story matched an ancient book that was discovered in an ancient tomb 10 years before the meeting in 1989. The book was never published to public and the story I told explained what that book recorded was about. My family and I never had any access to that book was a true statement easily verified.

My own understanding of me being a "introduced beauty" is: that was out of my grandfathers proud to have me, especially the poem's recorded grandfather who knew I am secretly, when lights is right, after his beauty wife to the exact. I am the only girl who carry my grandfathers' birthmark in 2500 years time. Ya, I am a beauty in their eyes even I am in my current appearance.

----Sept 27th, 2017

Heard this morning also featured mimic talents that so alarmingly resemble the mimicking source person.
My response: I heard this morning featured was mimicked by a talented female.

I also heard rumors that David Petraeus often call my school to say he has nothing to do with me.

I am an online MBA student to a college across U.S continent, east coast resident online student of a west coast college, and I am on student loan that is not associated with his name at all. I do not think he has any reason to do so and I do not know if that is somebody mimicking.

----Sept 27th, 2017



我作为诗中这一对夫妻的继承人,这故事让我感受到的是这么一种情怀: 有这么一个女儿就真是很好,有这么一个女儿就是这个家庭的圆满,能有这个女儿就太开心了,不是因为有这个女儿将来可以嫁入豪门,而是因为有了这个女儿可以承欢漆下。


这首诗,就像解开一个迷团的最后线索,让我明白了我的武则天奶奶的那些历史故事。那些有关武则天是如何向往有一个男人可以在她自己的宫廷里以她男人的身份出现,可以在她自己的寝宫里过夜,可以在她自己的床上每夜留恋, 可以在她需要的时候随时和她行房。就是这些故事让我奶奶武则天成了历史上有名的淫荡女子。

我的不解好奇就是为什么她能得到她自己独生孩子,也就是她丈夫继承人儿子的全力支持, 也得到她儿子的宫廷全体官员的全力支持。这首诗里的夫妻就是武则天独生孩子的继承人儿子及下一代继承人的母亲。






我当时是穿着一件简单的白衬衫,学生打扮随便帮了一根牛皮筋的低低的独辫子,学生气息不加修饰的皮肤质地。这些再加上大白天的日光下,我的长相是和我爷爷唐太宗李世民一摸一样的,就只是没有男人的气势而已。这些人看着我这个“被价绍的美女”, 就是无论如何无法想象我是怎么个美丽极了。




Tuesday, September 26, 2017

09-26-2017 Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish

09-26-2017 Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.

My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.

Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.

Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.

Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient (ADD patient).

(*I post it early last night, and I re-post here in case somebody did not read it last night)

Heard this morning's talk about American Hero Jessica Lynch
My response: Why would I care who father her daughter Dakota, I respect her for who she is.
----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard rumors about Jessica Lynch's financial providing.
My response: Heard the 80-acres home is the reason of a lot of rumors that Jessica Lynch is provided by my money from my inheritance fund that represented by Pejoves family.

I do not know if this is true and I do not know if that 80-acres is an investment that she rented.

Of course, I am not the person providing for her and I am not willing to provide for her.

Heard she is suppose to be my own biological children's foster care provider, I have to say this rumor is ridiculous. She has her own child to take care and her profession is not a nanny.

----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard some people kept using Jessica Lynch's complains about her own financial situations.
My response: Her complains about her financial things are not uncommon. I do not know why that became the reason her name was mentioned as if she is racketeering. She, of course, deserves to have money according to those who have concerns about her complains, and the United States also deserve to be a lawful country for us U.S. citizen are all we deserve as well.
----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard about who father Tina O'Connor's child was featured this morning as well.
My response: From rumors that I heard, the published little girl on the radio program as Ford House child, was indeed fathered by a Mr. Charles Ford, an attorney she has been buddy with since college.
----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard IheartMedia's CEO's wife is a close cousin to the promoted "father's sexually escorted is the son's sworn lifelong sexual attraction privileged".
My response: If so, that is indeed, no wonder such huge promotion of  "father's sexually escorted ex-girlfriend is the so privileged one to mother son's son" from everyone who cares about this family so much. Indeed, no wonder this radio program is supporting all these women are merely "bathroom only value" and "pig capable reproduce-able only value" marketing campaign as capital huge Freedom of Speech, ==>Completely no secret at all in this family is the free-dom promoted by speeches on the radio from the I-Heart-Media.

----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard curiosity if CEO indeed ousted as announced and why his wife?
My response: Well, the announcement was on a Saturday is the reason I did not hear about this CEO's job situation. If you read this web blog, you probably already know this radio program is not your usual dealing but professional efforts from law people.

Rumored her close cousin was raped by someone sharing the same last name in front of the relative families earned her cousin's privilege. Rumored her cousin has been in similar situations often (not occasionally or onetime or one day only) by different relatives, only the first time first person on the same day of multiple occasions by relatives was accused rape.

*I have this curiosity why would this sharing same last name person rape a female in front of his own while not in a youth party or wild party?

----Sept 26th, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

09-25-2017 Radio program's Horrifying Insides

09-25-2017  Radio program's Horrifying Insides

Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.

My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.

Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.

Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.

Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient..


Heard this morning's announcement this radio program going back to reality show style reporting stories.
My response: YES. YES. YES.

As announced, this radio program has been in a lot of ways "produced to perform robbery". If you have read this blog which recorded with time line, you will know this is not a joke at all.

----Sept 25th, 2017

Heard this radio program performing effort never intended to catch me.
My response: I do not know about that. I just knew my wealth has been denied of my ownership and my spending as owner was challenged for real, I just knew my wealth has been being demanded of "deserved ownership" of spending money as owner for real. (*Money either truly spent already or truly transferred under other's name, refused to transfer back and spendable).

I was announced a beggar and any place that has dealing with me being requested to "treat me as a beggar because it is truly so", all for real by this radio program and never presentation purpose only.

----Sept 25th, 2017

Heard Chinese team since 2015 try to argue to be included in today's announced reporting style radio producing.
My response: That is horrifying request.

This is the same Chinese producing group called Los Angelou's Chinese community to report on the radio that I was a U.S. fugitive already last year. This fake "fugitive" news, by rumor, was officially broadcasted on Chinese Central radio station as news report in "Central Radio's Daily Morning News Simulcast" Broadcasting(中央人民广播电台的新闻联播). (*I am a Massachusetts resident since 2004, before that were NY and CT since 1996).

This is the group made me screamed about pre-marriage child that grown up in Orphanage. Heard this has been propagandizing by O'Connors family (Tina O'Connor and her gang) among a lot of business places to belittle my children by stating Tina O'Connor shit me all over on the radio is based on I lied about my dating history. Tina O'Connor,as a Foreign Department employee, knew for sure that before 2004, at least, it is impossible to pregnant with a child during college time by Chinese college policy on pregnancy.

I am still having my virgin belly and I do have OB/GYN medical records since 2000 when I started to have health insurance. That orphan, by rumor,  was born in April of 1990, that was three months before I graduated from college. Entire college time I had lived in a 7-8 person a room dorm and that child supposed to be born when I was sleeping on a upper bunker bed with 7 other people in the same room plus Chinese policy of "pregnancy means immediately fired from college education permanently upon discovery" and plus I was in a medical school.

And in order to make this shit, my college education in China was denounced on the radio program by Chinese government privileged employee or equivalent stating no such college name exists anymore. It was due to college's name change was never explained and never intended to be explained by specially grouped Chinese producing team.

Horrible, horrible Tina O'Connor and her O'Connors gang. Horrible, horrible this term's Chinese Government Administration.

----Sept 25th, 2017

Heard some argument on anger regarding my Major Featured Person fee income from radio program.
My response: This is possibly the reason of my $3 Billion radio company's paid out major feature person fee (till end of 2012) paycheck was deposited into someone else's name.

The anger is:
A writer's fiction's or autobiography's copyright income has no such major featured person fee at all even the original story based upon is recognizable.

The difference between this radio program's producing and a writer's copyright.
Not only because my audio materials were provided by my security tape record, and also because producing team did not need to work on digging out the story about me to know if there are some stories interesting enough to write about. My audio materials have been provided "pre-filtered already" according to radio program's producing team's producing structure and schedule. It was decided this way in July 1st of 2004's meeting. The value recognition of this share of work is also ruled by U.S. laws and paid already.

----Sept 25th, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017

09-24-2017 David Petraeus' Bathroom Talk

09-24-2017 David Petraeus' Bathroom Talk

Heard this morning it was David Petraeus initiated saying of "Bathroom".
My response: It was me said that Jessica, announced wife and mother of David Petraeus' children, must be the Chinese bathroom as he referring since that Jessica is what he has been using all this time, must have been.

Rumored Jessica, announced mother of David Petraeus' children, is his so spoiled that can be whoever she want to be. She is the Japanese Jesuka and several other Jessica-s on the radio. It can only be this Jessica that this David Petraeus can be so comfortably using and calling publicly as bathroom only. From the impression of the radio program this Jessica has participated producing since mid 2013 that has mainly featured the theme how a woman is just a man's bathroom only since 2015 time, it must be this Jessica's own understanding of who herself is as a female, merely just something can be fucked as to pee in a bathroom and to reproduce as a pig like herself , other wise just no value but to be shitted upon by privilege bathrooms in use like herself. Well, as long as she is announced a spoiled and publicly acknowledged as bathroom only but still in use and a pig like reproduce-able, she seems almighty powerful happy and proud that is all she is and proud of been supported as her pig function and bathroom in use status.

I refused and I am refusing to be shitted just because I am currently in glass house cancer health situation of being living alone. And this is the reason I have been shitted all over as unwanted disgusting.

----Sept 24th, 2017

Heard this revenge for what I said on a Boston street about Holy Petraeus.
My response: And this revenge is after he has been fully supported this Jessica hijacked radio program to shit me all over for past 2 and half years since November of 2015.

And that Boston street swearing was triggered by some harassment in 2010 or 2011 which was after this Holly Petraeus's maiden father side cousins, rumored, deposited my intellectual income checks since 2007.

I had constantly calling law enforcement's help about this radio program and also for my intellectual income checks rumors.

----Sept 24th, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

09-23-2017 Freedom of Speech vs Announcements Legitimacy

09-23-2017 Freedom of Speech vs Announcements Legitimacy

Heard this morning's announcement from a Chinese actor regarding my money.
My response: The announcement was"Chinese woman Min Fang (方敏)will be prosecuted if she dare to claim that two French Funds." I was like "Why would that happen when I claim my lawful money?"
----Sept 23rd, 2017

Heard this morning's announcements about overseeing producing of this radio program.
My response: That has been my complain and the reason I said public channel has been abducted like by this radio program.

After I filed so many complains about how this radio program being produced under that Jessica's actually (illegal) supervision, why this radio company's CEO can hire her to let her "lawfully" continue supervise this radio program, how this "lawful" hiring can make all this complains about producing this radio program otherwise?

My understanding, United States lawful freedom of speech can only be ensured free and lawful when being supervised lawfully and professionally.

I have the similar anger about those deserved frustration regarding my inherited money. You do not hear a lot deserved from doubts if my grandfathers wills are clear, all you can hear is deserved by "fucked by" experience. All demands are from being directly or indirectly fucked by a man who got nothing to do with me or from that nothing-to-do-with-me man himself. Hard to believe any rich people would support these demands knowing a lot of them do have a member on themselves to be easily confused than me on if there are sexual experiences. I am only being a female Massachusetts resident.

* I am lucky that all wills written by my grandfathers are all very clear and family heir birthmark's inheriting rule is not easy to be confused.
----Sept 23rd, 2017

Heard some saying of "have to find out" on who told me that I own that two French Funds.
My response: You do not need to investigate on who told me so, because what matters is if I do own this two French funds. By laws, I do.

If you have difference on if I own this or that fund, you go file lawsuit in U.S justice court if that is your money I claimed.

If you concern that I mis-claimed someone else's money, you can leave the issue to that someone else who owns the money, or just inform law enforcement or that someone else if you know who that person is, or you can send me an email using the email address that you can have from the title section of this web blog.

If I receive your email, I will send one copy to FBI to tip law enforcement if this is from authentic sender, and I will publish your email and publish my answer or explanation on this web blog.

If you decide to file a lawsuit against me for any reason, you can call 1800 number that was published by radio program on May 16th, 2017. If you insist on sending me the court notice intend to take advantage of my current "financial" situation, I will send one copy to FBI, the law enforcement, with my personal letter saying that I expect my attorneys to take care of this if I do have attorneys.

**I handle some doubts about my claims on my published blog articles this way is out of my bad experiences of "not allowed" to say if I have inheritances by whoever willing to promote this radio program's illegal announcements of "how I (Min Fang) have no money".

----Sept 23rd, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

09-22-2017 More About Anger Regarding Intellectual Income (更多有关智慧产权的愤怒)

09-22-2017 More About Anger Regarding Intellectual Income (更多有关智慧产权的愤怒)

Heard this morning’s broadcasting of “I shoot you”.(智慧产权部分中文附后)
My response: That is what I never say to claim money. That piece was cut out from a story I was telling.

Abducting a public channel to make illegal announcement of money ownership, like some you have heard on the radio program, is never what I did to claim my inheritances; Fake a movie shooting in a financial fund company to throw out a Senior Manager (CEO) to perform such a public robbery of a financial Fund as some O’Connors did, is never how I owned this financial fund. Deposit checks in other people's name is not how I claim I deserve some intellectual income.

How I can spend my money on my medical treatment? by what I decided in 2004 entrusting meeting and executed according to it by lawful decent entrusting attorneys & accountants, etc.

How I get support to prove I am the owner of my inheritance? By tell my inheriting story to law enforcement and to big names I respect, to let them verify if those are my inheritances which were set up by my own birth grandfathers’ entrusted money that I inherited according to my own birth grandfathers’ will.

How I can make intellectual Income? By contribute my intellectual knowledge to make profitable products.

*I did say that if you are a rich person, I do not know how comfortable you are to face piled up lawsuits from those impacted by your willingness to be spoiled or to spoil like what you did. And I did say that is probably the reason a lot of riches have been grown up to be told to behave.

Somebody refuse to back off from stepping my toes, and I refuse to back off to privilege them so. Mark my words: This can't be resolved by expecting me to back off allowing my toes to be stepped all over.

Rumored "mother fucker's whore born" is designed to teach me a lesson dare to be so spoiled to fancy to be the mother of all his children.

I kept calling law enforcement's help and I am not hesitate at all to request my attorneys to take legal actions against all these sick psycho like abusiveness.

Some kept saying Chinese government is the reason of all these steps all over me things. I am saying you are or you will be sued for being helping party to do so because I already heard United States government already publicly announced not afraid to face challenges to ensure United States is a lawful country.

----Sept 22nd, 2017

Did hear the anger from some real hard working research person regarding my intellectual income.
My response: I did choke up when I heard some people used glass house cancer researchers as the example. Those researchers got nothing but glass house cancer on themselves as well for research purpose.

Intellectual Income is common and it is not easy to make intellectual income. If you are not blue collar labor worker, you are making Intellectual Income in salary format which is calculated value based on your input as average to avoid income fluctuation's peaks and bottoms.

A lot of professions do have sales person' similar base salary plus commission income.
Examples are:
Literature Professors: base salary is the salary as a college's professor, commission income is the copyright income for a published book。

Research person, Computer programmer, etc: base salary is the salary as a research in a research institute or as a software developer, commission is the big bonus like Viagra blue's research team.

Attorneys are similar when using 30% or 50% as attorney fee for injury compensation case.
Accountant are similar difference between hedge fund managers and financial managers.

Everybody know it is not easy to make this commission kind of intellectual income and this commission format intellectual income is what everybody so frustrated about my intellectual income, not the salary format.

I got big share in BioGate as a computer programmer is because Janus Associates did not provide internal support more than a computer programming level. The big value from BioGate is from its CDSA frame and its security replacement of window's login system. Both by my own independent research without company's internal help or external help through company's reaching out, basically no help other than some helping on programming structure or removing bugs. If I was working for IBM on this project, my share won't be this big because IBM's internal help or external help received via IBM's reaching out would be IBM's share of Intellectual input and Company's administrative input, won't be counted as mine.

Like I kept saying, it is not easy to accumulate knowledge in me, it was not easy to have done BioGate research independently, it is not easy to self study <Macro Economy> book, (heard that is the hardest one to understand because it is too illustratively). It is not easy at all that I finally see everything together so clearly as an experienced independent research person. I did input a lot of hard labor to make my intellectual income even it was only a couple of line talks in outsiders' understandings.

For frustrations from researcher like glass house cancer researchers, I think to some level, thy are like Central Intellectual Administration(CIA) officers.

----Sept 22nd, 2017




研究人员,电脑程序员, 等等:基本收入是在研究所工作的那份工资,提成收入就是像伟哥(蓝片)研究团队的那种特别奖金。



我作为电脑程序员在BioGate的研发中拿到特别奖金的提成比例很高就是因为Janus Associates没有提供超越电脑程序员程度的帮助。BioGate项目之前的地方就是CDSA框架的实际运用和视窗系统的保安登陆的替换部分。都是我自己独立研究的,没有公司内部的技术帮助,也没有任何由公司协助的得到的外部帮助。基本上除了程序具体编程的框架结构和纠正编程错误,就没有其他任何帮助。如果我是在IBM做工做这个项目的话,就拿不到这么多,因为公司内部的技术帮助及由公司出面联络安排的外部帮助都属于IBM的公司智慧投入及公司管理投入,不会算成是我的智慧投入。

就像我一直讲的,要让知识能够累积对我来说不容易,独立研究Bio Gate项目并不容易,自学《宏观经济学》也不容易(据说因为很抽象,所以是最难的一门课)。我作为一个独立的研究人员把这些都融会贯通更是不容易。我确实是投入了很多辛勤的劳动才挣到智慧产权的收入,尽管这在外人看来就只是说了几句话而已。



Thursday, September 21, 2017

09-21-2017 What About British Prince William's Aunt and Uncle?(英国威廉王子的叔叔阿姨是什么事?)

09-21-2017 What About British Prince William's Aunt and Uncle?(英国威廉王子的叔叔阿姨是什么事?)

Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.

First meeting was all about to verify my identity. And all it took was for my to answer the question "What is your name?", I answered: "Min Fang"; "Who is my father?", I answered: "Fang, Wenhai" (Wenhai Fang)"; "Who is your mother?", I answered: "Wang, Boxian (Boxian Wang) and was asked to provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting right next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I  have everything."

This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.

Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard Chinese government propaganda this idea that I am being a person with Brain Control is a shit only(中文附后).
My response: This is, of course, because the logic who does not want to know the thought of a person who is wealthy and can make intellectual income.

Well, I am protected by U.S. laws including intellectual property laws. I am protected to be treated till completely cure as medical treatment technology already ensured so.

I must say those diplomats and senior government officials are entire worlds to ensure they can be on Brain Control as long as they have their jobs representing their government. No joking but purely same logic why would those information officers won’t want to know a foreign government’s thoughts.

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard this is also shared by some Americans’ to make move to shit me so and try to claim what I own.
My response: Why they think they can be exempt by other money hunters just like themselves? Why they think U.S laws can protect them from other money hunters if U.S. laws cannot protect me from them?

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured are some not same year alumni from my high school.
My response: Do not know how graduated from same high school in different years eligible them to shit me all over to make money or to authorize my money ownership.

----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard this morning's British Community in US claimed I won't be allowed to step on British Soil if......
My response: Well, I heard this British Community in U.S are some Chinese graduated from my same high school in Nanjing, China. I do not know if this claim is to imply they are this successful already to own British territory.
----Sept 21st, 2017

Regarding why I am demanded to apology to British Prince William's Uncle and Aunt?
My response: British Prince William's aunt Princess Anne's daughter's sister-in-law is the rumored British woman assigned to be the wife to the man who “father my children”. Rumored this radio program's "shit me all over" is to ensure this British woman can be married as she desire if my children are not illegitimate.

Certainly this rumor caused some reactions from me that is not pretty. I do not know what is referred about British Prince William's Uncle or if that is British Prince George being implied. I moved into my current apartment since 2013, the previous apartment I lived in was in 2004. In between time, I was either a roommate or a homeless. The meeting I had participated was a phone conference in a law firm's conference room.
----Sept 21st, 2017

Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.

First meeting is all about verify my identity. And all it takes is for my to answer the question "what is your name?", "Who is my father?" and "Who is your mother?" and provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I  have everything."

This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.

Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.

----Sept 21st, 2017


第一次会议就是为了证实我的身份。就只需要我回答三个问题:“你叫什么名字?”,回答“方敏”; “你的父亲叫什么名字?”,回答“方文海”; “你的母亲叫什么名字?”,“王博贤”;然后提供证明文件。我的绿卡申请代表律师就坐在我旁边,回答了向他提出的问题“你有她的身份证明文件吗?”,律师当时回答的原话就是“我这儿什么都有。”





确实是如此,好在我有受到美国法律包括智慧产权法律的保护。我是受到法律保障可以彻底治好痊愈的, 就像医学治疗技术已经可以保障的。










Wednesday, September 20, 2017

09-20-2017 Why I am acknowledged an eligible in 2004 by the British Crown Prince

09-20-2017 Why I am acknowledged an eligible in 2004 by the British Crown Prince

Heard this morning’s “she is not even eligible to clean your bathroom, you said that in 2007 already.”
My response: It was said by David Petraeus in 2007, from what I hear this morning.

Nobody reacted a bit to this announcement even in 2007. Who would? Business person already heard rumors that I-Phone was about to go market which certainly means I can live on my own hard making money handsomely. And this is without knowing if I have any inheritance.

The problem is why it is an issue at all if this somebody already privileged enough to have met that person to know he is a 5’4” in his 60s? Why is this an issue for this somebody at all? this person obviously is the person should know instead that it is just an illusion to fancy I need to be that stuck on knowing I am a wealthy 5’9” who is also 15 years junior?

If David Petraeus never mean anything he said in the meetings at all, if this David Petraeus never intend to provide a penny, why would that be an issue at all?

Who is the person having this illusion that I need to be a stuck-on? Who is the person fancy East Indian Company financier, that is me to be specific, needing to stuck-on anybody after the British Prince's publicly acknowledgment that I am his marriage eligible but too bad he is no longer available being responded by myself with “No fancy about the British Prince anymore”?

----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the British Prince William's saying "She only need to come to Britain to clean my bathroom" was good intently appended with "Britain is Owned by British".
My response: I heard that good intention senior was his British girl friend's grandmother. I do not know why this radio program make it sounds like the British Prince need to trash Britain as his bathroom. Even though my own properties in Britain are part of my privately owned private wealth as a U.S citizen, those properties are still beautiful British-built on British soil as part of the proud of beautiful Britain.
----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard some British saying why I think I was eligible to the British Prince and assumptions of that was another plot from U.S. after the famous King Edward VIII.
My response: If you know Queen Victoria was so proud of being the Queen of India, if you know British are so proud that their beloved Queen Victoria's way of settling issues romantically that made her children Royals of entire Europe, why would you doubt if I was eligible to Queen Victoria's heir Prince to settle the famous historic issue that British Royals have with the East Indian Company's financier?

Plus, I am the heir of a 2000 years long history house that have over 18 Emperors to be called my grandfathers, and I am the only birthmark palm girl to my grandfathers line in 2500 years which added some more Emperors to be called my grandfathers that I may not be the heir of. This does not even include my grandmother's side Emperor grandfathers. Why you say this is not enough making me a good match despite the reversed 15 years difference?

Regarding the saying if this matching making talk in 2004 was another plot from U.S, I say I was a Chinese citizen and a single Missy in 2004 are good enough reasons to say that is just nonsense.

----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard this morning's saying by the British Prince William that "You do not have any children, you do not have parents, why you are needed?"
My response: I am a human born from a female human's womb after this female human being seeded by a human male. Of course, I do have parents. Any high school graduated know this is a matter of fact, not to mention a college graduated the British Prince.

I am wealthy enough to have my own to ensure I have my own biological children just like the British Prince to have his own to ensure he has his own biological children.

I do not know why the British Prince need to promote biological reproduction function should stand for human's only needed function.

I heard a lot of animal rights advocates fighting against pigs and cows to be considered only needed for human's roasting purpose, or chickens only needed for human's egg consuming purpose, even they are farming purposed reproduced.

 -----Sept 20th, 2017

Why this radio program need to trash me to be unwanted by any male?
My response: It must be a psycho's illusion that I can be assigned to whoever wants money by this radio program.
----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard the saying why I say I have money by stating I inherited the parent fund of the British Fund who 100% owns the East India Company financier Fund?
My response: Because that is a true statement.

Even though, by rumor, two CEOs of this British Fund's two child funds have both experienced "performing to shoot a movie" messy incidence that made them experienced the horror of "being dragged out, threw onto the street from their offices and not allow to go back in" in 2010 and 2014 or so, plus rumored over 200 American Fund's employees massive laid off illegally after this incident,  I still have been able to be provided for (about $400 Million a year) by this fund to cover my medical related expenses since 2016 already as decided in 2004 meeting.

The American fund that caused O'Connors' confusion is the brother fund of East India Company financier Fund. This fund's 2014's & 2015's situation was the reason that $400 Million providing to me from this American fund was signed off by a U.S General Attorney's signature.

----Sept 20th, 2017

Heard saying glass house cancer only cost about $100,000 a day to make it only $36.5 Million a year
My response: I have been well known of my anxiety and brain injury caused bad memory since 2004,  all related treatments have been covered as medical expenses by my inheritances as decided on July 1st of 2004. Glass house cancer treatment related medical expenses are added on since Christmas of 2014.
----Sept 20, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

09-19-2017 I still own it by Laws after so many announcements of "nothing to do"

09-19-2017  I still own it by Laws after so many announcements of "nothing to do"

Heard this morning's broadcasting with so many people announced "nothing do with you" on the radio program, why you still say this is your radio program.
My response: Why these people can be invited to this radio program knowing they have nothing to do with the major featured the person of this radio program?

This radio program was created in 2004 by my idea of telling my life story with my audio materials selected from my security tape.

This radio program has been featuring my life true stories since it went on air in 2005.

This radio program is my radio program as long as it is broadcasting.

There were some situations cause disturbance of this radio program's producing which prompt me kept calling law enforcement's help. But illegal activities can not change that fact I have been the major person ever since this radio program was in discussion on July 1st of 2004.

I have been being the major featured person has been the reason audiences have understood all those featured horrible stories were all part of my life stories. This has been the major reason I kept calling law enforcement's help.

I have expressed myself to authority that either this radio program is mine or shutdown. I also expressed myself that this radio program can only shut down after my name honor restored. This may caused all these non-sense stories kept being featured for the purpose "just to extend shit me hours". But if you listen, you do hear a lot of real problem being probed by this radio program. Ya, now you know I have been being honest when I say I am protected by laws.

----Sept 19th, 2017

Heard this was mentioned as similar situation of my inheritance.
My response: That is indeed true statement.

One good example is the fund cause O'Connors' confusion. This is the fund over $300 Billion in size currently without exaggerating. This fund was a small fund before its famous rail road case in early 1900 time but continuously growing since the rail road case.

The outline of why this American Fund is my inheritance:

My grandfather entrusted some money about 600-800 years ago.
This entrusted money setup a British Fund.
This British Fund setup this American Fund about 400 years ago.
British investments in America since its colony time have been acknowledged Lawful investments when America became United States.
This British Fund has been the registered parent fund that 100% owns this American Fund ever since this American Fund was setup.
This American Fund was never no-owner.

This American Fund, about 200 years ago,  had hired an Attorney O'Connor, whose son was the proud first Senator O'Connor, to be this American Fund's representing attorney or its general counselor.
This first Senator O'Connor wrote a letter to eligible himself to run for Senator post.
This is the letter confused O'Connors ever since.

I inherited this British Fund together with all of its owned Child Funds on June 30th, 2004.

Outline of confusions about this fund:

There has been a British Law since 1900 or so that any entrust over 500 years old can be considered as no-owner.
  ---I expressed a couple of days' ago this does not mean this British Fund has to be a no-owner fund just like a missing person announced dead but still alive cannot be executed death according to missing person law.

There had been rumors that this British Fund had declared no-owner in 1901 or so.
 ----I am stating now that this British fund must have been lawfully owned by a parent fund that I inherited on June 30th, 2004 because I did inherited it on June 30th, 2004.

There had been rumors that this American Fund had declared independence around 1900 time.
 ----I just explained that this fund has been acknowledged lawfully owned Child Fund of its British parent Fund, as part of all British Investments acknowledged lawful investments in United States.

----Sept 19th, 2017

Tina O'Connor stated she own this American Fund by facts.
My response: This is a longer story how this happened.

Rumored there was a crazy incidence in 2014 or 2015 that resulted this American Fund's CEO was thrown out onto the street and not allowed to go back to his office. This incidence was followed by this American Fund has a new CEO in a week time and massively laid off staffs.

Rumored crazy incidence was: There were over 100 people in police uniforms swarmed into the this American Fund's office building. There were some patrol cars and hand-cuffs.

Obviously this American Fund's CEO and majority of its staff had no idea what was happening caused a lot of confusion. Rumored there were handcuffs in use to put situation under control.

Rumored some Chinese government officials were presented downstairs in lobby area during the incidence.

O'Connors declared ownership of this American Fund by facts since this CEO thrown-out event.

Rumored there was no 911 call had made on that day regarding this American Fund. Rumored both taking over party as well as CEO's Fund's staff party had called police. Rumored the staff answered CEO's request to call police had called a given local number, not 911.

Rumored some not-local police officers were there to help out shooting a movie. Heard incidence presented police uniforms include all kinds styles since 1960 times' police uniforms.

This American Fund's CEO threw out by any O'Connor is illegal and invalid.
O'Connors DO NOT OWN this American Fund.

There had been only two Mr. O'Connors were General Counselor of this American Fund's Legal Department in this American Fund's history.

There has never an O'Connor being a CEO of this American Fund. This American Fund has been 100% owned by its British parent Fund entire time since this American Fund registered.

I did tipped FBI these rumors I heard.

----Sept 19th, 2017

To make this CEO feel a little better:

Rumored CEO of this American Fund's British Brother Fund had similar experience in 2010 time.

Rumored the attorney who was presented in my inheriting meeting in 2004 had similar experience in 2015 time. (Rumored there was over 100 security-like people swarmed into the office building he worked for caused him threw out onto the street by a technology O'Connor's disliking him.)

I was grabbed and threw out of a Chinese super market in Boston(波士顿平价超市) by the store's security when I was trying to complain to a manager-like in 2015.

----Sept 19th, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

09-18-2017 Who owns "Blue Cross Blue Shield" name and more on similar-s (谁拥有蓝十字蓝盾这个名字及其他一些类似的)

09-18-2017 Who owns "Blue Cross Blue Shield" name and more on similar-s (谁拥有蓝十字蓝盾这个名字及其他一些类似的)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance.(中文附后)
My response: First of all, check who said it is not offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield on the radio. This radio program often use anonymous voice to impress you as if that is authorized. And being audience, you do not know anything other than that is a male voice on a public channel talking about Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance regarding this special insurance plan. Please verify if that is Blue Cross Blue Shield authorized speaks person. Some times this radio program use a employee who is not an insurance plan sales agent or related to say "I do not know", "I did not hear", or even I never heard of", etc.

I provide some more information I heard this morning:
1:Some Insurance Agency offices that also sell Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Plan may be the reason cause confusion, not sure exactly what is the confusion referring here.

2:Heard it is only available to local areas, not sure if that is from some Blue Cross Blue Shield agency offices.

----Sept 18th, 2017

Heard this morning’s request to imply that I can donate to let Blue Insurance to offer this insurance plan.
My response: That is racketeering effort plus bilking effort.

That person is not the person who own Blue Cross Blue Shield name to make this request on Blue’s behave without authorization at all.

And this person’s only intention, most likely, is to demand 20% share of total donation amount as rewarding incentive if this person did racketeering successfully.

The issue currently is those who can afford and willing to pay by their own money, if needed, are trying to find medical insurance coverage information to ease their concern on this matter.

If this is only partially open to public currently, what is wrong to let public know currently is only partial open to critical treatment package. Public just need to know if we are safe. Heard this has been explained on the radio to let public know we are safe.

Why this person or this radio program, so impressively as if, trying to intentionally block this treatment insurance information from public to make this “Donate your Money” demand or “racketeering money” campaign?

----Sept 18th, 2017

Heard some saying this is the effort to raise public awareness of the fact I have my own money.
My response: Why this “paying big money to have my name associate with my own money” is needed?

Who educated public that impossibly I can have any money? Why my own hard making income or my own grandfathers hard making money that I inherited have to be your “charity” to let publicly aware that I can own it, as if that has to be by your permission? 

You do not own my own hard making money, you do not own my own grandfathers entrusts that I inherited, you are not privileged to own U.S. or U.S. laws to make this your “charity”.

----Sept 18th, 2017

Heard a lot of radio program's shits thrown at me are for this same purpose.
My response: I heard that if I ever expect radio program to clean my name honor from "whore, disgusting and fake" or if I can ever be acknowledged a mother by public, I need to pay as those demands that radio program announced in the name of this or that person's deserved.

I refuse those demands all completely. I have been calling law enforcement's help constantly and I am helped ever since I called.

----Sept 18th, 2017

我的回应:首先, 查一下谁在广播上说蓝十字蓝盾保险公司不提供这样的保险。这个广播剧经常用一些无名人士的声音让你以为是什么权威人物在说话。作为一个听众,其实你只是听到了一个男人的声音在公共频道的广播上谈到有关蓝十字蓝盾保险公司及这种保险的话题,广播上没提这个男人是谁。你也并不知道除此以外的其他。请查实这是否是有蓝十字蓝盾保险公司授权的该公司发言人所讲的。有时候这个广播剧会请一个与卖保险无关的该公司其他部门的雇员来上广播说“我不知道”,“我还没听说”甚至“我从来没有听说过”,等等。












是谁在“教育大众“我就是不可能有钱?为什么我自己辛苦挣来的钱以及我所继承的我自己爷爷们辛苦挣来的钱成了在你们的施舍下才可以让大众知道是我所拥有, 好像是必须由你们同意才可以?






Sunday, September 17, 2017

09-17-2017 Some scary break-marriage rumors and Clarification on O'Connors confusions(一些很恐怖的破坏婚姻的传言及对于OConnor家困扰的澄清)

09-17-2017 Some scary break-marriage rumors and Clarification on O'Connors confusions(一些很恐怖的破坏婚姻的传言及对于OConnor家困扰的澄清)

Heard this morning’s message “Stay Calm”(中文附后).
My response: I will stay calm.
----Sept 17th, 2017

Heard some similar horrible rumors about how to break marriage.
My elaboration:

Rumored true background situation:
Wealthy protective husband shares an heir adult married child and marriage to a naïve wife.
A person who works for the husband’s business and in a situation familiar with the wife.

Rumored true account of what happened:
                This person walked to the wife and told the wife that husband expressed the determination to move her out of his residence immediately, and accommodation had already been made. The husband refused to talk to her but left a message “Don’t do this” and expressed he never wanted to see her again. The wife left the house in tears.

                This same person approached to the husband and told the husband that the wife insisted on moving out of his residence immediately, refused to talk to him or leave a message and expressed never want to see him again. The husband came to their familiar home quietly heartbroken.

                In the same night, another female, who never had any romance with the husband but very familiar with the husband in social events, moved into this house by the same person’s arrangement and started to run this house as the housewife.

                The shared married adult child kept comforting both parents with no clue what happened.

----Sept 17th, 2017

Heard this morning also broadcasted a message that I have marriage anxiety.
My response: My current anxiety obviously not caused by marriage, but obviously caused by me being threated of being devoided from who I am including being a mother.  

I cannot even say if I have a marriage because of those announcements, legal or illegal, on the radio expressed nobody intended to only father my children to respect if there is a marriage I want. While at the same time tons of illegal announcements from Radio program to associate me romantically with this or that disgusting males who I never wanted or I never even met or who I never even heard of.

I will stay calm despite all these “Low of the lowest” performances from these “LOW of the LOWEST Disgusting”.

If there is any anxiety reaction from me, it is not from anxiety regarding marriage life. The anxiety is purely from being attacked by illegal and criminal activities.
----Sept 17th, 2017

Heard this morning’s broadcasting of radio company s similar scary rumors in work places.
My elaboration: More rumored information on what happened in the radio company.

Rumored true radio company’s background in the incident:
                A new CEO had been in office for several months, the company’s office building, a human resource staff, and a complete outsider to the company.

Rumored true accountant of what happened:
                One day, the one who is the outsider to the company, accompanied by the human resource staff (the manager in this case who possibly heard rumors about board of directors), walked to several senior managers offices and told each one to leave the company immediately with no further message.

                Everyone packed their own belongings and left the company. No one ever doubted if this is an CEO authorized lay off with CEO’s valid signature.

Rumored scarier story in another company:
                Similar, but one of the person laid off is the human resource staff’s own manager.

----Sept 17th, 2017

More about my inheritance Fund which had caused O’Connors confusion.
My elaboration: The Fund’s massive laid off in 2014 and 2015 were illegal if rumors are true. Rumored both were done by O’Connors decision.

Historical background of O’Connors to this Fund.
First O’Connor, a Mr. O’Connor, ever that have been associated with this Fund was employed by this Fund as an attorney worked for its, Legal Department 200 years ago, not sure hired as an employee or as a contractor.

The son of this O’Connor was the first Senator O’Connor. After this son Mr. O’Connor left the Fund to be the Senator O’Connor, the Fund’s legal department has not been led by any O’Connor. The Fund’s CEO has never been an O’Connor.

Historical background of O’Connors’ agreed-upon-providing.
The agreed-upon-providing was reached after first Senator O’Connor was elected. The amount did grow when there were some contributions, like the rail road contractors, from several generation Senator O’Connors.

Those contributions were not considered interested conflicts political-wise to several generation Senator O’Connors because competitors in each case were from the same investor. All were considered between-Funds competition but not associate with interest conflicts regarding Senator O’Connors.

Those contributions do cause some confusion on business incentive perspective. Generally, business incentive is calculated and paid off one time only but O’Connors negotiated to add extra into agreed-upon-providing yearly after that one-time paid off business incentive. This is the reason of agreed-upon-providing increasing. The Fund’s overseeing party agreed the negotiation to maintain the agreed-upon-providing as its original agreed size equivalent over the years.

Current confusion about this agreed-upon-providing and O’Connors families regarding this Fund.
This Agreed-upon-providing that has been paid once a year in one installment by only one check from the Fund. The check had been entitled to only one bank account that was agreed upon. The O’Connors, upon receiving this check entitled providing, further split this received between them.
O’Connors had been overseeing the Fund as an honorable role ever since the first two generation Attorney O’Connors left the Fund.

O’Connors cannot layoff/fire the CEO of the Fund, O’Connors cannot layoff /fire anyone in Fund’s legal department or any other department.

No O’Connors has ever been privileged to be authorized to layoff/fire the Fund’s CEO.
Ever since first Senator O’Connor took office, No O’Connor can layoff/fire anyone in Fund’s any department as Fund’s General Counselor or representing senior management.

Any layoff/fire from O’Connors’ decision, individually or together, cannot be considered legally effective decision. This should include rumored 2014 and 2015 massive layoffs done by Tina O’Connor.

The Fund, an American Fund, has been supervised by its British Parent Fund.
Attorney Charles Ford is not legally authorized to oversee the Fund.

 Attorney Charles Ford, rumored Attorney O’Connor’s replacement of overseeing the Fund, is not recruited by the Fund or its parent British Fund. The payment to this Attorney Charles Ford has been part of the Attorney O’Connor’s agreed-upon-providing that should have been stopped already.

----Sept 17th, 2017



















