
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

10-31-2018 A dissolved Trust is an unclaimed property or an equivalent to a no owner house

10-31-2018 A dissolved Trust is an unclaimed property or an equivalent to a no owner house

I heard this morning's broadcasting is impressively saying I am a resident of a hostility State, which is after the hostility expressed by the city officials I am a resident of several months ago, all because both believed I have no money of my own but insisted on continuing living on taxpayers' money, and no matter how popular the reality radio program based on my life stories had been, somehow both agreed there should not be my share at all in the money it generated which I called it major featured person fee. This was the story I was told about this morning's broadcasting. And I know for certain Boston's Chinese community has this understanding about who I am. It is rumored this morning's Boston Chinese group are the same year graduates from the same high school (南师大附中) that I graduated from in 1985, not the first similar group broadcasted this similar opinion on this same radio program, nor the only school I graduated from.

Regarding if the major featured person fee should also pay to all these people that had been in stories that associated me with classmates, etc, I know for sure it is all according to the United States laws that regulate reality show's producing, broadcasting and related. I heard the radio company has already communicated all these law-related to all those who are interested to know how much they should get paid because of this radio program's success. Please direct all these confusions and anger to the producing company for explanations.

Regarding the shared true honest understanding among them that I am a useless person to be associated with and it was years ago, I respond with true honesty as well "the same is the vise visa".

The hostility:
Well, I said about killing to de-own a Trust is some group of people's fantasy to get money that I am not willing to give. How exactly is this possible? Is this me exaggerating my situation? Well, if one knows once the beneficiary or beneficiaries are no longer alive would cause a Trust to be de-owned(dissolved) as an unclaimed property or No-owner property, one won't deny what won't be a difference to eliminate a sole beneficiary or the entire beneficiary group when the public killing is propaganda on the public media as "nothing wrong but death executed".

The background: 
In the United States and a lot of Europe countries, a no-owner real estate property can be owned by an occupant even that is the result from a break-in, an unclaimed property can be auctioned to be distributable fund negotiable among government agencies. A company owned by a Trust is an organization equivalent to a property which can generate yearly distributable fund.

The pieces of possible evidence:
Now, do you think I am exaggerating if hearing all these people who don't allow me to spend my own living expenses providing are also the people who tie themselves to be so closely associated to the investments of my Trusts that I claimed? Isn't my intellectual incomes have impressively been understood as "can be owned by refusal to return or the refusal of the continuing payment to be stopped"?

Also, the way how private Assistant Ding's children had tied themselves through broadcasting to F's and R's as the seems-eligible-for-ownership-confusion group. I have accused private assistant Ding may be responsible to my grandparents (both) death when they were both not allowed to spend their own money by private assistant Ding's relatives when they were hospitalized in 1958 and 1965? Those relatives are the producers of this radio program for some time already.

The rumored logic:
The rumored propaganda has been some money-wanter group may throw someone a penny if this someone can help them to get billions. The logic of all this is "who cares about your money after you become a dead body no matter how you express your unwillingness?" which I responded with who cares why you want the money but why it has to be you who own that money and this will be till your death day.

The assumed plan:
So, I assume their plan is "Just do this or that no matter how ridiculous or illegal anyone may complain about, no one can do anything about it because everyone is already well-positioned to ensure so". Well, I say I already complained to the professional law enforcing people even though I don't know if well-positioned also covers them as well. At least, I am still very comfortable to speak up what pisses me off and I am still very comfortable to be quiet.

The further possible reason:
I chose to live in Boston during my anxiety treatment, it is rumored that Massachusetts' anger has been why I did those upgrading in JPM Chase's tech center in Massachusetts which has caused a lot of troubles to Massachusetts. I don't know about any troubles I had caused to Massachusetts by upgrading computer technology for a company, but I understand the confusion is from that fact I did not do anything related to improve banking industry's computer security but all these nobody-needed changes and related confusion that these upgrading made malicious efforts can be customer-ordered.

My answer to this type of confusion is: Banking industry has tons of talented people experienced enough on facilities security that if all these specialty knowledge can be helped by those computer technology upgrading to be applicable on virtue banking facility (internet banking)  as well, I am and I was too green to do more on securing the banking industry's information system facility.

My answer to the related confusion is: the same also applies to anti-malicious efforts.

----October 31st, 2018