
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

10-03-2018 My younger brother is never a beneficiary nor the next kin to any of my Trusts(对我的任何一个信托来说,我弟弟既不是其法定受益人也不是其法定继承亲属)

10-03-2018 My younger brother is never a beneficiary nor the next kin to any of my Trusts(对我的任何一个信托来说,我弟弟既不是其法定受益人也不是其法定继承亲属)

About my younger brother and his marriage. I grew up with him, and I know him to a certain extent. I have complained that he often took whoever as his true boss but shit my parents and me before 2004, it has become as if granted that ever since the rumor since 2004 about his possible sexual relationship with my mother's eldest sister(deceased) who was 10 years older than my mother.(关于我弟弟和他的婚姻。我是和他一起长大的,所以对他有一定的了解。在2004年之前就抱怨过他总是把所有人都当成是他自己的主子,但总是吧我和我父母当成是他的奴才。自从2004年有关他和比我妈妈大了10岁的我妈妈的大姐有可能有性关系的传闻后,这些就似乎成了天经地义。)

When there were some offices in China that rumored set up by this or that person associated with me, a lot of complaints were about how one can be belittled if the one is my associated or my parents' associated anybody. From this moring's broadcasted efforts from the Chinese government to replace me with his wife who mother another man's child, this obviously echo a lot of speculated rumor worldwide hat if I indeed have inherited some Trusts, the Chinese government shit me such publicly on the public media is to rule all those investments in the United States. I have to make my statement here that I am the sole beneficiary person of the Trusts I inherited according to each settler's will, and I have nothing to do with any business investing activities that any of my Trusts have been conducting. I am agreeing it is the lawful rights to whoever refuses to be stepped all over by whoever, in my younger brother's name or in those names related to my younger brother's marriage, to express this refusal as long as local law permit and as strong as local laws permit.(前几年的时候听说中国有一些办公室是这个那个和我有各种传言的人开设的,当时普遍的抱怨就是只要任何人说是那个办公室的或者和我及我的父母是有工作关系的,就统统都成了我弟弟的孙子辈。今天早上的广播更是很明显的是要用他那个传说中已经替一个北京男人生了一个孩子的老婆来取代我的地位。这也印证了世界各地的坊间一直都有的传言,也就是中国政府编造所有这些故事在广播剧上公开播出以公开痛骂我方敏的原因就是要借此霸占我方敏的财产或者至少是可以任意对着我方敏的信托在美国的投资指手画脚的并任意花费的。所以我就说只好在此公开声明:我是我所继承的所有每一个信托的唯一受益人,我和我所继承的所有每一家信托的任何投资经营活动都从来没有任何关系。我同意任何人只要不乐意被人践踏都有法律权力表达拒绝被践踏的意愿,我同意为实现不愿被践踏的目的所采取的表达方式及激烈程度就只要是在当地法律所许可的范围内以不违反当地法律就可以。)

My parents' miserable stories have already been teaching materials to whoever doubts if politeness or endurance can ease the matter. Both of my parents were evicted from their own-bought apartment by a death certificate which means permanently without a roof nor any financial support from the pension or any saving till I heard any news and till I can find my parents, all because of my younger brother's wife's desire to own that apartment, and it is rumored that is the same reason I was only allowed to hear my father's "death in October of 2013" till the apartment was legally transferred to my younger brother's name when I called my younger brother in early 2015. I have heard tons of fights between my parents and my younger brother's marriage about who should own that apartment in its legal registry ever since she married my younger brother. I am currently holding my hope that my parents still alive because I have entrusted my caring for them, and you must have heard all those curses broadcasted from China as well as its government how daring to hope my parents can still be alive. How could I possibly withhold my searings about the Chinese government when it is the government officials who completely ignore my senior parents' tears and the fact my parents should be the same equal Chinese citizens in front of laws?(如果有人认为容让和谦和是可以缓解这份被践踏的压力的,那我亲生父母的悲惨遭遇就已经是这些人所应借鉴的。传言因为我弟弟的老婆希望这房子转到他们夫妻的名字下面可以让她当老婆的有一份安全感,所以我父母两人都是被一纸死亡证给逐出了我父母用自己工资买的那套房子, 也就是说从那时起就可能永远就没有了一个栖身之所,也从此没有了退休金及点滴存款可以买口饭吃,除非我能及时找到他们。而我是在那房子已经转入我弟弟名下之后才于2015年我自己打电话给我弟弟才被允许听说了我父亲“2013年10月已经去世”的消息。自从我弟弟结婚,我就已经听说了我父母和我弟弟夫妻为这房产证应该在谁名下的争执。我现在还在心存希望我父母还在,就因为我办理信托时也一并托付了对他们的照顾,你们也一定听到了广播剧上来自中国以及中国政府的诅咒“居然还敢幻想你父母还活着?”我那有可能不痛骂这一届的中国政府作为所谓的政府职能机构,却居然完全不在乎我父母“死前”都是在中国法律面前平等的中国公民,作为政府机构却居然完全不在乎我父母作为中国公民时流下的眼泪。)

My younger brother may understand his current situation is the price he needs to pay to get to me as well as the wealth. But, I excluded next kin inheriting entirely and he is never a beneficiary by will to any of the Trust I inherited. Also, he is not the person has the capability to help himself to change his current situation if he has any money at all. According to rumors I hear, his current situation is pretty much a publicly humiliated beggar to live one his wife's charity but pay his own money to raise his wife's own child. I currently hold my gift to him, originally sized ¥500Million(exchange rate $1= ¥6-ish), because that may endanger me and possibly my alive parents. And the official reason for this withholding that I listed on my web blog is he is not eligible to the gifting because that is the gift of appreciation to my relatives who have treated me or my father as a relative.(我弟弟有可能是认为他现在的处境是在卧薪尝胆才能有一天可以拿到我所继承的财产。但是,我弟弟从来不是我的所继承任何一家信托按照遗嘱所指定的受益人,我本人也彻底拒绝了我的任何亲属作为我财产的继承人。而他本人就算有钱也不是有能力可依靠自己改善他目前生活状态的人。依据我所听到的传言,他目前的生活状态也就是被公开羞辱是靠他老婆苟且偷生而已但必须花钱养着他老婆和别的男人所生的孩子。我目前是决定扣留我准备送他的原定5亿人民币的礼物(外汇比:1美金=6元多人名币)就是因为给他这钱根本就是给我自己和我父母增加人身安全的危险。我博客上的正式理由就是我的这份礼物是送给把我或者我的父亲当作自己亲人的那些亲眷的以表达感谢的。)

According to rumor, I have been harassed and threatened so much by him and his marriage associated already. According to rumors, my younger brother's wife mothers a child from a Beijing man whose wife mothers four children. According to rumors, one of these four children is from a 2004's military guy Liu, Yuan(刘源) or one of this Liu, Yuan's relatives. Also, this Liu, Yuan has an actress wife who has a director lover and relatives work for the Chinese consulate Chicagoago, etc. All participated in this radio program's public blackmails regarding who I am, I assumed the purpose is to take over the wealth I inherited as you have heard this morning.(根据传言,我已经被他本人一及他的婚姻亲朋骚扰的很离谱了。根据传言,我弟弟的老婆的孩子亲爹是个北京男人,这个北京男人的老婆有四个孩子,其中的一个是2004年传说中的那个名人后裔的军人刘源的或其亲属的孩子。而这个军人刘源,有个当演员的妻子和一个做导演的男人是情侣,这个演员妻子的娘家亲戚还是芝加哥中领馆的。都和这个广播剧的编造制作并公开播出对我方敏的羞辱谩骂有关,我估计就是为了抢夺我所继承的财产吧。)

So, I have to restate here that(所以我再次宣布我的声明:)

I excluded next kin inheriting entirely and my younger brother is never a beneficiary by will to any of the Trust I inherited.(我弟弟从来不是我的所继承任何一家信托按照遗嘱所指定的受益人,我本人也彻底拒绝了我的任何亲属作为我财产的继承人

I am the sole beneficiary person of the Trusts I inherited according to each settler's will, and I have nothing to do with any business investing activities that any of my Trusts have been conducting.我是我所继承的所有每一个信托的唯一受益人,我和我所继承的所有每一家信托的任何投资经营活动都从来没有任何关系。)

Some said, will I be concerned after this morning's broadcasting that my wealth may be withheld to prevent my threating-ability? I say how can my wealth have any threating-ability when my Trusts only have few investments in any country that has the military & public safety which is supported by the entire country to protect anyone on the soil of the country.(有人说,今天早上的广播剧都播成这样了,你还不担心你的钱被以担心你钱太多威胁社会安全为名给扣留了?我说,在每一个有军警的国家,我的信托就只有有限的投资,而该国家的军警是由其全体人民提供的税收财务所支持的,该国家的军警也是有能力保护在其领土上的居民的。我信托的那点投资能有什么威胁?)

----October 3rd, 2018