
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

10-13-2018 This morning's mountain man has enabled a Chinese actress to have a "same size marriage" to the richest Malaysia man (是今天早上播出的那个山上男人让演员胡静以同等财富规模“平嫁”了她的马拉西亚特级富豪丈夫)

10-13-2018 This morning's mountain man has enabled a Chinese actress to have a "same size marriage" to the richest Malaysia man 

This morning's mountain man's story can be very scary if his wife is a 1980PRC style talker.

That mountain man Ford, according to rumors, has once dated a Chinese actress Hu, Jing(演员胡静) for a couple of weeks (even that is "only") is possibly the reason why Hujing(胡静) is the so jealous voice against who he is to all these Chinese rumors or speculations as you heard this morning. Hujing's(胡静) weird understanding that a richest Mr. Rockefeller's underwear payment for a couple of nights can eligible a female to be a Mrs. Ford to a richest Mr. Ford with the understanding of "she is the same rich", is possibly from her own experience of "not married into rich" to a Malaysia richest guy according to rumors.

As Ford's houses keep announcing I have nothing to do with them, it should be my pleasure to imagine how the major Ford Houses would be like currently if they read my blog. Well, Fords are all so happy to listen to a Rockefeller's woman's underwear power because of the huge rich Rockefeller wallet all these time when I have been the victim, well, this is all Fords' good fortune turn to know how rich a Rockefeller's underwear payment can be. This entire time, some Fords' wives have been in the producing efforts to practice their underwear power as well, just not so powerful.

----October 13th, 2018



那个山上的男人福特据说以前和中国大陆的电影演员胡静谈过恋爱(虽然"就只有"一两个星期),但胡静就是听不得华人圈里对这个山上的男人福特究竟是谁的种种传闻,据说闹吃醋闹得很凶, 今天早上就是她。特级富裕的一个洛克菲勒豪迈付给女人的裤裆钱(虽然就只一两次裤裆关系),居然可以让一个什么都不是的女人可以风光嫁给最富的那一个福特当上个福特夫人还居然不是嫁入了豪门,胡静的这种理解,据说是因为她自己的亲身经历,据说胡静自己就是因为和这个山上的福特睡了一两个星期(虽然"就只有"一两个星期),据说拿到的钱就可以让她风风光光的以同等财富规模之资格平嫁给了她那个据说还是马拉西亚特级首富的特级富豪丈夫。

