
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

10-25-2018 The Abnormalities Related to My Romances

10-25-2018 The Abnormalities Related to My Romances

Yesterday, I said in Chinese that rumored biologically real four Chinese British children definitely do not carry my blood. Reason? Well, if you have heard a miserable Shanghai girl died at age of 31years old in the 1970s, you can hear a lot of similarities in those featured broadcasting. Anything she wanted should be her cousins to enjoy or to give-out which including those males who she attracted to. She died with wrenched a heart and all her cousins' hate. In this rumored story, all were because her father set up a sole beneficiary Trust in Hong Kong for her in 1946 when she was only one year's old which conditioned her inheriting should be after she had a lovely birth child of her own. And Albert Gore's famous Chinese romance is rumored this girl's father side fourth cousin, now one won't feel surprised a bit why those four Chinese British children announced as Albert Gore's Chinese romance's first cousin's children yesterday on the public media and why I have publicly accused Albert Gore has robbed me publicly through the radio program's producing efforts.

The most horrible part of this rumor is Albert Gore's Chinese romance's maiden family and some other related families did get good sized money from that Shanghai girl's Trust after her death, because that Trust became a no-owner Trust after that Shanghai girl's death which became Chinese Foreign Department's negotiable with the British government, being her father-side cousins who have worked for Chinese foreign Department, Albert Gore's Chinese romance's maiden family benefited from the negotiation. It was rumored all Shanghai girl's cousins were not eligible for Next Kin inheriting to her Trust because they were the reasons for her early and miserable death. Now you won't feel uncomfortable to say "No wonder it feels like as if everyone is waiting for the Chinese woman Min Fang to be abused to death which has been announced so loudly on the radio, as if nothing should be wrong with it even in such a lawful country like the United States", and all these loud announcements were rumored announced by Albert Gore and his Chinese romance, obviously with the experiences and with the victory hauls. So, I expressed myself to the United States Laws as a citizen to the U.S. that I refuse to be a victim of such possible negotiations between any governments (governing agencies).

I also stated in Chinese yesterday on my blog that I have been really lucky that other than my romance has not been "normal" compared to others, I have been overall well enough which are factually true because I quietly inherited in 2004, my financial providing have been quietly paid-out on time as decided in 2004, and I have quietly enjoyed some of the handsome providings. And I am looking forward to enjoying my living situation changes soon enough, and to meet someone around some corners to get lost in his handsome eyes soon enough. Some would say I should add if I am, a victim or not, in the situation to move on, well, I say I am a polygamist.

Well, if anyone asks how "unnormal" my romances had been, well, the first one would be when I was in China, those males only had shown up only to tell me they had been interested in me and went disappeared immediately to get busy on their own dating if I did not dislike their interesting presentations, and showed up again 10 years later to repeat such interesting presentation and also did repeat the same "disappeared to get busy on dating without my involvement", and have expressed their agonies so loudly when the repetitive same presentations not producing the expected results.

The second would be why Rs' women have been so agitated as if they would be so threatened by me when my biological daughter already publicly announced impressively as (if) carrying F's name so long ago in 2011? Because I am a woman expecting the traditional polygamist male's privileges? but themselves are not the eligibles to have such an illusion.

The third would be those efforts to throw me a left-over male who is the father of some woman's child if not children already, and those efforts to confuse the public if I am even eligible to have a romance at all, etc.

----October 25th, 2018