
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

10-11-2018 About rumored $500,000 daily spending on me && 为什么是我一个人的钱?

10-11-2018 About rumored $500,000 daily spending on me && 为什么是我一个人的钱?

I heard rumor for some time that some R's women so angry that why this Mr. R willing to spend such a big amount on me daily, no matter how I disappreciate this name on my web blog.

Well, first of all, this rumored $500,000 dollars a day spending is the donation to some special program that needs funding support, my name has been associated with this daily donation has been because the donator has been so pissed off about why his name can't get rid of stories with my name in it. So, he donates this $500,000 daily to support that special program with a condition that whoever sees this donation needs to know that I have nothing to do with his family name as well. So, I express myself to that special program's supervision group that I won't complain about truth been told, but no matter how everyone cares about that special program, I can't be a victim of any sort of harassment because of this donation associated.

Also, I heard rumors that the Mr. Senior R has been the subject being complained about for his overspending and so unnecessary spending by his relatives. I heard it is out of the efforts to take some from that donated money and transfer some into their own names. Well, it is purely their family matters that I have nothing do with, I just can't be a victim of harassment as if I am the recipient of that donation.

Another rumor I heard, every David R has heard a rumor that himself is the person who has been spending my $500,000 daily. Well, if together with that rumor of spending $500, 000 daily on me would make this a mutual same-amount spending rumor that nobody needs to do anything about other than being pissed off, right? but why? So, I assumed the "customary" 20% buyer-back 回扣(pron: huikou) related to my $500,000 daily spending rumor is what I should have the panic about where this money would come from?

----October 11th, 2018




2-1: 这句话冷静点的问法就是“为什说那是你的钱?”“为什么那是你一个人的钱而不是方家后人公共的钱?”,确实是所有方家后人一定会问的问题。





2-2: 我所继承的不是“芝麻芝麻开开门”,不是什么海盗藏在某个山洞里的金银珠宝在2004年被发现了我连腰都不弯一下就捡到的钱,而是一直都有人在管理的家里已经去世的老人特意留给我的礼物钱, 从来不是什么不知是谁丢在荒地上的钱袋子被发现了所以只要听说了有钱就都应该分一份的。


2-3: 我曾祖母是自1930年开始就已经寡居,她寡居期间的私人恋爱生活传言是否真实都是与我无关。


