I heard my yesterday's blog article has triggered a lot of discussions if my personal experiences are saying that the United States government sector also has this if Constitutional doubts, well, I heard a lot of very impressive co-operative efforts to abuse me are from those who heard of the big secret that I am announced a State Enemy to the United States since 2007 on the radio program "undercover-ly" which means the audience doesn't know it was me that being announced a State Enemy if not an insider. This entire time, these people have been wondering how long it takes to eventually evict me from the United States or if my complaints are the results of being executed penalties accordingly. I heard the reason I am announced a State Enemy was because of the computer technology upgrading I promoted in JPM Chase between August of 2004- January of 2007. I have a post stating it is ridiculous that this organizational change of computer technology upgrading that happened in JPM Chase was somehow misunderstood as some sort of very destructive political movement, I repost its MBA Force Field analysis table below which listed reasons to change in the column of "Forces drive the change" and what changes I promoted in the column of "To reduce forces resist the changes". The score column represents the change item's priority level in my understanding.
The objective of the JPM Chase's change between 2004-2007 was
To change software developing from the status quo of
"expecting the Business take-in whatever is developed by the technology"
to the new era of
"requesting the technology to develop software exactly as the Business requested or as the Business' customer-order."

About another impressive group, the R names, well, possible related rumors are:
1: The rumor "the mother married to the father at the same time when the daughter married to the son" is possibly the description of how influential the mother is to the father. The mother is one of the "Pejoves" who have been confused about the "Pejoves" Fund company's lawful ownership, plus if the father's $500,000 daily spending is to spend on me or to donate to the special donation program.
I say to the mother please direct your confusion to the "Pejoves" company and the father. It is very annoying to hear so many "hold it" to the money that I lawfully own and am in need to use.
2: The same equal Chinese Yu families have been all around them.
It is rumored that the Chinese Yu families are biologically related to my grandfather's former private assistant Mr. Ding's birth father. I have to say this private assistant Ding is possibly my family's bad luck or even a curse ever since he was hired.
The Chinese Yu clan is
- The same equal to all those confused families including some of Mrs. Rs' maiden names on the confusion of "why the providing has to stop?!", even though the Yu clan got the money by illegally detained my monthly living expenses providing for over 29 years (between July of 1967- Oct. of 1996), while those confused families were because of contributions to those companies' growth.
- The same equal to the British Royals because of the "real birth mother" of the rumored four biologically real British children, which is an un-verifiable but a very respected information nonetheless to all Rs.
- The same equal to the "Duane Reade pharmacist" because they are from the four generations already actress-actor family as well. If I remember it correctly, Mr. "Duane Reade pharmacist" is the legal husband to the mother and the legal birth father to the daughter listed in rumor 1, both mother and daughter are obviously very important to R names.
- The same equal wealthy to R's name because my Trusts' investments in R's family business seems already considered as "effectively taken over already" which can be heard from some Rs' confused anger of "Why all these challenges about the ownership power of R's family business?"
This entire time, I kept on saying I only met one person having the R's name, and the entire world felt with me that I have been chased after by the entire group of R names while I am financially handsomely independent has been at least in my own understanding, what could possibly be the problem?
The problem was rumored because I visited MoMA (a museum) in the big New York City in January and February of 2015, and my visits were seen by some Chinese which sparked the rumor if I had been a lover to its biggest donator, a late Mr. R. But I never heard of the late Mr. R at all which is a certain information to a lot of R names, and the late Mr. R himself certainly never suspected anything such sort of, but his late wife's children have been all very angry about it.
So, I clarify some references: The late Mr. R was the person invested in those movies and Broadway shows that I participated in the discussion on July 1st of 2004. The truth of what happened on that day was he was conducting his own investing business which I had complained as "totally impacted my investment share in those opportunities" since I heard of his name in this year of 2018. And that was all.
----October 28th, 2018