
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, October 1, 2018

10-01-2018 Speaking in a totally different language (对牛弹琴)

10-01-2018 Speaking in a totally different language (对牛弹琴)

I have this urgent pressure that I have to go to a law school because I have this horrible experience that I poured out everything I know which so acknowledged by so many people as "full of information" but responded by law representative as "no valuable information". There are so many doubts in so many people after they heard of my story that if this is a so corrupted country already, the comfort is there are also a lot of law people agree my story is so informational and so verifiable. The reason: these agreeable law people are investigators, the no-valuable-information law representatives are attorneys. So, I decided I am going to law school.

I need to learn attorneys' language to understand my representing attorneys, this is inspired by the fact I finally can speak in the language that an MBA graduated can understand. Attorneys' profession is waiting for me to provide information to answer my question, the investigators' profession specialized in finding information themselves as long as I can provide some clues. My frustration is I don't speak attorneys' language to know what information is what attorneys would expect.

I am lucky I can speak three professional languages now. Such as, my blog article about JPMChase is very understandable to a computer person by taking a look at a table published in that article, to an MBA graduated after reading my account of what happened, but remains a huge puzzle of "why the change is so phenomenal, is that a political movement?" to a lot. The new cancer technology is the same, it is so easy to a lot of medical background people by looking at the table at the bottom of that article. I kept it that way to save it to those who really would read through this article ignoring the fact I am new to English writing.

Following are some examples of speaking in a totally different language:

I keep saying I was at my green card application representing attorney's office when I attended 2004's teleconferences, and I heard later that I inherited this and that. The attorneys' common reaction is: "You don't have an inheriting by heard of it."
  • So, I learned to rephrase it as: I went to this attorney's office at this address with my driver license on me to attend these 2004's teleconferences with this attorney's accompany the entire time, this attorney's office has the full collection of my valid identification legal documents.

Attorneys kept asking me "where is your Trust registered if you did inherit a Trust, the setup date or the Trustee information, etc.". I kept on politely clarifying I don't encourage to find out where the Trust is because of too much harassment already, and I have already provided all the references I know of. Attorneys' common reaction is "I can't help you."
  • So, I learned to wait for my entrusting attorneys and provide information as much as I could to law representatives for inquiry purpose, because all I try to do is an inquiry on my living expenses that already paid-out by the Trust. If I can rephrase my inquiry to help myself? I probably need to learn that from a law school.
The anger why I kept on spending from this or that person's family wealth's business investment.
  • I learned to call this or that person a confused person, and learned I am a beneficiary of some Trusts is precisely the reason I have no idea what is the confusion. 
  • So, I say please don't disrupt any of my already paid-in-full services, and please direct any or all the questions to the paying company that has caused this spending confusion. All these store credit cards (store gift cards), as you heard in this morning's broadcasting, are paid-in-full services to my exclusive usage which have been arranged by my entrusting group, please do not harass these stores who are not the paying company but the service provider.
  • All I can help is to say please check if it is the same company by checking the registration license number that is printed on the license, it is the same as the motor vehicle's plate number or title number which can identify a car from all the cars even if all made by the same maker in the same year and registered at the same address.
The anger from China on why I put money into my own wallet.(来自中国的一片愤怒“凭什么把钱放进你自己的钱包。”)
  • I learned to ask "what money, what amount, why I shouldn't". So, I ask please consult laws if you can read in Chinese before accusing me such. I say to private assistant Ding's biological family and associated: "Private assistant Ding is a dead body, the same as Amei Mao, and Zhiren Fang. Good or bad, they are all dead now. Now is already 2018, Amei Mao's vagina is not in-tasting by any of your mouths, Amei Mao's blood is not running in any of your veins. Amei Mao is truly my birth grandmother but I refuse to acknowledge your kind anything other than the disgusting low cast.(我学会了追问“什么钱,多少钱,为什么我不应该把这笔钱放进我自己的钱包?”所以,我说你们要是认识中文,请先参阅中国的相关法律,再提出你们的指责。我对丁姓私人助理的亲朋家人说:“丁姓私人助理已经和方智仁毛阿妹一样都是死人了,有感情没感情都是已经在阎王爷那里了。现在是2018年,毛阿妹的卵巢入口没在你们家任何一个人的嘴里舔着,毛阿妹的血也没在你们家任何一个人的身上流着,我方敏认毛阿妹是我的亲生奶奶,可我就是不认你们这群下三烂什么都不是的脏货。”)

----October 1st, 2004

I heard the arguments in this morning's broadcasting is all about if I should have money, one group is arguing they have heard the demand from "the people", the other group is responding that law enforcing efforts concentrate on enforcing currently already existing laws. So, I figured one group must be the political group, the other group must be the government group.

  • In the United States, the political group listens to the American "We the people" and to respond by making laws to protect the interest of "We the people". If "We the people" disagree on how the political group understands "We the people", "We the people" can demand to vote if a new law should be passed. 
  • The government group enforces existing laws that already made by the political group. If "We the people" disagree on how the government group understands the existing laws, the supreme court is the authority to explain existing laws that already made by the political group.
*"We the people" is from the U.S. Constitution.

----October 1st, 2004