
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, October 29, 2018

10-29-2018 Trust Entity, Trust Inheriting and No-Owner Trust

10-29-2018 Trust Entity, Trust Inheriting and No-Owner Trust 

Li's Family Trust company in Hong Kong, a lot of times, I am asked if this is the company created by the Trust my grandfather set up for me in 1948? I heard it is confirmed as "there are at least 6 such companies created by a Li's Trust that set up in the 1940s are now operating their business in the Hong Kong area, which company?"

I heard, in this morning's broadcasting, both my great-grandmother and my grandfather had named each's Trust set up for me as Li's (Family) Trust (李氏(李家)信托). So, I am associated with two of such companies, I heard my grandfather's is the biggest one, both as the sole beneficiary person. I heard my great-grandmother had conditioned my inheriting to provide my father a living as he desires which proved to be my full-heart pleasure before I heard of this Trust, which was the reason I quietly inherited it (1941 with 60,000 Dayang) without the reading. (I also heard the real truth is no such condition at all from my great-grandmother.)

Well,  with all these sole-beneficiary Trust-inheriting, what will happen if a situation does happen but no next-kin inheriting as well according to my own will? I expressed my own willingness as "No-owner is not an option either" in a will-letter to the U.S laws. What this means? It means I am free from the horrifying rumor of "government agency(agencies) can conduct murder to de-own a Trust in order to get some money". It means it is according to my will that no any government nor any organization can own any money from any of my Trusts as no-owner wealth if a situation happens.

So, how will I provide for my father who is a book-nuts to my great-grandmother, to satisfy my great-grandmother's wish to let him live happily in his desired way? Good health insurance, comfortable living as I have already provided since 2004. I was complained about not emphasizing it is my father side grandfathers' blessing that I am providing for my parents, and I am willing to stress that but not knowing how yet. My father is not the person can handle financial stress which I heard is the opinion I share with my great-grandmother. So, my thoughts are to lower my mother's dress-providing level to the degree that is a match for their 10 years age difference in their appearances. (My father already earned his allowance difference with my mother which is much higher as a retired Science Academy scientist versus a retired level 1 accountant).

Also, about sayings how I disrespect my grandmother. It is nonsense to say so. She was my grandmother no matter what marriage issue my grandfather complained.  I heard my grandfather died with a broken heart by such news at his deathbed that three out of her four children are not even my grandfather's blood, which already says what situation I have to deal. I do what is necessary to clarify that, my Trust inheriting, and my relative-gifting to my father's siblings, both have nothing to do with such rumors. And I state here that I heard private assistant Ding was the only affair my grandmother had which was 8-9 years after she already had been sharing four children with my grandfather. It was my grandmother who confused my father's young age siblings about their blood. I never disrespected my grandmother.

----October 29th, 2018