
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, November 1, 2018

11-01-2018 Why Chinese community is so daring? 以及致所有和我同届毕业的一封信

11-01-2018 Why Chinese community is so daring? 以及致所有和我同届毕业的一封信

Why the Chinese community is so daring?  Is it only the Chinese community in the United States so daring to use computer technology to prevent any money transfer to me even if it is from the United States Social Security Administration? I heard this determination is what announced in this morning's broadcasting.

I graduated from a prestigious high school in Jiangsu province which, of course, a lot of shining prominent stars should be expected, I just don't know why it is everyone's efforts from that school to kill me because I dare to say I have inherited rich money which should not be allowed, and if I can't be stopped to keep saying so, I have to be killed in order to prevent me saying I have inherited rich money lawfully. Why is this?

I heard all these frustrations expressed by those same year classmates, or same year graduated are all about I can't claim other people's money, but have they heard the explanations given so loudly that money ownership by law is the reason I have rich money lawfully?

美国康州Bridgeport University1999届或2000届毕业生,



1: 1996年,我通过傅萍所购的来美国的飞机票往返票价是1万元人民币(在美国所退的回程票价是200美金), 据说是刘凯建议,已经不是朋友(如我误解,请纠正)。刘凯1996年所借出的3000元人民币,我通过我父亲在1997年还了4500元人民币。



