
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

10-16-2018 伟哥的智慧产权 (Viagra's Intellectual Income confusion)

10-16-2018 伟哥的智慧产权 (Viagra's Intellectual Income confusion)

听说了今天早上伟哥的智慧产权的“Done deal"让很多华人不太明白,也听说了今天早上已经提到,是付款的药业公司和真正收到钱的人做的“就这样了”这句中文翻译造成的困扰。我也就只做一个小小的解读提示:这两个人中间还有个一个因为智慧产权人员收款手续不完备而无法向智慧产权人员付款的律师公司,该律师公司不知为何却把钱给了这个今天早上提到的真正收到钱的人,所以这两个“就这样了”,不一定是同一个具体细节。(About "done deal" this morning, I heard it was from both recipient of the money and evaluating management. So, the decoding reference is: there is a law firm got stuck in between who supposed to hold this money till the confusion resolved, but somehow this law firm gave this money to this morning's recipient instead is the argument. So, the "done deal" may not mean the same meaning. )

我听着这事情的经过大概是:药业公司因为某些原因无法寄出该智慧产权的通知领取函(挂号信),或者因为某些原因该挂号信寄出后,智慧产权人员没有收到,该律师公司因为没有收到应由药业公司给与的该通知领取函的挂号信回执而无法确定付款手续是否完备,所以不能付款,是造成目前状态的原因。(From what I gathered, either the company can't mail out the certified letter for some reason, or the mailed out letter has not been received, that the law firm has not received the certified letter receipt from the company is the reason that the law firm can't start the paying process which is the confusion that needs to be resolved.)

----October 16th, 2018